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Posts posted by Darkenchantress

  1. As I said he moves damn fine to me. Maybe cause I always prefered this style of frontman/singer/whatever with his guitar than a "proper" frontman putting a show for the audience (I'm one of those that would have loved Velvet Revolver with Izzy instead of Scott). I'm afraid is just a matter of personal taste. I kinda like his awkwardness I can't picture Izzy running around, in fact, when I watch old vids of Hollywood Rose and that stuff I find it weird (and very amusing) to see him move so much :lol:

  2. 8 minutes ago, Modano09 said:

    The point is Duff and Slash retained some interest in the GNR name. Izzy didn't. That was Izzy's choice. He washed his hands of GNR 26 years ago and now that he sees money in it, he wants back in. 

    There was money in it (actually a lot)  also when he left, and he left anyways, I don't think money alone is the reason why he is not back this time, to be honest.

    • Like 2
  3. 56 minutes ago, Oldest Goat said:

    Someone who has twitter just ask Izzy directly if he wanted equal pay for playing with GNR fulltime or if he only wanted to do guest spots. Also, ask if he would write with them.

    kthanksbye :headbang:

    I think we have a bigger chance of being struck by lightning than we have of Izzy answering to us. Sometimes I wish he was more like Norman Reedus. Dude answers everyone, follows his fans and talks to them via DM, but then I remember that we love Izzy the way he is :lol:

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, ludurigan said:

    i am sure that its safe to assume that if izzy wanted a equal part then what was discussed was full involvement

    which probably means that he would either replace that richard dude

    or he would play all the shows, full-time, (even if that Richard dude was still on board)

    I agree. The issue here is probably Izzy wanted a full time original five reunion and the rest didn't as it's been rumored. It has been posted here an interview from years ago where Axl said he'd be up to a reunion with Duff and Slash but not counting on Steven and Izzy so it's very possible. Sorry but I just don't think Izzy to be such a fool to want an equal payment if he was gonna play only 2-3 songs for show. Just no. 

    • Like 2
  5. 40 minutes ago, lalaland said:

     If he had cared about money, he wouldn't have leave in the first place, no? 

    This is what I've been saying from the beginning. It doesn't make sense that a person who left the "biggest band in the world" on its peak is moved so much for the money. I still think Izzy's issue is more about recognition than money and I'll stick to that until proven otherwise. It just doesn't make sense to me the other way. :shrugs:

    • Like 1
  6. Where does it come from the whole "Izzy doesn't like touring" anyway? Cause I recall him saying somewhere he doesn't know what is about it. I mean, he left the band to keep his mental sanity on the first place. I guess is fucking difficult to stay sane with all those drugs around when you just quit, he was fed up with Axl's lateness and stupid thematic parties that costed too much (Slash says this on his bio too), that doesn't mean he didn't like touring, he just didn't like touring that way. He toured with the Jujus around the world with apparently no problem. Now, 25 years later, no drugs involved apparently, all of them being old respectable married/settled men (lol) don't you think he might maybe be able to do a tour? It's not like a marathon. And that quote of him saying he needed several weeks to recover and so on, well, fuck it, it takes me one week to recover from a long busy weekend, I don't really think that means anything.

  7. 30 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:


    I had Believe in Me on cassette and chucked it in the bin just recently. It is rancid, completely unlistenable.

    His second album, the one he had difficulties with Geffen, is actually rather good. ''Hope'' is a little masterpiece.

    Never heard a note of Loaded  I'm ashamed to say.

    I saw Duff with Loaded live in a summer fest here in Spain back in 2002 and it was awesome, I hadn't listened to any of his stuff before but I wanted to see him because, you know, Guns n roses but it was a nice surprise. And he was super cool to the people too. Can't say the same about most of the audience though, it kinda sucked.

    19 minutes ago, Gackt said:

    I'm surprised how many votes Juju Hounds got, it's a CD I've had stashed away for years because it didn't impress me much at the time but maybe I'll have to give it another chance

    The Jujus album has the virtue of aging so fucking well. I like it more everytime i listen to it. Give it another try, it might surprise you.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Nikki_Sixx said:

    I wouldn't and I'm not.

    It's all or nothing.

    To each his own.

    This is a very valid opinion I don't know why people are making such a big deal out of it. As you said, to each their own. I love Izzy and I'm probably gonna see GnR if they come to Europe without him anyway but it will not be the same, not for me and that's as respectable as an opinion as the ones who think this is enough. The prices though, ugh, I think Izzy used the word "loot" very properly in this case ;)

  9. 1 minute ago, Asia said:

    I don't intend to diminish his contributions but you are seriously overestimating them. He offered us appetite, really? You're trying to say the record would be the same without Axl and Slash? That's ridiculous. He offered us one fifth of appetite and one fifth of GNR, well at best you can say one third as Steven and Duff added less to the songwriting, but no less and no more. Izzy himself didn't create neither this band nor it's music.

    Please tell me where did I say that Izzy alone created Guns n roses or AFD. Seriously, as I said clearly on my post I was talking about "his contributions" to the band, something that neither Fortus or Gilby did. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, Pink Rose said:



    LOL!  He just wrote all the songs that Richard and Gilby play.

    I just don't get those comments. Ok, it's their right not to miss Izzy but why try to reduce the importance of his contributions to the band that are way obvious? It's absurd. He "offered" us Appetite for destruction to begin with. Well, actually he offered us Guns n roses first, but you see, that's not important, Gilby or Fortus could have done that too.

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