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Posts posted by default_

  1. I seriously hope they will NEVER play shacklers, the songs from CD they're playing still have some sort of GNR feeling to it at some point but songs like shacklers? No. FUCKING NO. 
    I don't have a good opinion on the song Chinese Democracy either but, well, this isnt going away anytime soon I guess. 

    Street of Dreams would be fantastique tho, it has a whole Illusions feeling, great song. 

    I dont see they playing any non GNR song. Chinese Democracy may be an "Axl solo album" but it was released under the GNR brand, sold ok and the album believe it or not, has a lot of fans, i think its just a brand issue, but I don't see Axl singing Slither or any song from the other guys, even after soundchecks and stuff. 

  2. 4 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

    I bet the mad Brazilians prefer Nugnr haha. Don't forget that this was the one place Nugnr could play big venues.

    As a Brazilian that went to most of their concerts here I must say this isnt entirely false, but not because they have a preference, but because most of the attendees of a GNR concert in Brazil are casuals who have no fuckin clue about what happned to the band. They enjoy the show just for what it is and in their head everything is fuckin okay. 

    Countless times I've seen people askin "where is the top hat guy" and stuff like that, they have no clue. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Babooshka said:

    Why are they so big in SA anyway?

    For Brazil its just because the lack of major acts during the first time they came here... Everyone that toured Brazil around that period has become legends among some fanbases and the general public, GUNS N' ROSES had songs featured on soap operas and most of the popular stuff going on TV at the time. 
    There are loads of bands that play club gigs in most parts of the world that still comes here to this day and have a 20k audience, its insane. 

    Something similar happened to THE DEAD DAISIES during their 2015 tour in Cuba, they felt like gods over there, theres even a little documentary:


  4. 4 hours ago, BOSSY78 said:

    Some forget that he couldn't play much of the material.

    We might want to break out Stevens interviews right before reunion announced, he said many times Duff doesn't think he's a good drummer.


    Now again this was all Stevens words. And perhaps drugs played a huge part in why he couldn't evolve his drumming, but not even a year ago Steven at least thought, assumed or something they didn't like his drumming. I believe he even said Slash won't hang out with him.


    It was great being there and him playing a few songs. Stevens awesome but I don't see him back full time. It's risky for them all.

    They all seemed to enjoy having him there.


    The guy is a drummer and can play everything GNR released if he wants to, GNR isnt hard to play even for beginners. The main issue other members had with him was because of drug abuse that went so far that affected his senses and playing. 

    This is "just" rock n' roll, there isnt need for a fucking machinegun drumming playing lightspeed like all these whatever metal bands have these days.  

  5. Some people seem to forget that most of the Illusions material already existed prior the recordings.

    Gosh, Steven even started to record the album with Civil War, there are dozens of demos or live versions of pretty much every song on Illusions with Steven on it.

    The guy probably doesnt need to learn anything because he created most of that shit, Matt just made his own arrangements.

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