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Posts posted by swlabr

  1. not low quality like leaks but like you can tell it's from the 70's. like grainy and crap. and is it me or did zz top take one of their riffs..

  2. i know thats true about jazz and blues. but hard rock probably played the biggest roll in creating the genre. and here is my source. Metal

    And who was hard rock and anything before that influenced by? It all leads to the roots. To end it simply, rock n roll could be thought of as a subgenre of "ROCK" which is the general name for music which may include the bands that we've mentioned all together. Rock n roll was a lifestyle and musical form that began maybe in the late 40's and receded in the 60's. That's up-beat, "rock around the clock-esque" music.

  3. Rock n' Roll = Bill Haley & His Comets, Chuck Berry, Elvis, Roy Orbison, Buddy Holly and others. ROCK N ROLL was during the 50's and 60's. Heavy Metal is heavy metal.

    it's still part of the rock genre. if it wasn't for rock there would be no metal.

    Technically, if it wasn't for the blues and jazz there would be no metal. There wouldn't be much music to choose from that "cornucopia" you call rock n' roll, actually.

    want me to get a source?

    Rock n' Roll = Bill Haley & His Comets, Chuck Berry, Elvis, Roy Orbison, Buddy Holly and others. ROCK N ROLL was during the 50's and 60's. Heavy Metal is heavy metal.

    it's still part of the rock genre. if it wasn't for rock there would be no metal.

    Technically, if it wasn't for the blues and jazz there would be no metal. There wouldn't be much music to choose from that "cornucopia" you call rock n' roll, actually.


    You know it's true. You're gonna tell me we'd have METAWL and most forms of American music without Jazz and the Blues? :lol: That's the foundation of music!

    On topic: I voted null.

  4. Rock n' Roll = Bill Haley & His Comets, Chuck Berry, Elvis, Roy Orbison, Buddy Holly and others. ROCK N ROLL was during the 50's and 60's. Heavy Metal is heavy metal.

    it's still part of the rock genre. if it wasn't for rock there would be no metal.

    Technically, if it wasn't for the blues and jazz there would be no metal. There wouldn't be much music to choose from that "cornucopia" you call rock n' roll, actually.

  5. some of you guys are so incredibly full of shit!!! :lol: comparing hip hop to hair metal? uh, hair metal lasted what 8/9 years? hip hop been going for over 30, how are the two even comparable? they're fucking not is the short answer.

    yeah but hip/hop has become way more commercial, glamorized, and bloated. and eventually people will get sick of it and ditch the genre. if you observe you can see the genre's influence on pop culture dying out. everything eventually fads out.

    Again........you are talking about the GARBAGE that you see on MTV, BET, etc..etc.

    You must have not heard anything from the underground.

    Jay-Z, Puffy, Lil Jon, MIMS, etc...etc.. ..do not represent REAL hip hop.

    Old Jay and Puff DID represent hip-hop.

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