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default_ last won the day on May 22 2019

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  1. The problem isnt the use of AI really, the problem is the use of cheap AI. They couldve done better with the use of professional AI, instead they took the cheap one and did a really bad video of it. Any of us could actually do a video like this anytime and without any previous video editing knowledge. Its cheap, and being cheap isnt the problem, the problem is it really looks bad.
  2. I believe had they really released it as The General and Monsters it could be viewed another way, but The General alone was a really bad choice, the song is bland and goes nowhere, its like a straight line. Monsters at least had somewhat of a catchy melody that would allow the masses to enjoy it. Forum people like us are biased and irrelevant in the grand scheme.
  3. So, Ive said they have no professional doing their art and got bombed, here it is…. told ya 🤡
  4. Personally I wouldnt care if they dump Atlas, I find it utterly boring, total lack of balls.
  5. Nah, artwork for Absurd and Perhaps are terribly designed too, so its a pattern unfortunately.
  6. Its not really about the concept, but the design choices, they clearly dont have a professional doing their artwork aside, maybe, for Hardschool, that was better designed.
  7. Yeah, i can get people enjoying it but as an art director I cant handle their recent artwork. They all look sooo cheap.
  8. Holy fuck it looks terrible. How can a band this big with a lot of GREAT artists working on their lithos are unable to do a decent cover art is beyond me lol Looks amateur at best, the use of the effects seems like someone who just started learning photoshop on youtube.
  9. I feel fool for still follow them, imagine how I feel having the huge collection I have lol but it is what it is.
  10. Yeah, I even tried to shift the pitch a little to get more low gains and mix it with the original but the result was almost the same once mixed with the instrumental tracks. They ruined a great track with this.
  11. Yeah, i tried to fix axl vocals but it is SO thin and weak that it didnt work. It always end up muffled in the mix even with a lot of lows added. Maybe Ill try some AI that turn the vocals into 90s Axl 🤣
  12. So, theres already a great version of this someone posted here a week ago but I just had the time to play with the stems and finished the hardskool mix with Josh I started and didnt finish. If anyones interested here it goes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VUTKPkLGmfZrbVRQhbWy-u6udHi_7hd_/view?usp=drive_link
  13. Yeah, ive seen Richie recently and he still does a great job.
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