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Status Replies posted by Ratam

  1. Oh, how terrible @marlingrl03 ,happy you are ok , earthquake 7.0 is impressive, yesterdey here had few places had earthquake too, and places that never was earthquake, but not many like Alaska intensity, here was just 3.0 and much people no noticed this , cause the seismologist said that an earthquake less 6.0 not are very noticeable , again i be happy you are good , was just an scare:)

    1. Ratam


      Oh, don't think you was things crash, i think was most light movement , but yes 7.0 earthquake doesn't a joke, poor thing you cat , i hope not happen again, my best wishing to you and you beautiful 🐭🐹stay strong , my best vibe to you✊👊

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Thinking of all the people in Houston and areas near there. <3 My brother in San Antonio is doing ok and it should be fine for me to fly there this Sunday 9/1 for the Guns concert. 

    1. Ratam


      I whis the best you brother and you enjoy guns show , you are a good and positive girl ,deserve the best ☺✊🌝

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. The freestyle rhythm also known miami bass was very popular in Brazil in 80's and early 90's
    havent one party without had played


    1. Ratam


      Thank you, i understand what is a mix of genres ☺😊

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