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Ace Nova

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Status Updates posted by Ace Nova

  1. Damn it, Subsy took my line...anyway, here's another....I think Pink!


  2. Grazie...lol....buona sera...ciao!

  3. We did it baby!!!! YEAH!!!! GO PHILLIES!!!!




  4. How about them Phillies!!!! Tonight is the night, baby!!! 1st major championship for Philadelphia in over 25 years!!! Go Phillies!! Go Cole Hamels!!!

  5. Yeah, I think he was just trying to get some attention.

  6. Love that smile. :)

  7. Nice new pic. I'm in Italy now....I love it over here, I don't want to go back...only 3 days left!

  8. Dude, we need to have a G N' R mafia annual thread convention...or something...just for shits and giggles...

  9. Well, you know, getting by, I guess. I broke up with my GF 2 months ago and I just quit my job. Other than that, great...lol...actually, I'm going to Italy on Friday for 10 days, really excited about it. I have a lot of family over there, I haven't been there since 1999. And I have another job lined up for when I get back, so I'll be fine!

  10. What's up, stranger, haven't heard from you in a while...hope everything is well! Go Penn State Nittany Lions, they're 5-0, ranked #6 in the country. WE ARE, PENN STATE!!! lol

  11. I like your new pic....you're drop dead gorgeous!

  12. lol....no worries...anytime you need advice, feel free to ask...lol...I'm not rich by the way, upper middle class...and I work for every dime of it....:)

  13. You damn sociopath!!!

    :lol: J/K

    You know I love ya....:lol:

  14. What's up sexy....you know, you can give your man at least a 5 minute break when your posting.


  15. Thanks, much appreciated....5 Stars.

  16. No worries....lol...

    that's what I figured...Yes, I love my son...I only get to see him twice a week b/c me & my ex have had a nasty split...but hopefully that will change in the future....thanks again! 5 stars!

  17. Nice outfit.


  18. That's better - I added you too! Let the flirting begin!!


  19. How are we ever gonna get it on if I'm not even on your friends list??

    lol....you've got half the forum listed as friends and you don't have the King???


  20. Thanks!! Glad to be back!!

    For some reason I thought you were a senior last year....hmm....good thing I went to rehab, I should get my memory back soon enough.....lol.

  21. Happy Belated Birthday!!! You're legal now!!! J/K.


  22. So are you officially a Penn Stater yet, or what??

  23. Thanks, dog, I appreciate your support...and I'm glad to be back!!

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