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Posts posted by Allen8R

  1. maybe axl and the band should make a public plea for fans to lower their expectations before coming to a show. maybe part of the problem is when people pay all that money for a ticket they assume they'll be seeing a top notch show... like on time, with decent singing, whole sets, etc... if ticketholders had a clearer understanding of how badly the night will probably suck, then maybe they won't feel cheated and won't start throwing things.

    I love the sarcasm, but when people say "you know what to expect with GNR" they've got a perfectly legitimate point. If people are expecting GNR to take the stage on time, they've got false expectations. When I saw them live, I was expecting them to show up late and that's what happened. I still got my moneys worth.


  2. please, GNR has ALWAYS took to the stage late.

    And it was never right for them to do that.

    That is the bottom line.

    Yeah, and rock n roll always has been and always will be about "doing what's right"... I mean, who the hell does Axl think he is, not acting like a devout christian priest whose morals prevail over his desires, attitude and direction. That fucking prick should go to a confession booth and repent these sins for the power of the holly ghost compels him to!


  3. For the same reason you care when your team looses a match.

    Short, sweet and straight to the point. Good call:thumbsup:

    What I was going to post would have reached the same conclusion so I'll just elaborate on it a bit.

    The comparison that ManetsBR is making is a very good one, in comparing GNR fans to a fans of any particular given sports team. They're our fav band, so we follow their current events just like any sports fan would follow the current events of their fav team. It's only perfectly understandable that we'll be angry if something negative happens and happy if something positive happens. The OP is kinda dumb.


  4. Hahaha, I figured that some naive kid

    what is it with you calling people kids if you dont like what they post , you called me one yesterday without knowing anything about me and im 44..... he may just be but you shure are acting like one ...


    I didn't call you a kid yesterday and there isn't anything childish about the way I'm discussing this topic at all.

  5. Hahaha, I figured that some naive kid would post something like this once the fella from Reading responded. This is nothing more that a typical generic response anyone who knows anything about PR and communications would expect from someone who very well could have a grudge against them.

  6. Notice Axl never pulls the "technical issues" or going on late crap when it's for MTV VMA's etc.... or the Freddie Mercury AIDS concert etc..... and you know why? Because they would just cancel him and move on with no problem. It's so planned/scripted people. Think about it. The Freddie Mercury deal was band to band (quick stage changes) and funny....no techinical issues for Axl then. Same for VMA's. He has 'tech issues' when he wants to.

    A Tribute Concert or TV event is much different than a festival slot.

    My point. He doesn't have 'technical issues' then. He only has them when he wants to go on late. He would never pull that stunt when he has to be on time due to MTV or the tribute people.

    You're doing this very very wrong. He goes on late pretty well every show and he doesn't blame it on tech issues. The recent case from last week was someone else claiming there were technical issues that did hold things up and it wasn't Axl's fault.

  7. The headline is mis-leading, the writer wasn't at the show, it is chock full of grammatical errors and mis-used and misspelled words. Really this is pathetic, and even more pathetic that someone who owns a media outlet publishes this rubbish:


    Guns N' Roses Fails to Impress at Reading Festival 2010 - Line Up Included

    August 28, 2010 03:24 PM EDT (Updated: August 28, 2010 06:55 PM EDT)

    views: 476 | 1 person recommends this | comments: 1

    Guns N' Roses failed to impress concert goers at the 2010 Reading Festival. Guns N' Roses arrived an hour late then went pass their allotted time slot forcing Reading Festival organizers to pull the plug on the band's show. They were upset over that development.

    According to GIGWIZE, Guns N' Roses' performance at the 2010 Reading Festival was set for 9:30pm BST but the band arrived an hour late which caused concert goers to get up and leave during their performance. Throughout the course of their set, Guns N' Roses had little interaction with concert goers.

    Guns N' Roses also ran pass their set time and at midnight Reading Festival organizers pulled the plug on their performance. Guns N' Roses then went into the pit to finish their set. After the set was finished, the band staged a sit down protest because they had been cut off.

    It is amazing that Guns N' Rosesshowed such disrespect to their fans and to the Reading Festival organizers. Sadly thoughisn't it to be expected by celebrities in this day and age? Guns N' Roseswas late and expected to receive a warm reception as well as being able to play into someone else's set. Despite Guns N' Roses' fiasco performance, the rest of Reading Festival's first day went well.

    LMFAO!!!!! That's just fucking hilarious! Seriously, there is no exageration when I say that's poor even for a junior high school students attempt at journalism.

  8. Axl didn't get that way until after GnR found success and his ego got inflated. Opening for Aerosmith, they went on stage on time. Opening for The Cult, they went on stage on time. Opening for Motley Crue, they went on stage on time. Hell, the early headlining shows they went on stage on time. All the shit didn't really start to hit the fan with late arrivals til the Illusion tour, IIRC.

    You make a good point there Tat, so I'll admit that I was wrong when I specificly said "since 1987", because you're correct in pointing out it wasn't until the fame enabled him to hit the stage late. Opening acts don't have much of a choice compared to headliners. But the main point remains, Axl has been this way for 20 or more years (it was 1989 when when they really started to take off) and it's pretty safe to say "he's always been like that" since that's the vast majority of his career.

  9. Well, if he continued to blast music through the stereo, explain to me how that wouldn't make him a prick.

    you never been to a concert ??? the music played between sets is not comparable to the live music in terms of dbs .. regardles my post said he warned of latness and stuck to his guns period so calling him a prick really holds no water imo

    Yes, i've likely been to more concerts than you have been alive in years, both inside and outside venues. If noise was a problem, it sure as hell wouldn't have mattered if it was coming from a stereo or the band. I realize that the band would be much louder, but if a stereo wouldn't have been the same problem, I wouldn't have got a $250 fine for louod music coming from mine last night.

  10. This was the whole BAND saying FUCK YOU to the promoter.

    The whole band....LOL. It was Axl. The 'band' coulda said lets go on late and say eff you to promoter, but if Axl woulda told them no, lets go and play on time and for 2 hours they would have done so with a smile. The 'band' does whatever Axl tells them. That's why they are all his employees. Trust me, Tommy or DJ or whoever have zero say on when they hit stage or for how long. Don't give me 'the whole band" did it. The 'band' is so effing happy to have jobs and careers riding Axl's coattails. They will do exactly as told.

    i love how you act like it's just this new band. It's always been this way. Every era of GNR was like this. Axl just makes the decisions of the band, because he's the bands leader. Just like in a sports team, they have a leader on the team that calls the shots. Doesn't mean they're any less of a team.

    No; It wasn't always like this; but this is the reason why Axl is the only guy who made Appetite, left.

    You're wrong on both points. Axl is the same as he was in 1987 and Slash has said plenty of times that the biggest reason he left was because of musical differences.

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