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Posts posted by busngabb

  1. Buckethead on Nightrain from the 02 tour, by a long, long way.

    If only the guy would remove the bucket and just call himself 'Head'. If he looked decent it would be great, as he is easily the most talented guy to ever appear in GNR, easily.

  2. What a load of utter shite. What songs exactly do they plan on playing during the tour?

    Songs from CD, that no one will have heard? That would go down like a lead balloon no matter how good they were.

    The band is continuing to make a joke out of itself. Release it already. Its 01/02 all over again. We won't see the album.

    Oh shut the hell up ya negative goon! We practically got told infact we were told when the record is set to be released this year. May I remind you ''People will hear music this year'', 4 whole songs, a tour booked, Axl in the media all the time, ''PEOPLE WILL HEAR MUSIC THIS YEAR!''.

    I believe 100% this will happen. If it doesn't I'll eat my hat!

    Axl himself has specifically promised the release in many of the previous years. But he has not delivered. In 01/02 he started a tour without an album, and it failed horribly. Shows were cancelled and most didn't get near to selling out.

    Fast forward to 06, the formula still works now:

    Tour - album = Disaster

    Its as simple as that.

  3. What a load of utter shite. What songs exactly do they plan on playing during the tour?

    Songs from CD, that no one will have heard? That would go down like a lead balloon no matter how good they were.

    The band is continuing to make a joke out of itself. Release it already. Its 01/02 all over again. We won't see the album.

  4. Who the hell knows?

    It depends what songs they play. I'm sure he could belt out songs like Better amazingly well, with a deep, aggressive and raspy voice.

    I don't think he'll sing the old songs like his balls were being squeezed like he used to, but hopefully we've heard the last of a lot of those songs.

  5. Its because Europe is closer to the UK, which is clearly the centre of the universe.

    Tin-pot countries like the US can only watch with wonder at our history, culture and brilliance. Axl is an intelligent bloke, he sees this for what it is.

    After Europe I fully expect Axl to move on to Asia and South America. Europe/Asia/South America is the triangle the band will market themselves in. The US will only be visited because their parents live there.

  6. Apparantly on 25 minutes he confirms that he 'may' have been contacted by GNR to replace Buckethead.

    "But theres nothing concrete as yet".

  7. If it was true, would he really say anyway? I doubt it. Thanks for the update though!


    Merck has always been honest with us. He has never lied.

    If the rumor had been true - and he wasn't able to tell us - he simply would not have responded. But he has never lied.

    Why not ask him a better question. Like "Wheres the announcement?" or "Whats the plan?".

  8. He could get into England very easily. He'd just have to claim asylum saying he was picked on by people back home, and they would have him a nice new council house within days.

  9. What an ignorant little article. If they are going to comment on the leaks and the band in general, why not get it right?

    They could have done that much by posting anonymously on here, posing as a newb and saying, "Which of the leaks were played live, and when?" etc.

    The writer should be abused for it really. TWAT the best song? Is he having a giraffe?

  10. You lot are all stuck in the 1980's.

    Seriously an awful lot of people on these forums have probably not left the house since 1989.

    Come on people. If you put Axl in the middle of London in those clothes he would look fine and blend in very well. Some would even think he looked very cool. Either way, he wouldn't stand out.

    If you put Slash into the centre of London, skin tight leather pants and all, he would look like a freak. His image is that of an 'ageing rocker'. No one takes him seriously anymore, no one follows any image trend set by Slash.


    Please adjust you calendar to March 2006. It really ain't 1989 anymore.

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