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Posts posted by ThePartyBoy

  1. Well that rhymed!

    Anyway, this is my favorite thing to solo to. I recorded this last night at 4 in the morning, in one go, and I've only been playing for 6 months, and I have played better than this, and put more into it before (I know excuses, excuses).

    Anyway, here it is.

    PB's Solo


    Guitar: Fender Squier Strat (It goes out of tune while playing, and I didn't tune up before recording, so when I play anything on the first two strings, it kinda sounds off. I am planning on purchasing a new axe soon.

    Amp: My computer, I used this program called GUITARFX 3 to record it and add the effects.

    Program: I used Audacity to mix 'em and put the two files together, that's why the solo might be off a little on timing from the arpeggios.

    Anyway, constructive criticsm is always nice. I really need to work on my bends, but part of it is my guitar, 'cause I've soloed around on an epi LP and it felt waaayyy different than my Strat. But I've haven't had a ton of experience so take it easy. I ain't no backslazh!

    Enjoy it, or maybe you won't.


  2. ive got £500 to buy a new guitar, ive been playing for over a year now but i dont really know the difference between any electric guitars except their shapes and colours.

    has anyone got any suggestions? rock4


    Anyway, in reference to that, here's my suggestion:

    Do not go all out yet (Although you don't really have the money to do that anyway). I would suggest going to a local music shop and trying out the guitars, and seeing which one suits you best.

    Although, I've only been playin' for about 6 months or so, so I don't have too much knowledge on the subject.

    But you should definitely try out a guitar before you buy one.

  3. Dude, I don't know if you should listen to me, but I would suggest that you DON'T get into theory. Your improv outro solo for Paradise City was pretty good, and especially good for not knowing theories/scales.

    I think that it would be best for a man to be "one with the guitar." What I mean is, he learns what sounds good. Theory is what sometimes stops a player from being creative. I'm not saying theory is bad, but, you shouldn't push yourself to it, since it seems like you already have somewhat of a "feel" for the guitar.

    I don't really know what I am talking about, so you should probably just ignore what I said.



    It's good to know at least some theory, even if it is only the bare minimum. But I do understand what you mean about impeding creativity. When I first started learning theory, I tried to apply it to EVERYTHING. And that's not good. You also have to get the feel of the music. I'm not against learning theory, but people have to take it for what it is: Theory. It's not music law. Real music comes from the soul, not the textbook.


    That's pretty much what I was tryin' to say.

    I mean, theory IS good. IT helps a lot with what scales go with what progressions, and it helps for writing your own music, too. But sometimes, people think too hard about what scale, and they never think outside the box.

    But I, myself, have just started getting into theory, and it's pretty sweet from what I've learned.

  4. Thanks alot for comments! :)

    I did use the bridge pickup, but I didn't adjust the amp at all. This recording was just for fun. I usually take my GNR recordings abit more seriously then this one :D

    It would be cool if some of you guys posted your recordings!!  rock1


    There are two songs that I am currently working on (Well one, and another that I plan on working on hehe), and I will upload them when I am satisified with the recording.

  5. Funny you should mention "The Trooper", I've been on that one too.

    Also Holy Wars and Tornado of Souls by Megadeth. Some other bits here and there,


    Yeah the next song i got lined up to learn is Peace Sells, i can also play Angry Again, Megadeth songs are so fun to play.

    Oh and for people wanting to learn DO IT! you'll love it, sure it takes hard work, but it's worth it. I've only been teaching myself for less than a year and cos i have stuck at it im progessing quite well.

    Also a really great program i use to learn is called "Guitar Pro" you could proberly download a cracked version some where, then go to www.mysongbook.com and download the midi tracks. The program will play all the parts of the song in midi and also of the Tab.


    I'm working on the solos in "Always on the run", "Nightrain", "November rain", "Don't cry" and "Mr. Brownstone". Easy songs, except from some parts of the solos! And the problem is that I hate to learn solos down to the singel note. I'm more of a improv-fan :P But some solos are just untouchable!

    Johnezz: Do you have any recordings? Would be cool to hear! I've played since january (ca. same as you..?), and it would be great to hear how you're getting along! I'm quite satisfied with my own progression, but there is maaany things that should be better! Most of all, I stink at theory! But it'll get better. I hope :P

    If you wanna hear my recordings just take a quick search. I've spammed this section of the forum with too many recordings :lol:


    Dude, I don't know if you should listen to me, but I would suggest that you DON'T get into theory. Your improv outro solo for Paradise City was pretty good, and especially good for not knowing theories/scales.

    I think that it would be best for a man to be "one with the guitar." What I mean is, he learns what sounds good. Theory is what sometimes stops a player from being creative. I'm not saying theory is bad, but, you shouldn't push yourself to it, since it seems like you already have somewhat of a "feel" for the guitar.

    I don't really know what I am talking about, so you should probably just ignore what I said.


  6. I have an Epiphone Les Paul.

    I think the reason the black one is cheaper is because it is known as the Les Paul Standard. Any coloured Les Pauls are called Les Paul Standard Plus. Does this affect the sound? No. Does it affect the price? For most places no. I t usually only affects the price when somebody who doesn't know what they're doing sees the term "Standard Plus" and assumes that it has to cost more.

    Mine is a Standard Plus. I love it.

    It's not a Gibson and never will be, but considering I paid about US$170 for it I think it's damn good. Either way, if I had a Gibson, I still wouldn't sound like Slash. Comparing a home setup to Slash's is stupid.

    I have Epi LP -> Boss MT-2 -> Dunlop Wah -> Crappy amp

    Slash has Gibson Les Pauls (professionally set up by his guitar tech who is actually paid to ensure that the guitars play and sound amazing) -> a bazillion dollars worth of other gear that I will probably never get the luxury of playing.

    So what I'm saying is the Epi LP is a damn good guitar. Don't go into it expecting to sound like Slash unless you're going to fork out for the same guitars, setup, professional guitar techs and all the rest of it.


    Thanks for that real review, dude.

    Any I'm not getting it to sound like Slash, I just want to see if it's my kind of guitar for what I'm doing.

  7. I am thinking about purchasing....a stripper

    I could led you a few, but it will cost you.


    Your mother does the job for free, pal.

    And I don't want to waste my newly earned bullshit money from my bullshit job.


    Are you calling his mom ugly?


    Where are you getting that from?

    Although, I would have no problem in calling his mother ugly, I did not.

    If she does the job for free, and I said I don't want to waste my cash, she wouldn't be a waste, since she would be free.

    Clearer now?

  8. What I actually really like about piano is that you can play any kinda music style. It's really versatile, there's no limit , you can really do everything with that instrument


    You can with guitars too.


    why does everything evolve around guitar?? cant piano have his hour of glory too?


    Silly Rock On, Piano isn't worthy enought to even be compared to Guitar. Piano is just for "homosexuals", around where I live.


    Haha. That made my day, dude. Thanks

    BTW, I knew you were just kidding.

  9. ....an Epiphone Les Paul.


    Have a look-see, although I'm sure many of you have seen 'em, and some of you own 'em.

    Should I purchase? I mean, wnen it comes to quality?

    I am going to guitarcenter tomorrow to try out a few guitars, but I am almost certain on this one.

    If anyone here owns one, I'd appreciate it if you could give a review. And not a review like,


    But, a real review. Thanks, dudes.

    And also, why the hell is the ebony only $499, while every other color is $599?

    Also, I have some $120 Marshall amp, and I am mostly into classic rock and bluesy type stuff, and that's what I am writing as well.

    And I've been playing for around 6 months, but I've had my current guitar (A Fender Squier Strat) for almost a year or somethin'.

    All help is much appreciated.


  10. I have a Fender Squier(starter guitar), and it was great for the price and to start on...but now that I am becoming more advanced, and want to upgrade, I am going to buy an Epiphone(Gibson)...i prefer Gibson, because I think they look better and there's just something about them that atract me to them moreso then Fender.


    I am in the exact same position as you.

    EXACT same position.

    How long have you been playing?

  11. Actually, he doesn't suck.

    He didn't sound a whole lot like Axl, but his voice has potential.

    But I find it hard to believe that many people would have a voice like Axl. Very, very unique voice. That's pretty much what makes 'em great singers.

    Plant, Scott, Johnson, Mercury, Axl.

    All one of a kind.


  12. Crap. This makes me wanna cry! I've played since january, but I don't know penatonic scales or any other scales :( I have to get a grip and learn some theory soon. But I hate to sit down and read when all I wanna do is play!

    Duff31: I sure ain't no pro guitarist, but I think you've doing very well! You're doing better then me, and I've played a month longer!  :blink:


    Dude.... You don't know scales?

    How did you improv the outro to Paradise City?

    Did you just do certain clips from live bits, or what?

  13. What I actually really like about piano is that you can play any kinda music style. It's really versatile, there's no limit , you can really do everything with that instrument


    Yes, me and my friends have just started a band (NO new pop shit), and I want to incorporate piano into some of our songs. It's a kickass instrument, and it isn't used anymore.

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