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Posts posted by swlabr

  1. From Wikipedia:Wikipedia: Fuck

    Notable Fuck Bands

    MC5 was supposedly the first band to use fuck in a song. "Kick out tha jams" opened with this line: "Kick out tha jams mothafucka!", which was seen as very radical at the time of its recording in 1968. The song was heavily censored and on the title itself it was changed to "Kick out the jams boys and girls!"

    The British band Pink Floyd also used "fucked" in their song "Pigs", from the album "Animals".

    Rage Against the Machine was a band who seemed to take fuck to the limits, Most notably, With the song "Killing in the Name Of" which said fuck 19 times, in the form of "Fuck you, I won't do what ya tell me" 18 times and then ending with a "Motha Fucka".

    However, Limp Bizkit pushed the limits more: in the song "Hot Dog," the lead singer Fred Durst uttered "fuck" around 50 times.

    In 2005 the special edition of the Murderdolls album "Beyond the Valley of the Murderdolls" extended the upper limit to 95 with the song called "I love to say fuck", which features the expletive in almost every line.

    Japanese rock trio Electric Eel Shock have an ironic take on the over use of the word Fuck in music in their song "Don't Say Fuck" which instructs the listener not to say it over 40 times.


  2. That song said Fuck!? :blink:

    I don't know of any.. :book:


    ya he says "Who the fuck are you..." more than once as a matter of fact ;)


    I guess I have the 'clean' version 'cause I've never heard it :lol: Maybe Elvis had some subliminal curse words in his music.. :unsure::P

  3. Ha! Yeah, Metal is shit. All pointless screaming. Sounds like someone's fucking them up the ass, IMO. They do have talent, instrument-wise, but the screaming and the death and hateful lyrics (from what music I have heard)? :blink: Spoon does have a point. And having supporting me in all my Hip-Hop posts, I gotta support him as well. I deff do respect your opinion, Krissige or w.e. But the music is totally pointless and brings tears to my eyes.

    Back on topic, The Beatles are deff in my top 5. I think The White Album is ace! Though I prefer the 1st cd :D Helter Skelter is a classic though. I prefer the more 'mature Beatles then the laddy-da pop version. They do have talent and have influenced the music of now one way or another. John and Paul made and excellent duo and teamed up with George and Ringo, it makes the perfect group. Random: My fave song is "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" :)

  4. My reasons for disliking Nirvana

    1.  I find Cobain to be one of the worst singers in rock history.  Many say his voice worked with his style of music, but I just think it was off key, and he wasn't a good screamer.

    2.  Other bands from the same era whose lead singer did not die are much better, but they don't get as much credit, because they "got old".  Bands like Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots, and lesser known bands like Mudhoney were much better, but get no props.

    3.  Cobain's success lead to Courtney Love's success, and if anyone is a worse rocker than Cobain...

    4.  Cobain is fake.  His image was all "I don't want the spotlight, I'm pissed off.  I'm the anti rocker" then he did everything he could to stay in the spotlight.  Where as Eddie Vedder avoided being a "big rock star"  Pearl Jam didn't even promote their second album, and it rocked ass.


    Totally agree with that..
  5. I know I'm gonna get flamed but I liked Green Day's early stuff


    As mush as I hate to say it, I do like Green Day's early material. My fave 90's band is The Black Crowes!
  6. did any of you go to the reunion shows this year?


    No <_< Did you? Dunno if this is the write place to put it since i can't in the DL section (not Guns related), does anyone have any Cream Bootlegs? :unsure:

  7. people at my funeral would have a party and get drunk and laid....not that they'd be happy i died but id want them to be happy i moved on :)


    Yeah! Don't be sad :( Get some pussy! :lol:

    Well, my song(s) would be Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight and Queen - Don't Stop Me Now rock3:( ?

  8. my god i LOVE cream!!!i have both those songs live and clapton fucking kills in the solos! whiteroom is awsome too with the wah and everything. and who could forget SUNSHINE OF YOUR LOVE! one of the most memorable riffs ever recorded ;)


    No Doubt! Clapton is my idol! Cream is just crazy! Deff one of the best bands of all time rock3

    New Rose: White Room is a classic!

  9. Hey, maybe WAr PIg and AXlander RAtted you out, because they were jealous!!


    Wasnt me or Axlander and I dont know what this guy is talking about :huh: the Pee Pee thing.

    I love you too Franchelle :heart::huh:

  10. I was listening to some Cds (Goodbye and Wheels of Fire) and their live songs are kick ass! They were a great live band (not as good as The Who ;) ) and Eric Clapton really pulled off some great solos. Listen to I'm So Glad and Crossroads, both Live, and you will be a fan. And they run between 6 and 16 minutes! It's crazy. Any Cream fans here?

    Later B)

  11. Don't remember the name, but I do remember the lyrics :D And it goes a lil suttin' like this: "All I wanna do is a zoom zoom zoom in your boom boom!" :blink::lol: It's some rap song from the early 90's. Crazyman, don't see why you should be ashamed of liking MJ's music. It's not bad. Oh yeah, another song I'm ashmed to like. That Eddie Murphy song from the 80's. "My girl likes to party all the time, party all the time!" :lol: Good stuff, eh!? :huh:

    Lataz B)

  12. I'm gonna see them on Friday with Tom Petty!!


    Argh! I envy you :angry::D I would have seen them when they passed around here (Miami, Fl), but couldn't cough up money for tickets. Im poor <_< I think they are kick ass. Straight to the point blues-rock. While the Grundge scene was taking over in the 90's, The Black Crowes remained true to their roots and kept the Rn'R name alive rock3 Shake Your Money Maker is great. Haven't had the chance to get the other records. Lack of money :( But I will soon :)


    Oh yes, Olga if you read this...TAKE PICS OF THE SHOW FOR ME! Do it out of sympathy since I couldn't see them! :lol:

  13. what do you thinkabout an idea section?

    where everyone can post his ideas


    Ideas about what? :unsure: New forum sections, like that? I think that's why we have the Support section for ;)

  14. Rap, Rock, Soul, RnB, Blues, Cuban Music, Chill-out Music


    Dude, you're bad ass! I don't listen to Cuban Music but im surrounded by them. So the music rubs off on me :P I live in Miami. What else would you expect? :D

    Null vote. I float around from genre to genre. Almost same as good 'ol Spoon here :)

  15. I can guarantee that I have better musical preferences that a lot of people here. Not to brag or anything, but I can say w/o fear that my music preferences is better than many of the people on this forum.

    WTF man. Seriously.. how fucking arrogant or better yet ignorant can you get. How can you measure something like musical preference (like whose is better)? It happens to be a personally based decision for each individual. Jeez I'll just leave it at that.


    I 'phrased' it wrong. What I meant in reality is that I have a wider horizon when it comes to music. I don't stick to one genre and say that all others suck. I try to listen to all genres and judge them by personal listenings. Like I said at the end of the 'rant', I used it for a way to vent out my anger. My bad. I'm not the arrogant/ignorant type by the way ;)

  16. -_- To the people that say that we hate Green Day 'cause we have nothing better to do but make fun of them:

    You say I have a bad taste of music 'cause I make of fun of bands you like. Green Day was a good band back in the early 90's. Yes, I am saying that I like old Green Day. I never said I didn't. That's when Green Day was 'true to their roots' and made songs that related to the youth of the time. But now days (American Idiot era) it seems as if Green Day has hit an all time low (along with every other 'rock' band now). They seem to have gotten a bit softer (Boul. of Broken Dreams) and have hit the 'Emo' side. When a band hits mainstream, their music changes. Which is what happened to Green Day. They have entered a 'world' where music is only recognized as a happy-go-lucky thing or a depressed emo thing. The only thing I can truely say I like about American Idiot (the song) is the fact that it's a good political song (lyric-wise).

    I can guarantee that I have better musical preferences that a lot of people here. Not to brag or anything, but I can say w/o fear that my music preferences is better than many of the people on this forum. I listen to all music ('cept Country :rolleyes: ) and people don't have any problems with it except here. I can listen to Rap/Hip-Hop where I'm from. But I can't even mention it here 'cause I know there'll be one concieted and narrow-minded idiot to come along and say "Rap is all about hoes, money, shooting people, and cars :fuckyou: " I can't stand that. Just because I listen to Guns N' Roses, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Cream, B.B King, Buddy Guy, The Black Crowes, VR etc, means I can't listen to Tupac, Nas, Mos Def, Biggie and shit?! :blink:

    _End rant

    Back to the topic. Green Day's "We Are The Champions" could have been better of course just that I think that it's a song by Queen that should remain untouched (unless it was performed with the remaining Queen members). Just my opinion ;)

    PS or w.e: Don't mind the rant. Just felt the need to get some anger out through writing :D

  17. Now that we're talkin about "file help", the other day I DLed a CD off eMule but the files are .mcp :huh: Anyone know of a way to 'convert' these to mp3 so I can listen to in iTunes? Greatly appreciated :D

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