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Posts posted by SweetRose

  1. " If anyone else could have been capable of loving axl as purely"

    " but the older axl gets the less important it will probably be that his wife / girlfriend looks like Stephanie Seymour"

    Lots of women would have or probably have stepped forward ..... the problem is that they didn't or don't look like some skinny ass super model. The type if woman Axl seems or thinks he wants.

  2. There was a time Axl collected girfriends at his couch, but now that he's grown older and more mature he's just into cats and maybe even (big) cats like bengal tigers.

    Well least he has pussies on his couch. Lol
    Was honestly wondering when somebody would post this


  3. There was a time Axl collected girfriends at his couch, but now that he's grown older and more mature he's just into cats and maybe even (big) cats like bengal tigers.

    Well least he has pussies on his couch. Lol

  4. As far as boobs go .....don't know why guys like ginormous ones,especially fakes one that look like two basketballs stuck to a woman's chest ,and especially when you can lay a flat hand in between them..... Cause as the old saying goes. More than a mouthful/handful is a waste.

  5. Why is what Dizzy added to UYIs and different to what he added to CD?

    I sometimes wonder if Axl with this line up,actually took a shit on stage,how many NuGNR fans would think its so cool?

    Old GNR did not suck. Current fans just hate the fact that this line up is currently not going anywhere.

  6. Also in an interview with Del James in RIP magazine,Axl said getting Izzy to work on the album(s) was like pulling teeth. And no I'm not going to go search for the interview and post it. But it was in the 3 part interview that spanned 3 issues of RIP titled I,Axl.

  7. It doesn't matter if Barney the Dinosaur was in the band. Axl will always praise "said" guitar player ...... cause he is never in his life going to admitt that he needs Slash ...... never! : (

    Hell we already had one wearing a chicken bucket on his head!!In which Axl praised ..... that right there should tell you all you need to know!

  8. People get way too caught up in comparing the new band and the old band. What is wrong with enjoying both? Why are people so hung up on the name?

    It's not the name that everyone is so hung up on!Its the quality of the music ...... at least it is for me. Axl was,is and will forever be my favorite GNR member. I adore the ballads from UYIs which were totally his concepts. But I absolutely cringe at his ballad concepts from CD.actually I cringe at most all of CD concepts : (

    It's just I can't stop looking ..... kinda like looking at a car wreck when ya drive by.

  9. For NewGNR fans and apologists, what would your limit be? What would it take for you to give up on the idea of NewGNR being better than Old Guns?

    I am a fan of the current lineup but yet feel they will never be as good as the AFD lineup. Is that wrong of me?

    No,it's not wrong of you. Why I'm saying that. Cause nothing will ever outshine,outdohowever else ya wanna say itthe Appitie/Illusion era Guns.

  10. I just think its strange that Axl doesn't want to meet the sober Slash. But then again,Slash isn't going to go up to Axls house cause he pretty much knows that he isn't going to get past the front gate. Beta won't allow it.

    Another thing that's strange. when Stephanie left him,story goes,that he sent her gifts and stuff for a year or so. Practically begging her to come back. Yet,we haven't heard of him doing that with Slash lol. Why I find it odd is that according to Axl himself,both Stephanie n Slash bashed his musically integrity.

    I've always thought of Axl as one if those pop up storms. Totally unpredictable. And even though we think we understand him,he changes courses and totally throws us off course over n over again.

    And I will always believe that one day Axl n Slash will have their talk. Be it good or bad. I just wish that they wouldn't wait until their in the 70s.

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