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Posts posted by Gigigil

  1. 8 hours ago, wendirosez said:

    Mmmmhh understood. Oh , go for it @Gigigil

    Damn your link lady. i've just caved:lol:  I've bought the two...but in the vest style.  sexy ^_^

    Good for you! Yes, I'm buying them. Maybe we're starting a new fashion trend - wearing Axl's clothes (if only 😏)

    • Haha 1
  2. 2 hours ago, janrichmond said:

    @wendirosez @Gigigil Have a look at Debenhams website, they have lots of GnR tees and sweatshirts.

    Thanks but I don't buy at Debenhams and I'm not looking for GNR t-shirts. I'm looking for the ones Axl and Slash wear. Actually, Axl and I currently share the same taste in clothing haha!

    • GNFNR 1
    • Haha 1
  3. Thanks @wendirosez I'm a teacher in small and very royal English town. I should not be seen wearing anything polemic. But everything has a time and a place, so I guess I'll get them anyway. Also censorship is on the rise, which pisses me off, so another reason to get them. 

    I'm a bit obsessed with Axl's fashion at the moment. An alternative taste that looks perfect on him 😉

    • GNFNR 1
  4. 20 hours ago, wendirosez said:

    Well done^_^. So..which ones interest you the most?

    Well..  a lot of them I can't really wear, like pinball girl, my favourite. I'm getting love is a killer, cat and fish, impaled Mickey or blown Mickey. I might still get pinball girl and tied up.

    I also like Axl's shirts, but those seem sooo expensive! 

    20 hours ago, Oxford said:

    He wore this at Hyde Park…




    That's my favourite 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Powderfinger said:

    I’d like to see an acoustic club tour with Izzy back. There’s some songs that could be really reinvented in an acoustic setting, Estranged with Pedal Steel, things like that. Axl sitting chilled behind a piano. I’d love to see them just once as a band just playing their song’s, which is impossible for them to do in a stadium setting, there has to be a “show” when it’s that size of a crowd. Lights camera action stuff.

    To see them in a theatre playing an acoustic set of their material and have the music itself be the only thing spoken about would make sense to me for guys in their 60s. Reinvent. 30-40 years ago they were the best rock n roll band on the planet, I’d like to see them turn into a GnR version of the old Blues guys. Let the music do the talking. 

    Yes! Totally agree. Small venue, no performance, just them playing. And this goes for the studio work as well, as I think some of the CD album song have been overworked. 

    I don't know if it's possible for them to go reinvent their AFD-selves, the most powerful album of them all. Do you think they have a vision for what they want to do? For me it's all very hazy. 

  6. 7 hours ago, Gordon Comstock said:


    They're not samples, they're full songs and the argument of 'one song vs. a collection of songs' doesn't really work for GNR - they aren't writing concept albums where it's one big piece of art like Pink Floyd. We have some idea of 'what it is' and regardless of whether Absurd is ever included on an album, it will always be one of their worst songs IMO.

    We want albums but that's not how the majority of people consume music, and I think they missed their moment years ago to really capitalize on a new album. A few singles to test the waters is a good idea as long as they follow up with an album... but Hardschool and Absurd aren't even new songs anymore, and there's no reason to think they'll release an album soon after Perhaps and/or The General drops. So we can only judge these songs as standalone releases.

    Yes, I agree. I've listened to a discussion about GNR the other day, and they said they lost everything minus their fans. But a new proper GNR album would be their revival. They are one of the best and in 30 of nothing, they haven't lost their credit. CD, with 14 years of chaos around it, reached nr3 when it was released. And, although I like the album (possibly my favourite for very minute reasons), it is not a true GNR album.

    When I listened to absurd I thought the name was fitting. Then I saw it live and loved it. Maybe it was the way the produced it, I don't know.

  7. Just now, rocknroll41 said:

    I would hope you’re right, but they didn’t seem to eat up Absurd/HS.

    I really like absurd. A lot of people don't care about singles. They want a proper album. For me these singles are a tiny sample of something we don't know - don't know what it is, if it will ever be and how it might be. So they don't give much. An album is a complete work. Huge difference.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Sosso said:

    The new Album would actually be another excuse for the endless touring. 

    Axl promoted CD from 2001-2010. How long would he milk a new album? Probably until retirement.

    'Another excuse'?! They need an excuse?! With album or no album they can tour endlessly, if they want to.

    Do you really think they would have to 'milk' the new album? You know who they are, right? People have been waiting for a new proper GNR album for 30 years. If they release a new album, people will be eating it raw!

  9. 3 hours ago, Zeppelin said:

    What momentum? I agree that this would be a great time, if they actually wanted to release an album and not tour endlessly.

    Well, you've just explained the momentum. Yes, it's a great time to release an album. This tour reinforces their reunion and they're doing studio work. Between themselves, they have more than enough to put together a new album. It just doesn't make any sense if they don't.

    • Like 1
  10. 16 hours ago, Uncle Bob said:

    I felt this way back in 2017 when I saw them in Madrid. Then last year in Seville, which to me was the worst setlist ever. It's cool if people keep going to these shows but I won't invest any more money on this. But if they release new stuff? Musically speaking? Touring that stuff? I will gladly pay for that. It's just very sad that this guy that was talking about 3 albums worth of material since 2002 just hasn't released anything in almost 2 decades, letting his last years of his youth go, creatively speaking.

    Well, that's life. He doesn't have to do anything. I wouldn't if I had gone through all he has. But one can only hope, now that they are back together. I don't know in what terms. Axl's and slash's creative differences are still there, but maybe they can use them to everyone's benefit.

  11. 22 hours ago, Uncle Bob said:

    It's surreal how people always mention if he smiles, he's in a good mood or seems happy or even if he says a couple of words
    Like he's some mentally ill fucked up person they care about that they just wish gets better

    Tbh, I think Axl is genuinely nice. How he behaved in the past had its reasons and it's in the past. Considering his whole history, it takes a lot to pull through and Axl definitely has. I wouldn't be able to.

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