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Posts posted by ASLayerAODsk

  1. B)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mr.b @ Dec 12 2006, 12:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->

    well..i was at the calgary and edmonton show..and you know the difference between the two other than the one song they played differently? the crowd. edmonton was FAR more into the show for the first 45 mins than calgary was...but thats also asking a lot too at 2am :P i dunno. maybe the album is like 'chinese democracy' and will never happen...who knows? but even during their earlier tours*199x*..look at the setlists...and compare them to now....

    Different people and different times. Those setlists were for hard core fans, these ones are for casual fans...

    yeah..tahts a good point...and proven so much more backstage in edmonton...2 chicks were there...they didnt even KNOW what Axl looked like..:P both about 18 IF that.

    Priceless. Still alot of people dont know what he looks like now, and for the 02 tour, we wont go down that road...

    yeah i had to describe him so they would clue in IF he had shown up...and tell them who was who in the room :P man...talk about a nursery school :P

  2. B)-->

    QUOTE(mr.b @ Dec 12 2006, 12:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

    well..i was at the calgary and edmonton show..and you know the difference between the two other than the one song they played differently? the crowd. edmonton was FAR more into the show for the first 45 mins than calgary was...but thats also asking a lot too at 2am :P i dunno. maybe the album is like 'chinese democracy' and will never happen...who knows? but even during their earlier tours*199x*..look at the setlists...and compare them to now....

    Different people and different times. Those setlists were for hard core fans, these ones are for casual fans...

    yeah..tahts a good point...and proven so much more backstage in edmonton...2 chicks were there...they didnt even KNOW what Axl looked like..:P both about 18 IF that.

  3. well..i was at the calgary and edmonton show..and you know the difference between the two other than the one song they played differently? the crowd. edmonton was FAR more into the show for the first 45 mins than calgary was...but thats also asking a lot too at 2am :P i dunno. maybe the album is like 'chinese democracy' and will never happen...who knows? but even during their earlier tours*199x*..look at the setlists...and compare them to now....

  4. instead of typing the same songs over and over and over as is the case most nights with the exception of one song maybe 2, why dont you just say 'same setlist as last night and the night before, but they played *insert song title here* as well right after *insert song name here*'? cause they NEVER change it up for the most part...they played dotf in edmonton but not calgary, YAY big change :P


    Jesus, what do you expect... for them to play Chinese Democracy on the Chinese Democracy World Tour?

    no, im just pointing out when they type the setlists that its the same songs...so just a lazy way to get around it...if Axl is lazy and uncreative in the setlists...why shouldnt we be? :D

  5. instead of typing the same songs over and over and over as is the case most nights with the exception of one song maybe 2, why dont you just say 'same setlist as last night and the night before, but they played *insert song title here* as well right after *insert song name here*'? cause they NEVER change it up for the most part...they played dotf in edmonton but not calgary, YAY big change :P


  6. I have just merged the latest "record store" rumor into this thread.

    As everybody can see by the length of this thread - record stores are not reliable sources for release dates. So please - PLEASE - stop starting new threads everytime you visit a record store. Post all of your record store stories and experiences in this thread.


    i found it kinda funny when i was in for the edmonton show that the HMV there had a 'release date' for chinese democracy of feb 2007 lol

  7. so, theres a ton more details because the backstage process that i ended up going thru was FAR from stellar...in fact the management all the way up to Del James were TOTAL pricks...not even remotely friendly...the staff at the venue however WERE VERY accomodating up to where they could be at least. im sure the GnR management is VERY restrictive and is partially responsible for making Axl the way he is, esp after what i experienced last night. LOTS of those details to come in the next few days as i organize the 1000000 things that are going on in my mind right now....im still just using some hack internet cafe thingy at west ed mall right now...so i havent even had time to THINK about all that happened last night...anyway...yeah...Ron is totally kewl...if you get the chance to talk to him..do it. hes definately the kewlest member, as well as Frank, that i got to meet. the rest, well, they are high on themselves and what we made them, so dont expect a warm welcome at all, EVER. cause it just simply wont happen.

    but more on that to come in the next few days so keep this post alive! :D

  8. Thanks. Awesoem review. What was the attendance?

    once again, same as calgary, during jungle, it was full...talked to a guard and he thought it was sold out...but who knows...but after ycbm it was slowly emptying for the most part...Axl..i think your idea of a 4 hours concert isnt work for most....if you read this....at least the 2 days i saw....hmm

  9. ok, now not being from either edmonton OR Calgary, I guess I could be considered an ideal candidate for a non-partial review of the 2 concerts :). anyway....about Edmonton....YOU GUYS ROCK. Theres NO QUESTION that the Edmonton show was 200% better than the Calgary show..and Axl and co performed for you....you gave response....they gave you a MUCH better show...its that simple. Now how do i KNOW that Axl gave a much better performance? cause Ron TOLD ME, yes, Bumblefoot told me eye to eye, literally as far away as you are from your moniter, I was told that Axl put on a MUCH better show last night than the night before, but ill get to those details a bit later.

    The night began with jungle, as per usual, no real surprise there. I guess ive come to accept that Axl's just stuck in a rut given his position that he just wont leave, maybe hes all 'wrapped up in himself' or whatnot, i dont know, but for the most part, the order was the same. The exceptions last night were 'down on the farm' was performed, and when Bach came out, Bubbles was RIGHT AFTER that. The solos as well last night were MUCH better than the Calgary show and it was ALL BECAUSE OF THE CROWD, so let me tell you that when you goto a show...and the crowd sucks...the band is going to suck...because what i saw in Calgary...vs Edmonton...2 TOTALLY different bands....not even comparable in the least. Even the sound was better...BUT there was a massive difference about that as well, my seating position. I picked a spot directly beside the stage rather than across the stadium from the stage, and the vocals were much clearer as well as the instruments were in a lot better clarity and one was able to hear more detail from instruments as they were being played, maybe it was the venue, maybe the seating, maybe the soundperson, i dont know, but the crowd also responded quite strongly as well, Id have to say first at the 1st chords to jungle, as well as when Bubbles came on stage, and even *ug* Sabo Bach.

    Now the backstage party....hehe..im sure lots of you just skipped the rest of this to this part...hehe..i know i would :) anyway, getting to the backstage after concert party is no small feat. and I wont even go into all the details, but man, i tell ya, if your going to the backstage anything afterwards, you pretty much need a vagina to get anywhere quickly...which im short of, so alas, my night was not all it could have been. My friend and I finally arrived at the backstage party *which was at the stadium* and we sit down. *LOTS of detail has been left out for now in GETTING backstage etc, i might write it up later* I look around and theres various suicide girls sitting around, Ron Thal is talking to a table, Frank is talking to some suicide girls, theres various other ppl there, a couple of chicks are talking to Dizzy. So we sit down at the first avaliable bar table and smile at our success, we are NOW in the same room as GnR. I realize that .00001% of the world EVER get this priviledge and im LIVING it at this point. I mean seriously, it was mindblowing. So i look over and Ron is one table away talking to a table full of S-Girls and Del James is there as well, and I say 'Hey Ron.' so he comes over and shakes both our hands and returns greets and asks us what we thought of the show. I basically told him everything in my 2nd paragraph, as im honest and Ron is a person just like i am, so im going to treat him as i expect to be treated, even though hes a part of the biggest band in the world, that doesnt change overly how ill treat someone. im NOT a kissass, as there seem to be so many in that 'family', anyway, so I ask Ron, 'how do you feel, or what do you think about Buckethead and predecessors and playing some of the parts that he didnt write?'

    'I try to keep it the same but at the same time i keep it unique and somewhat my own. I want to honour them cause they were the ones that wrote it, but im the one playing it ya know?'

    then i ask, 'did you do any more work*since the leak*on CITR?'

    it was kinda funny at this point cause he signed and wrote a little msg on my poster that stated 'anything you want to know about the CD, just go and ask management, theyll know! signed Ron Thal'

    and he kept referring back to that...there were also a few other questions i asked that i told Ron i would keep just to myself, that i cant mention on here, as that would make me a liar, and im not going to do that to Ron either, but they included topics such as Axl, of course, his guitar playing history, as well as life in the band. some of it being very general cause all this took place in about 15-20 mins so I guess thats my 15 mins of fame :D at least for myself. I did ask Ron if Axl was coming and if he could introduce me to Axl, his reply was 'I dont think ill have to, Axl will prolly comeover and introduce himself.' but no sooner than that was said Frank cameover and Ron told us that Axl had put on such a huge show tonight that he was exhausted and not coming out of his bus tonight. then all the women proceeded to file out and it became a giant sausagefest*yes to go see Axl on the bus*. We would have tried to go and see Axl on the bus too but there were a few pretty beefy security guards in the way and that just would have turned out badly for us, i think.

    Anyway, id like to say that GnR gave the BEST performance in AB, in Edmonton, and thanks to Ron Thal for taking time out for me and my friend and to make the Edmonton show MOST unforgettable and CRAZY! :D

    Ill prolly type more when i get home tomorow...but maybe ill just leave this like this, at this point i dont know. I told Ron i was going to type this up today, so maybe he'll even read it :) can always hope :) Im just massively dissapointed i didnt get to meet Axl, blah.

    ps as i said, this is quick n dirty, i almost forgot, Ron asked me to say 'hi' to everyone here and thanks for making this tour such a success so far 'keep listening!'.

  10. well, if it was 93% full at the end by paradise city, then i was watching aerosmith, or motley crue or maybe even christina agulara or however the fuck you spell it, but i certainly wasnt watching GnR last night if it was still that full....the lower deck was FULL of gaps where there were anywhere from 5-a full row of empty seats, yes, a valid point brought up is that the last train left at 2:15am, fine. BUT, that still doesnt mean that the stadium is almost 1/3 down from a sellout crowd by the end of a concert...i mean...most of the kids there dont have a CLUE about the original band...and they thing nickleback and backstreet boys are 'real' talent, this band came from the gutter and fought their way up from there and thats why they were so successful is cause the life they used to lead was so rough n tattered that it was kickass. now, axl is a millionaire plus and doesnt have a clue what its like to be hungry...or needing anything...or destitute in the least..and maybe thats why the concert tonight is prolly going to suck just as bad as the Calgary show..i dont know..but im not holding my breath either...if the solos are just as stank as last night..i think i will goto sleep...cause they were mostly off key pieces of crap.

    c ya at the show, and no, i dont have decent seats, nor do i want to pay for this dribble tonight either..but i have my reasons for going.

  11. ok theres a few things wrong with all of this..i was at the show..and i was situated where i could see almost EVERYTHING going on in the stadium....about 20 ppl were forcefully ejected..for what reasons...who knows? and after YCBM there were ppl SLEEPING on the floor...i mean...there was a woman sitting 3 seats to my left..snoring away...and another 2 rows back doing the exact same....by the time patience rolled around...1/3 of the lower level was empty...the upper levels however were quite full...which kinda surprised me....now..to get the to REAL tragedy...the sound...Axl...u claim to read the forums and whatnot...so read this..is it your intent to let us listen to a) the lead guitar B) your vocals c) the drums or d) the bass? cause the sound from where i was sitting...i could never heard more than 2 at a time...clearly. whoever does the sound needs to be fired. yes, FIRED. cause they clearly are deaf or they just dont care. in my opinion, this band vs the original band, they play like they are on a payroll. theres lotsa notes there..lotsa talent..dont get me wrong...but theres NO SOUL. maybe all those ppl who tell me that these guys have 'soul' to them spent a little too much time listening to the backstreet boys or something..i dunno...but Axl has lots still.but the band plays, as i said, like they are on a payroll. now...GnR went on at 11:50pm. which is the shortest break in all the bands...it was kinda funy cause i read that review of the chick from the calgary sun and she makes it sound like it was hours :P i guess im just left wondering after reading that article what she expected after 4 bands in one night? hmm. anyway..ill leave this at this for now..but ill be adding a TON more when i get back to Sask....i am going to the edmonton show only cause ive driven 1200km's now to Calgary and now Edmonton, but to be honest...ill only be spending $39 tonight..cause thats too much even.....if you goto the show....dont expect anything more than the same set as inland invasion..and its kinda funny...my ears arent even ringing today, i mean..comeon..this is GnR....and my ears ARENT rining? Axl, can you hear me? Axl??? talk about a disappointment...oh well..on to round 2. c ya there tonight.

    ps. oh yeah, if your a real fan and there tonight..lets get them to play a NEW song..like Catcher in the Rye...lets get the chants going..enough of the same useless crap setlist night after night...lets get some new stuff in there at least. :P or even Aint Goin Down :D

    anyway...on my way down there...c ya there.

  12. anything that i hear on these boards i ALWAYS take with a grain of salt....esp when its some 'nobody' for the most part and i have no idea who they are....unless its an official press release, then i tend to put very little water in it..but thx for trying anyway :)

    now if u could get your lawyer friends to write up a letter that u could scan and with contact information..that would be something different...but untill then...as far as im concerned...theres not much here.

  13. Im thinking and looking at all the setlists...and im starting to wonder why im going to 2 shows when im going to hear virtually the same songs on both nights...yes..im an avid fan...yes...ive listened to them since live like a suicide...but this has always been one confusing fact..they play the SAME songs..night after night..in the SAME order...i mean..even during a rockline interview with Slash back in the day...one of their OWN ROADIES called in..and asked them to change it up once in a while...even ONCE in a while..on the syndicated show...so...this 'problem' still exists. i mean, im super excited to hear them play live..but if the setlist is the same as the inland invasion set..which i watched online, 'live', basically all im going for is a volume enhancement and to see Axl and co. in a different set of clothes...at least thats how it seems....theres NO variation in the setlists so far....is Axl really THAT limited in what songs they can play? i wonder why they do it that way.....

  14. yeah..i was listening to the 5:32 version...and then the 5:38 version..and ive come to a conclusion...the 5:38 is slower...and the normalization is turned on...as well as the equalizing of the track...is WAAAAY altered...the 5:32 sounds closer to normal and acceptable in comparison to the rest of the leaks...so..thats just my $.02 on that.

    Indeed. I believe the difference in volume and clarity is due to EQ'ing and perhaps the other modifications you mentioned. All of which can be accomplished with CoolEdit etc. It's just a remastered version of the original leak, that's for certain.

    yeah..the 'remaster' actually sucks big time..get the 5:32 :D

    ignore the rest.

  15. yeah..i was listening to the 5:32 version...and then the 5:38 version..and ive come to a conclusion...the 5:38 is slower...and the normalization is turned on...as well as the equalizing of the track...is WAAAAY altered...the 5:32 sounds closer to normal and acceptable in comparison to the rest of the leaks...so..thats just my $.02 on that.

  16. The start time does suck when the concert is through the week. I don't care how you rationalize it. At the prices they charge today, its a business and we all know what happens when you lose site of the customer.

    Pearl Jam played for 3 plus hours and still finished by 12. Metallica played for 3 plus hours and finished by 12.

    Playing after midnite does not make you more of a rock star or contribute to your hype. It just makes you more of a diva.

    Still! Its GNR. They will be worth the loss of sleep.

    Yea, but you're forgetting one thing... Pearl Jam and Metallica actually care about their fans.

    Axl hates his fans. You in particular. He hates having to get out of bed and parade around in front of you guys. He just needs to make enough money to support his Warhol and Splenda addictions for another few years. Then we'll get another Appetite for Nostalgia tour to replenish the funds.

    so THATS why they sued their fans..cause they CARE about them...gotcha! ill keep that in mind!

    when Axl only calls us 'downloading motherfuckers' hmm...litigation vs name calling..hmm..who CARES more? :D

  17. and now that ive got all these songs..im going to start working on transposing Catcher in the Rye to piano :D ty for this :) my years of searching are over :D now to give back :D dunno how long itll take me..but it doesnt seem like an overly complex song..but we'll see...maybe ill release it in stages :D


    the track i have is 5:32@192k and sounds fine to me...and no..dont ask..i wont send it. unless maybe u have prostitute or sorry :)

  18. ok..for lack of knowing where to put this...im looking for the 'estranged' sheet music...ive asked EVERY store in town and looked online..and have been UNABLE to find it so far...anyone have it? i had it at one point but i had a flood in the basement and it was destroyed in there..:P sucks. i have my 'november rain' still but 'estranged' was worth FAR more to me..and even more now that I cant even buy it :P anyone?

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