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Posts posted by Desperado

  1. well you're right about that part. But how did she know that he would come back when he hade been gone for 8 years?

    I'll maybe will like it more after I see it again. But it was really an exciting movie and hade me at the edge of the seat through almost the whole film :P

  2. Well if it would just be because of revenge (even if it was one of the factors) she would just have turned it against Batman and not the town. That's just how I see it because the city didn't really do anything against Ras, he just wanted to destroy it to kill all the corruption.

  3. I know but they refer to it as Ras Al Ghul's destiny (or something like that) when what they are doing has nothing to do with what he wanted in the first film or at least because of the wrong motives. That's one of the things that bugged me.

    If they would just say that it's because of revenge I would buy it but they just say that it's what Ras Al Ghul wanted.

  4. just saw it. It was good but the reason behind destroying gotham was kinda dumb. In the first film ras al ghul was going to destroy the city because of all the criminals and corruption and stuff but in this it was all perfectly fine but they wanted to destroy the city anyway and released all the criminals and made it even more corrupt then what it was in the first film.

    Bane was the best part. I think The Dark Knight is 10000x better then this one but it was a good movie. The first one was probably better too but this one hade better characters.

  5. I looooooove Hitchcock but I think Vertigo is one of his worst movies, despite it being one of the most famous. I just think it's not as clever and doesn't live up to the writing and plot of many of his other ones. I feel the praise is unwarranted. Strangers on a Train and North by Northwest are the shit, though.

    I don't have that much knowledge about Hitchcock so I don't really know what I should begin with watching :P The only film I've really seen is Psycho (seen it like 4-5 times) and I remember seeing The Birds when I was 5, 6 or something like that.

    I've been thinking about looking more into his films but right now I'm stuck with watching old horror B movies :P

  6. News just broke..he bought the guns legally.

    "A right to bear arms"...woo-hoo! :jerkoff:

    The guns were held legally - so what?

    I own guns and I've never walked into a theater and shot it up and neither have any of the dozens of gun owners that I know.

    You didn't..this guy did.

    12 people are dead,over 50 injured,and you're asking so what?

    The news is sad, no doubt. However, in the wider statistical scheme of things the more gun friendly states in the US have lower gun crime rates in general. Norway has a very high instance of gun ownership, relatively speaking, and the mass murder of last year aside, has very low murder rates.

    The issue at hand is not about the guns, but rather about the desires of a person to commit murders. I am physically in England as I type this, so guns are pretty much illegal here, yet I could buy a handgun or shotgun and from some street people and have it here in a few hours. Or, look at it another way - Russia has very low gun ownership yet a very high murder rate.


    I'm not a gun person at all but this is true.

    and sad sad news :(

  7. and in some cases burn churches and things like that.

    no that's satanists ;)

    atheists have done it as well lol

    if that's the case it's probably not because they are atheists it's probably just because they are idiots :P

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