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Posts posted by Mandy123

  1. 54 minutes ago, Frey said:

    @Mandy123 Found it:

    And then there's Duff. Don't forget Duff. Duff is still having a hard time getting noticed. He is a gentle, silly and delightful man, even when he is drunk, which nowadays seems most of the morning and most of the afternoon and a good part of every evening. Duff is having a hard time with life on the road. He is, frankly, getting sick and tired of fans who come up to him and, rather than fall all over him, ask, "Where's Axl?" Duffs wife, Linda, recently got him a tshirt that reads: 'No, I don't know where Axl is!'

    Duff wishes Linda could be with him more often. He is 28 years old, and the fits of loneliness are starting to become fits of terror. "A lot of nights I wake up, and I'm, like, where am I, what city, and you run to the window and look out and try to figure it all out," he says. "You actually forget who you are. It's, like, I am completely blank. I end up a lot of times just sitting on my bed, and I'll find tears start coming out of my eyes and my heart is just aching. It's, like, please let there be another show soon. It's, like, can you get the next shot of insulin."

    Pretty depressing actually. Did he ever wear that shirt?




    omg! that breaks my heart :cry: I hate that they all just seemed so miserable/sad there at the end.

    I've never seen a pic of him in that shirt! In hindsight, it's probably good Linda didn't join him as much, since she was his "party wife". Would have just been one more person he was getting fucked up with. 

  2. @Andy14 thanks for giving me a good dose of Duff! Yummy yum yum.

    Those videos were HILARIOUS. Bookmarked the youtube page so I can spend a night just watching them all. 

    One of my fav Duff gifs. I told my husband to just play it on loop at my funeral lol. You just get hypnotized :wow:



  3. 51 minutes ago, Lumikki said:


    Other intriguing findings about Duff McKagan: He detests being called a rock star and threatens to "fucking strangle'' the next person who does so. A musician's musician, he's working on a solo album on which he plays every instrument. He's the true-blue type when it comes to women. ("I was married on our last tour, and I never cheated once," McKagan says. "I guess that makes me a schmuck.") Despite a divorce that left him smarting, he still longs to meet Mrs. Right ("She'll be the happiest woman in the world, goddamn it!")



    about to go back and watch all the videos, but had to comment on this.

    AWWWWW DUFFFFF! :wub: Such a sweetie pie, even during his "dark days". I wonder if calling himself a "schmuck" means that Mandy cheated on him while he was on tour? He was super respectful in his book and never gave much detail about WHY they divorced, other than drifting apart. Well, besides kicking her out on Christmas Day (and keeping the dog :takethat:)

  4. 1 hour ago, EvanG said:

    But you also have to be realistic... he's the bassplayer. In rock that's not exactly the most popular instrument or the member that stands most in the spotlight. I'm not saying the bass isn't important, but the rock genre is mainly driven by guitars and drums. And on top of that, he wasn't the most important key member in the songwriting process either, so it's understandable that for a lot of people it's all about Slash and Axl because of the role they play in the band. Personally Duff was always my favourite, but I understand why the bassplayer in most rockbands are overlooked. 

    lol I try to be realistic, but I'm also self aware enough to know I'm completely biased when it comes to Duff. :P Like I have one of those picture key chains but instead of pics of my kids, I have two pics of Duff, front and back. It's bad ya'll. Everytime I hand someone my car keys they are like "um?" lol. So it'll never be a "he's just the bass player" situation for me. No he wasn't cranking out all the lyrics but he was definitely a participant. Enough that they all got in arguments about who wrote what and ended up having to just split it 5 ways (or 4 ways plus Steven since I think he got less than everyone else). 

  5. I'm the (self proclaimed) biggest Duff fan ever, so yeah it gets a little frustrating sometimes. People will have awesomely detailed reviews over the show they've seen about axl and slash and then Duff will get a "and Duff was Duff" or "Duff was on point as usual" as that's it. I mean, I guess it's great he's just going out there and killing it every night and there's really nothing else to discuss, but damn, I'd like to hear some stories of something he did that was cool or a moment where he really shined. 

    I also get confused when people say he's not a great bass player. How?? I always think of that video of him saying that Slash actually made him a better bass player because in a lot of songs he plays the exact same thing as Slash before veering off into his own bass lines. He's not just a great bass player, but an overall awesome musician who can play basically everything. He's also left handed and taught himself to play with his right - not that that means anything or super rare, I just think it's sort of cool.

    I've also noticed he's playing a few songs without a pick too. I love the sound he makes with the pick but I know that's something people have "used against him" before. I know he's not been using one during Don't Cry. Any other's people have noticed? 



    • Like 3
  6. 16 minutes ago, smoking guns said:

    Her and her friend were excited to meet Izzy and she was kind of bouncing up and down and he told her to stop bouncing lol. She said he was glued to Duff... Maybe Duff was being extra nice since Izzy was being cold?!? I will dig more. 

    In his defense, I would have been glued to Duff too :P

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, sanity_lost said:

    Eh... I think Duff's way is probably healthier (though he is a bit of an exercise nut). Steven look like a stick in the arms. Exercise and eating the right things is more important than just eating things (this is on the assumption that Steven is only doing his vegetarian diet and not doing weights and cardio- some people just can't build muscle so really, who knows?)

    (oh god, I commented on this stuff... what are you people doing to me?)

    In Duff's book he hits on his "addictive personality" and said he just traded one addiction (coke and alcohol) for another (working out). Like 2 or 3 times a DAY he was in the gym. I think he's calmed down a little bit but his work out routine in "How To Be  A Man" was not for people just starting out. I got tired just reading it lol 

  8. 56 minutes ago, Slash787 said:

    No beer for Duff, only that lemon aide or something in the middle for him. It would be hard for him to control, but well done Duff!

    that's the 1st thing I zeroed in on, like "ok, duff's is that soft drink looking one"

    He just celebrated 22 years of sobriety back in May, I'm sure he's fine to be around it now, but still the mama bear comes out in me and I wanna be like "ya'll just wait and drink that after he leaves!" :lol:

  9. 3 minutes ago, j_rod24 said:

    Yes you can take cell phones into the stadium. Come on.


    my FIL is a manager at Gibson in Nashville and any time a big act comes through that has someone that plays Gibson they come and walk through the plant. They're currently making two new white Thunderbirds for Slash. They thought he would come by today but apparently he opted to go to the Nashville Zoo and see a couple of snakes he donated years ago to see "if they would remember" him instead.



    that just made my day lol 

  10. 10 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    Omg, that first picture, I can't help noticing that he has a bit of a bulge going on in the jeans. It might be the shading of them, but..well, my mind doesn't work like that :lol:

    I bet it's just me lol 

    I can assure you that it's not just you lmao :wow:

    • Like 1
  11. Awww Duff :heart:


    KC was also supposed to be stormy and raining up until the day of and suddenly it just all went away and the weather was PERFECT that night. Rain even held off the next day (and it had been like up to 1-2 inches of rain suspected) so we could get in some zip lining. Thank you GnR Gods :P

  12. 23 minutes ago, GibsonLP said:

    And Slash has an implanted defibrillator from alcohol abuse... Duff's pancreas exploded.... What's the difference?

    Duff's been sober 20+ years and Slash 10+. Last I heard, Steven was still counting in months. Which is awesome for him and I hope this time is the one that sticks. But it's understandable that people are amazed/shocked that he's still got it. 

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