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Posts posted by purplestargirl

  1. 11 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    Isn't 'You Could Be Mine' a lyric written by Izzy? If it is, then you have a clue there... Also 'Dust N' Bones' has some hateful lines and '14 years' too.... :shrugs:

    And at some point we discussed about Izzy selling women in the past but I don't remember how we came to know about that.

    Duff wrote It's So Easy lyrics which must be one of the most mysoginist GNR songs but I think that after he got married to Susan and had the girls, his mind changed completely about all that. I'm not sure because I don't know him, but it looks to me that he's the one who evolved the most regarding that subject.

    He once said that it was incredible how much abuse women could take.... So I guess he must have abused a lot, if he knows that :ph34r:

    1. Wait...wasn't there an interview that Izzy hinted that he sold women? One of the other band members admonished him for it if I recall correctly.

    2. West Arkeen also helped Duff with that song but if Duff was the main songwriter I guess it's quite possible Duff was shit towards women in the past. I'm glad having daughters smacked sense into Duff though.


    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, GuitarFanfromNYC said:

    We also know about Slash's views on women from his autobiography... the way he recounts his relationships with women speaks for itself. 

    I need to reread that to get a better idea on his view towards women then. The only thing I can recall is him treating Meegan like shit when they first dated back in 1989.

  3. 21 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    I don't know if she's queen on the subject but some things are just common sense. Lots of women are awakening to the discovery of their idols being mysoginists and abusers just now.

    Slash rarely talks or does anything other than music so it's hard to figure him out in that way :shrugs: but the t-shirts he wears and the content he posts on his IG, I guess it could be taken as an indicative of the way he thinks about that.

    The only member of the band that hasn't been stated as being abusive or misogynic towards women is Duff, which I'm not sure if he's hiding a dark side towards that attitude or if his mother actually raised him right. Kudos to Mrs. McKagan if that is the case....you raised a good man, Alice.

     Has anything been said about Izzy displaying condescending attitudes towards women? I'm genuninely curious about that (and on Duff too).

  4. Just now, killuridols said:

    That'd be hard to know for us, unless you are in a relationship with him.

    Most guys in their 50s were raised by strict patriarchy so it shouldn't be a surprise that they are all patriarchal as such. It is expected. So if you are a modern woman and a feminist, it is better to stay ways from the grandpas :P

    Of course. Roxana is queen on that subject and we all should heed her advice. :P 

    But in regards to Slash, that is true which is why I said he doesn't seem to act or think like he has that mindset. How someone seems to other people in public and how they really are in private are two different things.

  5. 14 minutes ago, dgnr said:

    What a bore :sleeper: I find her kinda contradictory and, as we would say in portuguese, she thinks she's the last cookie in the package :lol:



    AKA thinking she's the shit or she's the bee's knees.


    6 minutes ago, Zoot said:

    100% agree.

    The only thing I don't understand is the 'living in the 50s' bit?

    Yeah, Slash doesn't seem to act or think like someone whose mindset is still in the 50's though.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Zoot said:

    He stutters a little bit but they were talking about Dizzy and the way he treated her.

    Ah, okay. I was confused on that because as far as I know Izzy wasn't sexually abused nor was he involved in any scandal like it. I was thinking they were mixing up Axl and Izzy there for a moment.

  7. 1 minute ago, Tori72 said:

    So is he saying Izzy was sexually abused? I never heard anything like that?! Please someone transcribe that passage for me? Thanks :lol:

    That's exactly what it sounded like to me. I think you're doing fine at understanding what's being said in the interview because I heard the same thing when I listened to that part.

    In regards to that, is it possible that could be a lie just to get someone to buy her book?

    Just now, Zoot said:

    They were talking about Dizzy. Not Izzy.

    Only thing she said about Izzy was that he's very shy.

    I heard Izzy not Dizzy.

  8. 2 hours ago, alfierose said:

    Yes, I don't think this is just Axl. I'm fairly sure the other two would not risk the tour or their own financial stake if they felt Steven was a liability. Slash and Duff may say positive things publicly but I imagine it was a collective decision or at least one they all supported.

    I feel a bit sorry for Steven because he is like that little kid who thinks that they are all still his besties despite evidence to the contrary.

    I think Slash, and Meegan to an extent, is still friends with Steven though.

  9. 20 minutes ago, MaskingApathy said:


    I don't know how to post photos here. For those of you who are in the fanspot FB group I posted a photo there. I didn't ask about GnR but I don't think we'll be seeing him there anytime soon.


    What's the best way to put this into words? 

    So Steven is a great guy, really loveable and adorable. He hugged me a bunch of times and hugged everyone else he met. The issue isn't that he's a bad person or anything. He's still like a kid and you kind of want to make sure that someone is around to watch him. Compare him to Slash and Duff. They're professional, experienced touring musicans and they know how to conduct themselves in a professional way. Steven is like a wild card. He just wants to hang out and have a good time, but you don't really know what he's going to do. Especially in an environment where there's a lot of attention on him and band (like NAMM). That was ok back in the 80s when they were playing clubs and theaters. They were young and on loads of drugs and it was fine, but now Slash and Duff are older and sober. They want to know that everyone (especially on a tour of this magnitude) with behave and be professional, dependable, reliable, speak carefully, and so on. Frank fits that (and Axl wanted him). With Frank they don't have to worry about anything (except maybe the tempo). Steven, I think if I was touring in a band with him I would always be thinking about where he is and what he's doing. Not saying he can't be professional and all that (I'm sure he would if it came to it) but there's just too much weight and risk riding on this whole thing with the tour and where GnR is now. Steven is the wild card factor and the least controllable, and he could be a liability.

    Everything I said above, none of that has to do with his previous substance abuse problems. That's just my impressions from spending a little bit of time with him today and seeing him interact with people. I think his wife is probably a huge help in helping him be accountable and staying clean.

    Does that make sense to you all? I'm struggling to put into words my thoughts from seeing him today. It's one of those things that you can't really understand unless you've met him and been around him for a little while. Slash, Duff, and Axl, they know him even better than any of us. Before I thought, "oh he can do the tour and play the AFD stuff and be just fine" but after meeting him I think I'm starting to understand a little more what the others might be thinking.

    It sounds like Steven is that one kid with ADHD that defintely needs to be watched 24/7 or at least put on medication to keep focused.

    • Like 1
  10. 18 minutes ago, MaskingApathy said:



    They're definitely working on it in one room together. One of them had said earlier on that it was mostly written already. My personal thought is that Slash isn't going to say anything right now because they'll all just ask about GnR, which he can't talk about.

    In other news I'm hanging out with Steven right now.

    Hi Steven!

  11. 1 hour ago, MaskingApathy said:

    Tomorrow hopefully :) He wasn't able to come today.

    I hung out with Todd and Brent. Always a good time with those two. Brent and I went around looking at drum stuff. Also @janrichmond and anyone else who cares, SMKC album is definitely still happening.

    Wait...how do you know them?

  12. 15 hours ago, dgnr said:

    You mean better, right? :rofl-lol::rofl-lol:

    And, while we're at it, there's some mysteries that can be solved in this episode. Like, is our lead singer really that kinky? From 0 to 10, how quick is Duff? Was she dazzled with Slash's shiny gear? Asking for a friend again :ph34r:

    Yes, this. Does Michael "Duff" McKagan suffer from unfortunate premature ejaculation problems? I guess only Susan can answer that question. :shrugs: 

  13. 8 minutes ago, dgnr said:


    Just got home from a couple of 🍺🍺 with friends. And found this on a facebook page, so credits to the owner. Never seen this one before :heart:


    Axl looks very pretty here and Popcorn is adorable.

    • Like 1
    • GNFNR 1
  14. 37 minutes ago, Tori72 said:

    Looks like a cinnamon roll


    But could actually kill you 



    Looks like they could kill you


    But is actually a cinnamon roll



    Looks like a cinnamon roll 


    And is actually a cinnamon roll



    Looks like they could kill you


    And could actually kill you



    Sinnamon Roll





    (From nevergrowupbeforeveryoung tumblr):smiley-confused2:

    So Duff is the least dangerous looking one? After Steven of course. Haha.

    • Like 2
  15. Just now, Tori72 said:

    No, it's like the CSI WT is on a mission to finally get the truth on the Izzyconda and solve one of the greatest rock 'n roll myths there ever were.

    We should have a theme song if we're CSI: Women's Thread. :max:

    If this were Mythbusters, would the episode be entitled "The Mystery Of Izzy Stradlin's Huge Snake"?

    • Haha 1
  16. Just now, Tori72 said:

    So did I. For science. (What else?) Never saw a pouch.

    When I saw the pic again over in the Izzy thread, I took a closer look at the 'conda and it certainly looked like that was indeed in his pants, bar pouch. 

    Izzy either a) Stuffs his pants (God, I hope not), b) has a huge snake ;) or c) is a grower (which I suspect a one Mr. Michael McKagan is).

    Just now, annabanana said:

    Thanks :) but I don't get it, he put the pouch inside his jeans? 

    If it was a pouch, it would of been on the outside hanging against his thigh.

    • Thanks 1
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