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Posts posted by UltraMav

  1. bah well it doesnt look too nice either.....but IRS definatly shouldnt be the opening track.

    that's what I thought lol. it should'nt even make the album.

    I like I.R.S. alright, it's my least favorite of the recent leaks, but I definitely want to hear it on the album. But I do agree that there's no way it should be the opener. I wouldn't mind it being second in line though.

  2. Anyone else notice that elsewhere was up 'till today, last time I checked was about 9AM CST, and now it redirects you to gunsnroses.com.

    Whatchu talkin' 'bout? elsewhere works for me just fine.


    Oh THAT elsewhere. I wasn't aware that there was another one besides the one that rhymes with blat.

    Just for fun: elsewhere

  3. Welcome to the other side, my friend. ;)

    I am by no means on the other side :P

    I still dont consider this band GNR, and I still disagree with Axl for taking the band over, and I still consider the old band the greatest band ever

    But Im open to this bands music and thats how Ive always been, just have to take it for what it is, even if I refuse to accept it as Guns N' Roses. I'll always stand my ground on that.

    Okay... well your BIG TOE is on the other side then? :P

  4. Anyone out there with talent willing to make me a new sig? I was hoping for something with Axl and Robin as the main focus. But of course my name on it too. No big rush or anything, just kind of tired of my current one. Brownrock where are you when I need you? :P

  5. Robin's my favorite member of the band so of course I was happy to see that his new solo was awesome. A large improvement on the last one. I'm surprised some of you were dissapointed with the SCOM solo, I thought he did it amazingly. I might actually prefer it to Slash's when he does it how it was at the Inland Invasion. I was dissapointed with his performance of the SCOM solo at Rock AM ring, so I was glad to be thoroughly impressed on Sunday.

  6. I think the main problem with the show was that it wasn't tailored to the audience. This was a rock festival with lots of people who only knew the hits and were there to see Axl and couldn't care less for who else was on the stage.

    I too would have liked to hear Nice Boys, but most of the people there would have no idea what was going on.

    (I was hoping to experience the atmosphere with true GN'R fans this Friday in Bakersfield, however with the postponements this dream will have to wait a few months.)

  7. Well although I thought I was going to die as Guns was late on stage and everyone started attacking each other with projectiles and flaming articles of clothing, this was the best show of my life. Not because of the crowd or anything (most of the people in the lawn were retards as evidenced by the bottles/fire), but because of the amazing show they put on. I don't care if the bunch of uncultured twits around me couldn't appreciate the beauty of The Blues, I was there to see the band for ME. And I was NOT dissapointed with it at all.

    I will agree that once the solos started, they never really got the audience back. I don't have a problem with solos, but they were WAY too long. And I love Finck and Bumble and Fortus and Dizzy and *I* enjoy listening to them perform for extended amounts of time but for the rest of the crowd who knew nothing of the new band and was already ADD enough to resort to senseless violence after having waited twenty to thirty minutes... it doesn't work. (Talk about a run on sentence.) I'm not saying remove solos, 'cause they work as great intros for the songs, but please just make them shorter. They wouldn't have lost the audience if the solos were short one/two minute intros to songs.

    And I also agree that the "new" songs should have been properly introduced. A lot of people around me were in "wtf?" mode when the notes to The Blues started.

    Anyways, all in all the best concert and one of the best nights of my life. Even though the whole crowd didn't appreciate it as much as I did, I still loved every second of it.

    Plus it was my birthday and I'd driven about ten hours to get there and watched every single band before Guns so I better have loved it. ;)

  8. Whoa relax buddy. I said it sounded like that to me but it was probably backup vocals. I'm just saying that clip caught my attention. I'm not accusing Axl of "cheating" or anything.

    I actually wasn't lashing out at you in particular. It's been something that has been discussed so many times.

    Oh okay. I just made a special point in my post to state that it probably was just backup vocals, so I was like "wtf?". :)

  9. Whoa relax buddy. I said it sounded like that to me but it was probably backup vocals. I'm just saying that clip caught my attention. I'm not accusing Axl of "cheating" or anything.

  10. I don't know exactly what it is, but watch the end after the "na na na nas" and maybe you'll hear what I'm talking about. It's probably just Tommy in the back or something but it sounds similar to Axl in the leaked demo to me.

  11. Was the "judge for yourself" saying something about lip synching? 'cause obviously if he lip synched the "meeeeeeeeeeeee" wouldn't have happened. I did wonder while watching the Rock AM Ring video of "Better" if he used a guide track though. In the background it sounds like him singing the song but softer and lower volume, either it's a guide track, a background vocal from a band member, or my videos just jacked up. :P

  12. One of the reasons I'm looking forward to seeing Guns live is to hear them perform November Rain. I love how the new band plays it and Ron's outro to the song is amazing. Robin's solo is the weakest out of the three but I by no means think he "ruins" it. Anyways, NR is one of the new bands strong points when it comes to the old material, and I would hate to see it go.

    BTW- I think the whole "Robin Divide" has more to do with people responding to his stage presence and persona. I think Robin is a mediocre guitarist, but he's by far my favorite new member. And I would only really call him "mediocre" on the Slash solos he's covering. When it comes down to his own stuff, I absolutely love it. (Although I do enjoy his SCOM solo very much as well.)

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