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Posts posted by MADDOGJONES

  1. On 16/03/2017 at 0:20 PM, Słash said:

    It was a mixture of Coffee powder and Sugar

    If you call yourself a founding member of Starbucks then well even I am a founding member of it, from 1999 to 2014 you were just able to sell the same branded coffee cause you sold it through the Starbucks name, but the reality was that the coffee was crappy and all these years you could just come with one product named as the Chinese Coffee 

    You wasted millions of dollars for this one product, you gave false promises to your customers and even your employees that you will finally release this new Chinese Coffee, but you kept on delaying it. 


    We take our time with our coffee, we want it to taste as good as possible. Not everyone will like our new coffee, but not sure why people get so upset about it. It's just coffee.

  2. On 16/03/2017 at 10:38 AM, StrangerInThisTown said:

    "talking shit". That's a unique way of putting it.:lol: I don't know and do not wish to know what conditions and manners you were brought up with in whatever country you live in, but here someones feelings are no ones business but your own. And most importantly, Steven is not talking bullshit or spewing lies or whatever you wanna make it out to be with calling it "talking shit", fact of the matter is he (conveniently for GNR) left out the part of him being heartbroken seeing Frank play his songs and flying all the way to Argentina and turned into a straight "it was the best of time!". This is (obviously) convenient for GNR, but that doesn't make it right gringo. He should be allowed to speak what he feels no matter what the deal is, but someone always got to get anal about it so it's sort of understandable in some way.

    The fact he does so implies he made a deal with the band in some way, and judging by what he said earlier he would only guest with them again if he got more songs and/or Izzy was around, which makes this very exciting. Also the irony of calling me a know-it-all and then following up one of your posts just a few posts below with 'it get's tired schooling people all day' directly implying you know-it-all was not lost on me.:lol:


    Steven has been talking shit for years and that comes from someone who used to know him (me).

    Steven was heartbroken? Maybe Axl was heartbroken when Axl invited him to a NUGNR show and talked and drank tequila with him all night only to have Steven call him and the band out in the press. Could that be possible? Could be, but you don't want to hear about that. Who cares about Evil Axl and his worshippers, right?

  3. On 16/03/2017 at 10:51 AM, Blackstar said:

    I said I wouldn't reply, but... he has:


    He has credits on all songs on appetite? Eh, no he doesn't and the credits he has were given to him by Axl.

    On 16/03/2017 at 9:39 PM, ludurigan said:

    its so good to learn new things!

    to this day I thought adler had created all the drum parts for appetite

    including the best rock drum beat ever, rocket queen

    but today i learned that adler didnt write it

    because slash created a formula!

    and slashs formula says adler didnt write anything

    wow, so much quality info!

    i love it!


    You should learn some more new things before you throw your sarcasm around.

    Songwriting is melody, arrangement and lyrics. There you learn't something new... welcome to the jungle!

  4. 4 minutes ago, EvanG said:

    I agree. However, he wasn't talking shit... if anything, he was praising everyone, including that drummer and newish guitarist.

    He was being passive aggressive in my opinion but that's not really my point. My point is people being outraged that GNR have the right to request or demand he keep his mouth shut. Of course they have that right if Steve wants to work with them again or they have him under contract. 

    2 minutes ago, Nikki_Sixx said:

    Ok then ! :facepalm:

    Great reply! Did my post sting a little? Sorry about that. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, Nikki_Sixx said:

    They didn't choose anything.  Axl let them back in.  Frank plays exactly like he's been playing for the last 10 years, maybe even worse.

    I have yet to see the 'band' discuss the issue of rejoining the 'band' and who else gets to play and how they play.

    Please show me where they discussed this ?

    What are you talking about? Ridiculous semantics! Axl let them back? So they didn't choose to come back? Maybe think before you present your ideas, you aren't making sense, you just want to be right about everything, which must disappointing for you since you're wrong on so much.

    Search it out yourself I'm not combing through videos and interviews for you. "They" have discussed rehearsals and choosing to play the songs how duff and slash play them instead of how they were played in the recent lineups. Which also, is fucking obvious

    Frank is not playing the same way he has played for the last 10 years. He's playing how duff and slash (who are in charge of the getting the music down) want him to play with them. You don't like that so you'd rather believe in fantasy but sorry, baba, the world don't work that way. You could maybe write some fan fiction or something but apart from that you're shit out of luck on facts.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Nikki_Sixx said:

    If those two had any say in this 'band', Frank wouldn't even be there :facepalm:

    We all know which clown runs this circus...

    How do you know that? Have you spoken with them? They chose to rejoin the band and worked with Frank and Richard to play the songs the way they wanted them played, not the way the last lineups played them. The band have already discussed this, so you are wrong mate, frank plays the way Slash and duff want him to play, so maybe you should get them back on heroin too, while you're acting like Mr Brownstone.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Słash said:

    First of all it was not heroin, it was white coffee powder. 

    All your other partners left you too, your company went down the hill and you hired a bunch of clowns to sell your coffee. 

    You were taking anything you could get your hands on, but I think Speedballs, which are a mix of heroin and cocaine, were your favorite.

    Yes, we have had some tough years, but also great successes, we served Coffee to 300,000 people at the Rock In Rio festival and to 55,000 at the tokyo dome, both sold out (just to mention a little). We have always been Starbucks though and right now Starbucks is doing great.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Słash said:

    Its good you are giving me free cups of coffee even though I prefer Coffee frappuccino, but I can make all types of Coffee, I invented those and I can still make them, but they hire some random dude and tell him to make it and not me, is that fair?  

    You did get fired for taking heroin and fucking up a bunch of different coffees, we don't stand for that at Starbucks I'm afraid, no matter how good your Cappuccino's are. Usually when we fire someone we ban them from our stores too, it's very rare they we invite them back to work special shifts with us, but if we do, we expect to be respected publicly and not thrown under the bus, ya know, for helping you out a little. I mean with your history, what other coffee shop is going to hire you? You are lucky we even thought of you.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Nikki_Sixx said:

    Steven Adler, among others, started GNR.

    The guy you're giving shit didn't start Starbucks, or whatever place he works at.

    Steven Adler can say whatever he wants.

    You, however, cannot.

    No, you have got it completely the wrong way around.

    I can say whatever I want, because I don't work for GNR, I'm just some idiot on a forum.

    Steven can say whatever he wants too, but if he wants to play with GN'R again the future he cannot, clearly, as shown in this recent interview.

    Jesus, it gets tiring schooling people all day.

  10. 8 minutes ago, StrangerInThisTown said:

    This is a double edged sword. Good news because this means he is involved with gnr in some capacity again, but also, I can't believe they're censoring him again. Now he didn't mention the part that it was heartbreaking? Yeah censor the negativity from someone just speaking his feelings..not cool GNR.

    I am 100% sure the contract he was put under January 2nd ran out this year on Jan 2nd, thus all the interviews the did. Obviously someone went Kim Jong Un on him again. Hopefully he is involved at the 30th anniversary or RIR.

    Or just maybe, Mr or Mrs know it all, someone got in touch and told him about a certain idea for a certain anniversary and advised him that if he wants to be involved in it he shouldn't be airing GN'R business in public.

    You have a job, right? Or you can imagine having one? Let's say you work at Starbucks and you go online or do interviews talking shit about Starbucks, will Starbucks be happy with you?

    • Like 2
  11. Just now, KURT19 said:

    Dear Whoever is in Charge of this Band,

    If your plans to commemorate and celebrate the anniversary of the release of Appetite For Destruction include anything EXCEPT the five original members, AND ONLY the five original members, playing the full album LIVE in it's entirety then you are completely and utterly off base and undoubtedly preparing to insult the entire worldwide Rock N' Roll community therefore I humbly propose that you quietly cancel such foolish and ill-advised plans.

    (Wow.  THAT is a long sentence)

    Of course, if you are planning on the five original members, and only the five original members, playing the full album LIVE in it's entirety then kindly disregard the above.

    Brush your teeth with Rock N' Roll,


    I hope they play the whole album back to front with Buckethead, Finck and DJ Ashba and make the entire worldwide Rock N' Roll community cry into their laps.

    • Like 4
  12. @TheSeeker

    You are aware that even Slash has stated that Steven Adler wrote ZERO songs in GNR, right?

    Slash came up with a formula to determine what everyone in the band deserved. By that formula, Slash determined that Axl was responsible for writing approximately 41.7% of Appetite and Adler was responsible for 0%. Adler refused to complete work on the album unless he was given a portion of publishing. The band was on the verge of getting dropped if they did not complete the album. With the pressure of the band possibly breaking up, Axl caved and agreed to take 25% so that Adler could receive 15%, even though he hadn't written anything for the band. I have posted a accurate list of song credits in the thread already, you should check it out, since you're interested in this. Sure, you'd rather have the facts than the nonsense.

  13. 2 minutes ago, TheSeeker said:

    https://www.ascap.com/ace#ace/writer/167056562/ADLER STEVEN

    All his credits are right there, dude

    Those are the publishing credits Axl gave to Adler to stop him from destroying the band.

    Since you're so concerned about fairness how do you feel about Steven being given a share of the publishing of songs he didn't write because he was going to sabotage Appetite if the other members didn't give him money he wasn't entitled to from songs he didn't write?

  14. 13 hours ago, RONIN said:

    Because he was forced to drop that extra shit or cover the excess out of his own pocket. Funny how when you're held accountable, you straighten up fast.

    That's what Izzy tried to tell him in '91 - handle your shit or you pay for the riot damage, fines, etc. Axl's answer was to give Izzy a contract demoting him to an employee and leaking to the press that they were looking to replace Izzy with Dave Navarro.


    That's all good and well but what you've written here is horseshit, it never happened. Axl never gave Izzy a contract demoting him to an employee. That never happened.

    Axl did not have the power in 1991 to attempt to offer Izzy anything without Slash and Duff also being involved. Those three wanted to reduce Izzy's stake in the partnership as they didn't feel he was pulling his weight. Maybe he wasn't? The majority of the band seemed to think he wasn't so I'm not sure why you have any issue with it, you're clearly not very informed on what went down back then.

    Since you're so concerned about fairness how do you feel about Steven being given a share of the publishing of songs he didn't write because he was going to sabotage Appetite if the other members didn't give him money he wasn't entitled to from songs he didn't write?


    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Blackstar said:

    According to the liner notes, all songs are credited to GnR. All five of them have writing credits for all the songs.

    If what you're saying is the case why did the band submit SPECIFIC songwriting credits to ASCAP?

    "All songs by Guns N Roses" doesn't mean that each and every member has credit on each and every song or that each and every member contributed to songwriting on each and every song. All songs are by Guns N Roses on the album, who's saying different? All songs were not written by all members (obviously). STEVEN ADLER HAS NO WRITING CREDITS IN GNR. That is a fact, sorry if you're not comfortable with the reality of the situation, but it is what it is. Song credits are not recorded in this way. "All songs by Guns N Roses" is clearly a statement of solidarity, not a an official record of songwriting credits. That would be, ya know, ASCAP.

    Argue against me as much as you want but I'm correct and you are incorrect. I'm speaking about a matter of fact that if some of you weren't so lazy could confirm or deny by visiting ASCAP yourselves instead of parroting what you think you know already. The problem is you don't want to learn what's true and what isn't you just want to believe what you already believe. Seems strange to me anyone would be like that but they seem common in some corners of the web, I would think as a fan of the band you would want to learn about the band, not buy into horseshit, but I guess not.


    • Like 1
  16. 37 minutes ago, RooSaa said:

    yes, but wasn't it Axl who wanted them in the first place? Slash just did the work.

    Not sure what it matters, they all agreed to it and Slash put it all together, but all you hear is Axl this Axl that. Slash must have liked the idea somewhat, no? To put it all together? And GNR had dancers and back up girls in the club days so it wasn't anything new for the band to have other people up there.

  17. 1 hour ago, estrangedtwat said:

    Oh you really think Geffen was the reason CD was delayed?  That's cute.


    He didn't write that, he wrote that they were ALSO to blame. Which, of course, is true. They are the ones who wanted the album recorded again with RTB. It was delayed for many reasons, but we do know Axl thought it was ready 6 or 7 years before it finally came out. So it's not all on Axl, although I'm sure he had a hand in the delays too.

  18. Just now, AlexC said:

    My comment was aimed at the point of not expecting Axl to meet all of the guitar players who auditioned. Why the fuck not? He should be there and rehearse with them. Every single one. What could possibly be more important than choosing a lead guitarist to fill an iconic position?

    I get your point, but he knew DJ from before and  Tommy always ran the auditions. I don't see any problem with it as it's not as though he's just hiring random guitar players. He was a big fan of DJ and was very excited to have him in the band.

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