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Posts posted by Flake

  1. 1 hour ago, triad said:

    Hi, Jan! 

    Flake gave the definition above.  Our league the last two years was 1 PPR.  PPR is a league option to try to adjust the average points earned by receivers (and tight ends, heehee) to be more equal to points earned by running backs.     

    so you in?

  2. 1 hour ago, triad said:

    Wait, this is a different league than @Tourettes2400 has run the last couple of years?  With different people, or the same people and a different commissioner and format (1/2 ppr)?  

    Different league

    1 hour ago, janrichmond said:

    @triad what's ppr?


    Players get points for receiving the football (at half ppr it's half a point per reception)

  3. 2 hours ago, Liquor & Whores said:

    these 'legal' actions by GNR camp are really pathetic

    it came down to this that you can't upload any vids which were recorded at their shows

    what are they going to achieve by doing that? discourage fans and earn less money from tickets?

    ridiculous really... if it was about leaks, then understandable, but live shows?

    Well it's not gnr doing it but a child molester called alfred

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