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Posts posted by DoMw94

  1. 13 hours ago, WhazUp said:

    Andrew Watt's mixing and production may not be to my tastes

    I wasn't a massive fan of the production of Ozzy's latest stuff (The Stones was okay, and I haven't checked out the new Pearl Jam record yet). But there's a strange irony in that I liked the sound of the California Breed album that Watt played on... which was produced by Dave Cobb whose production on SMKC's 4 and GVF's Starcatcher left me feeling pretty disappointed

    • Like 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, MaskingApathy said:

    Dizzy and Gilby aren't on that album either; I think you're reading into Matt's exclusion too much. Slash still did Kings of Chaos shows with Matt through 2015, I think if there was a problem then he wouldn't have done those either.

    Dizzy was still in Guns N' Roses at the time, so that was never going to happen, and Gilby was only really ever a hired hand, never a key member of the group. The situations aren't really comparable

  3. 1 hour ago, Tom2112 said:

    Management generally co-ordinate with all of the above and then act as the go between artist and all the others.

    But I agree with most of this, they aren't doing all the work without some serious help.

    I'm guessing it's like a football/soccer team. TB's the head coach, but there's a director of football and chief executive behind the scenes making the bigger decisions and calling the shots where it matters.

    TB, I reckon, is overseeing things on the road, looking after payroll of the band's staff, organising things day-to-day, and providing their opinion, but when it comes the the business side, making big decisions, and coordinating with other businesses (with regard to touring, ticketing, record labels, and licensing etc.) actual 'management' is doing the heavy lifting.

    That's what it looks like anyway.

  4. 23 minutes ago, DeNfr said:

    No, that is a fact : it's Axl's band, and he picks the musicians.
    He clearly decided to stick with Frank, and Slash and Duff had no say in the matter, as the result clearly demonstrate.

    Are you Axl? We're you there? No. You're assuming.

    Assumption: a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.

    You have no proof.

    • Like 1
  5. 12 hours ago, lunastar said:

    I can be subjective, but I came across shorts on YouTube, there was a fragment of Slash's solo and Beta was sitting on her chair at the edge of the stage and watching him playing. She gave Slash such a stern, indignant look from the hostess of this scene. We all understand that Beta is not a sweet kind aunt, but a grasping predator who brainwashes Axl in all directions day after day. I think her main task is not to let Axl have a close attachment with anyone, otherwise she will lose control over him. The usual intrigues, slander, etc. Therefore, there is no personal relationship, and Slash will not deal directly with Axl, he will not be given such an opportunity, I think no one has direct access to Axl, and if there is no relationship, then there is no band. Yes, there is tour management and so on, but Beta has power over Axl's mind.

    There's been evidence of both Beta and Fernando clearly liking Slash, whether it's interactions on social media, cross promotion, or comments made by Fernando on Reddit. I can't remember specifics right now, but they're out there.

    That on earth is this deluded 'brainwashed' fantasy? 😂 It's ridiculous.

    Remember when Axl asked TB to get Slash's number? If they were what you think they are, they wouldn't have connected the two.

    This fanbase, seriously... 🙄

  6. 12 hours ago, axlvai said:

    But show some picture. Most of ppl dont know a name of any band member.

    But show some picture. Most of ppl dont know a name of any band member.

    Put a pic of FF....... is nobody.

    But show some picture. Most of ppl dont know a name of any band member.

    Put a pic of FF....... is nobody.

    You're highlighting what I'm saying. If people don't care about Frank or any other band member (who's not Axl or Slash), they won't care about Matt either. In trying to disagree with me, you've actually agreed with me and proved my point.


    And thanks for telling me three times, the message got through 😉

  7. 1 hour ago, axlvai said:

    Time vs recognition.

    Albums vs singles?

    Naahh . Matt is the guy on drums. Nobody cares FF. Nobody KNOWS FF. Nobody knows a song made by FF.

    Etc etc


    Ask anyone on the street who Matt Sorum is. They wouldn't know him either. GN'R is Axl and Slash, Duff if you're lucky. The band's gone through drummers like Spinal Tap. They're not faces of the band, nobody's looking at them in the same way.

    45 minutes ago, lunastar said:

    Stability only happens in a cemetery. Gnr are in a state of decline and even backwardness. They don't follow new trends in music, don't engage in self-development in music, we don't see the results of their creative work. Touring has become a business, not a showcase for new material. There are no pockets in the funeral suit. Their stability is just as destructive as their feud

    Soooooooo they're like every single other rock band out there? This band gets too much flack from its fanbase for doing most of what everyone else is doing: touring, living off past glories, and playing the same type of music they always do

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, GnR Chris said:

    More from the unreleased version of his book:

    A few weeks later, the Hollywood Vampires were booked to perform a tribute to Lemmy at the Grammy Awards. I assumed we would arrive together, but during rehearsals I found out that we weren’t going to be walking the red carpet as a band.

    I called the Hollywood Vampires’ comanager, Trudy Green—a British woman with a posh accent—and asked whether there had been some kind of misunderstanding.

    “Oh no, darling,” she said—which, from a Brit, means Fuck you! —“it’s the three principal figures walking together; besides, Duff didn’t want to walk with them.”

    “So . . . Duff doesn’t wanna walk the red carpet with the band?”

    I called him right away.

    “Dude. . . . We should walk with Alice, Joe, and Johnny as a band.” But, to my surprise, he said, “Oh no, man. I’m cool, man. I’m gonna walk with my wife and daughter.”

    I still didn’t understand, so I said, “Come on, dude. . . . Come on.” “Nah. . . . It’s OK.”
    He was giving me really bad vibes, but I said nothing, just like I said nothing when my wife, Ace, and I saw him at the Grammys.

    Trudy and I had already argued about the way we were going to be introduced. She only wanted Alice, Joe, and Johnny to be mentioned by name before we went out onstage.

    That’s why, when I spotted Dave Grohl, I told him all about it. He frowned and said, “I got you, bro.”

    Not long after that, I heard him reading from the script, introducing me and Duff: “And now, for the first time on TV, joined by Matt Sorum and Duff McKagan, let’s hear it for Alice Cooper, Joe Perry, and Johnny Depp —the Hollywood Vampires.”
    We played both “Ace of Spades,” in tribute to Lemmy, and “As Bad as I Am,” written by Johnny Depp.

    After we finished, Johnny came over to me. “Duff’s quit the band.”


    I didn’t want to believe it. Above all, I couldn’t believe that Duff had told Johnny instead of me, and then snuck out the back door without saying good-bye.

    As if to throw salt in the wound, Trudy Green came over to me and told me something else Duff hadn’t had the balls to say. “You understand,” she said, smiling like she was actually enjoying the situation, “Duff told me a few days ago that the reason he didn’t want to walk the red carpet with you is that he has another band now—his old one.”

    “Really?” I said, deploying my best poker face as a whole load of unpleasant feelings rushed through me.

    Sooooo... he wasn't 'in' the band, was never 'in' that band, was straight up told he wasn't 'in' the band, and still kicked off?! 😂

    This guy... 

    • Haha 1
  9. Wait up. Why's Matt talking as if Hollywood Vampires was his band or he had any sway in it? He was never anything there, always a hired hand/touring member. He didn't even appear on the first album – that was Alice Cooper's drummer Glen Sobel, who plays with them now, and since played on the second record too.

    Hollywood Vampires is Alice Cooper, Joe Perry, and Johnny Depp – and later Tommy Henriksen. Given that the drummer these days is Alice Cooper's and the keyboard player is Aerosmith's (and the only one was Johnny Depp's mate), it's safe to say Alice Cooper and Joe Perry call the shots, not Matt Sorum 😂

    • Like 2
  10. 12 hours ago, JimiRose said:

    I guess the question would be, do duff and slash have the power to say 'no'. When Axl or TB decide its time to tour, and start booking dates, would slash say no and it be accepted? I think it's different Axl saying 'what do you think of this slash?' and slash going along with it, but would he say 'no axl you are wrong we are not doing that' - i dont think he would, so really any power or control he has is for show. 

    Does TB even book the tours?

    They're listed by ITB as one of their artists (as is Duff), with Rod MacSween listed as their agent and Karen Fossey also listed.


    Team Brazil is not listed.

    Also, none of this is new or a recent change. I've pointed it out before.

    I think TB's influence on the touring side of the business is wildly overstated on this forum.

    Logic dictates that they look after Axl's affairs and lesser things like website/social media and immediate staff, but the band as a business entity has established industry management.

    • Like 2
  11. 31 minutes ago, DeNfr said:

    how can you buy this narrative when the guy basically worked with as much different musicians as Slash? 

    first, if you "can't play nice with others", there's one universal rule: you don't tour (in the band) with Motorhead. this band had zero tolerance for dickheads.

    Alternative take: if he played nice he'd stay put in one spot 🤷‍♂️

  12. 23 minutes ago, Gordon Comstock said:


    The "reunion" was always about Axl and Slash, obviously. Axl said years before it happened that a "reunion" would be Duff and Slash joining his current band, and he has no desire to work with Steven or Matt.

    They were never gonna get a call for more than guest appearances, and at this point Matt's shot himself in the foot so many times that even if they did bring back other classic guys, Matt's not getting that call.

    In fairness Matt apparently did get a call to be a guest, but it was to be unpaid...


    I mean, duh. Why would you get paid to play one or two songs with a band you're not in or didn't found?

    • Like 1
  13. 47 minutes ago, MYWIFEMYLIFE said:

    Steven or Matt shoulda a been on the reunion ffs. I prefer Steven of course.

    What "reunion"? There hasn't been one. Two people returned. It wasn't a reunion and never once was billed as one.

    6 hours ago, MaskingApathy said:

    Maybe Slash didn't want to do it because he knew the wheels were in motion for the GnR reunion in 2016 so he didn't want to play those songs.

    This'll be it. There was already press speculation that Slash was returning in 2015. Forget Carrie Underwood; Slash, Duff, and Matt on stage playing GN'R tunes? The press would've had a field day!

    • Like 2
    • ABSUЯD 1
  14. On 6/7/2024 at 1:36 PM, JimiRose said:

    I'll phrase it how i think it went down. Slash and duff slowly approach Axl, hands behind their backs and panic in their voices. 'Hey ax, ermm so when we play live, we're playing GnR stuff right?'

    Axl 'Yeah all albums should be covered i think'

    slash 'Oh, Chinese democracy too?'

    Axl 'Oh defintely, it's still my fav GnR album'

    Slash ' Oh ok what songs?'

    Axl 'Just learn them all and we'll rotate'

    Slash 'ermm ok axl sounds um, great, can't wait'

    Duff 'Thanks Ax' 

    Technically slash has asked him what CD songs to play! :lol:

    I hope you know how ridiculous this post looks...

    • Like 2
  15. 41 minutes ago, kiwiguns said:

    You hit the nail on the head, and unlike some who always revert to the past (posts with information from 20 years ago and about band members who haven't been in the band for decades) you are looking forward. 

    The reunion and reconnection of Slash, Axl and Duff would not have lasted this long had they not collaborated as musicians nor from a personal perspective, put the past behind them and moved on. 

    Slash and Duff seem perfectly happy in life and don't give off any impression that they are under the control of any person including Axl Rose. 

    Axl Rose himself seems happier in life these days and you generally aren't happy in life, if you have a controlling personality. Possibly thats were Axl Rose has made changes in his own personal life, hence the very different Axl Rose we have today. 


    You hit the nail on the head. And what's most baffling to me is all of this is out there, on show, and is plain to see.

    To me it's all blatantly obvious

  16. 28 minutes ago, Free Bird said:

    Maybe, but maybe they chose themselves what they wanna play on. 

    Of course they did. I don't get this whole "they play what they're told" bullshit that people insist on all the time.

    It was Slash and Duff that asked Axl which Chinese Democracy songs Axl wanted to play, which suggests there was perhaps a willingness from Axl's side to ditch them from the live show, and an obvious openness from Slash and Duff to play them willingly.

    It was also Axl's idea to play Slither.

    The band – or at least the main three – are obviously more collaborative than people give them credit for, yet we still have to put up with this nonsense narrative that Axl has them under his thumb.

    • Like 3
  17. 2 hours ago, F*ck Fear said:

    I've never believed that debate. Live better than live recordings. I've been to enough shows in my life that I can hear when someone sounds bad in person.

    Axl doesn't sound good, imo.

    If you've not heard him live for over eight years, you can't possibly know for yourself for certain. Opinion and fact (or in this case, real world experience) are not the same thing.

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