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Status Updates posted by Desperado

  1. Hey I just thought I should share this with you if you haven't heard of him allready :)

  2. hehe okej thanks :D

  3. Love your posts too :D I'm trying to make as good points as I can wich can be hard sometimes in english :P

  4. oh that's nice to hear :) yeah I also get really tired of people who always generalize women and men and how women and men should act.

  5. yes I belive you could say that haha :)

  6. I would also like some slower parts too because thats something thay haven't done much, but I thing that Scurrilous is their best album so I would just like if they continue and progress that sound. I think that they just get better and better with every album they make.

  7. yeah they are one of my favorite bands ever! I'm looking forward to see what kind of album they will do next :D

  8. Thats good :) I like Bill Maher too but mostely because of his religulous movie, I don't think his stand up is that funny but I do agree with him on everything apart from the globalwarming stuff. I'm more into Ricky Gervais :)

  9. Yeah, let me know what you think after you seen it :)

  10. Hello! I think you will enjoy this video about religion :)

    It's a comedian from sweden who often makes fun of or talks about religion, his english isn't the best maybe but you can understand what he's saying anyway ;)

  11. Really? I haven't posted it there anyway xD cool. Oh now I feel so special haha. Yeah, what have you been up to? :)

  12. HI! really, I don't have it anymore, my cumputer have crashed many times haha. I have thought about making new ones with better software but I have lost almost all of my GNR videos and everytime I try to use a good program the computer can't handle it so it crashes haha. And I just ate Ice Cream xD I was woundering where you were, I haven't posted here in a long time :P

  13. an 5 stars to you for being a COB fan :P

  14. oh thats nice:P

    I have allways knowed he's gay lol

  15. tyvär men länken funka inte

  16. Å visst men inte nu ska kanske gå ut snart :P

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