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Posts posted by Mandy123

  1. 15 hours ago, SerenityScorp said:

    I wonder if They call Axl, Uncle Axl too

    I would assume no. This tour is probably the only time Duff's kids have ever been around him for any period of time (or maybe even the first time ever)


  2. 1 hour ago, tsinindy said:

    Look, can we end the discussion on this being a hint at something please.  It certainly may be, but it more than likely is not.  All bands do this at the end of shows...or tours bc it is appealing.

    example Pearl Jam played here at Deer Creek in May, 2010.  Last time before that was 2003.

    At the end of the show Eddie Vedder said thanks you're great, blah blah blah and ended by saying, "I promise it won't take us 7 years to get back here and play for you guys again".  Well it's been a little over 6 and there's no show in sight.  

    This is what bands do bc it sounds good, but it doesn't necessarily mean shit.

    hence my "I'd LIKE to think". Not maybe or hope, just a "hey, it'd be cool if it meant this". 

    And who knows. 

  3. 11 minutes ago, Lumikki said:



    And Axl will look like this as well, because Duff is going to make him and Slash exercise until all the pizza and sandwhiches are burned off.

    (I realize Axl is more likely high on god knows what in that picture, rather than exhausted, but it works.

    Also does anyone know what is actually going on in that picture??? I've always wondered...)

    This was at that Storage space on Gardner. They had no PA system for Axl, so they'd scream in each other's ears during rehearsal to get things across. Both Duff and Slash said in their books that normally they couldn't hear Axl singing during rehearsals, so sometimes they'd hear songs for the 1st time with the lyrics on stage. 

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  4. OT but I just have to tell you ladies that it is imperative that whomever you marry truly understand your gnr love 

    last night my phone decided to go heywire and in order to even open it again, we had to completely reboot/erase the data. I was a hot mess, crying over all my stuff. My hubby was like "but you have all the good pictures of the kids on facebook and stuff right" and I was like "yeah, but my album of Duff pictures :cry: " (sort of joking, sort of not) and he didn't even miss a beat. He said (while patting my back hahaha) "I'm sure you can find those again" :rofl-lol:

    Luckily for me, while I lost all contacts and apps, my pictures weren't touched. Neither was my music, since I was able to put "Kill The Internet" back as my ringtone - which is awesomely ironic, I know, considering he literally says to put your phone down in the song. 

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  5. 8 hours ago, Slash787 said:

    What Gadgets do they own, that would be a nice question, which phones they have, which laptops they have? 


    Well we know Duff has a blackberry :awesomeface: (and has a motorcycle to go along with the what do they drive question)

    I'd want to ask them if they still have their more famous outfits they wore back in the day, what GnR memorabilia they display in their house...and the most important one - who did Duff's black streaks in his hair :P

    (I suck at this, those are obviously all GnR related questions)  

  6. 10 minutes ago, Slash787 said:

    Well its time to have a sex change then?

    I still don't get this? Slash has a gf, Duff has a wife, Fortus is also married, Frank also has a gf, Steven is married too, then all these models for Axl? 

    What have these models done to get free tickets? 

    Some of us here are hardcore GNR fans, we deserve to get free tickets, there are so many fans who save for months, travel from different countries just to see the band. 

    What is so "Cool" about these models? Just send them directly to Axl's hotel room? 

    Maybe because of it being filmed? Gotta have all the hottest "fans" on their dvd  :rofl-lol:


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