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Posts posted by DopeSickGirl

  1. Shades , for a man as political and argumentive as you , id have never guessed u like teeny pop....

    I figured u rock to RATM ...

    RATM are a radical left-wing band...?

    ..I thought shades was pretty much the other way??

  2. []
    Who says you can't change them? You need some punk spirit.

    Look guys, Captain Teenage Angst is here to save the day!

    'Punk spirit.' and 'Teen angst.' are not related phrases.

    Punk is about rebellion against bigger things than getting grounded, not being allowed new jeans and wearing fucking make-up to be 'different.'

    Teen angst is all about hormonal cry-babys who don't care about anything except themselves and their 'dark-abyss' lives :lol:

  3. Hell fucking yeah!

    Fucking fantastic band.

    Blackout and Do Or Die are my favourite albums by 'em.

    Amazing live show.

    Their cover versions of Trad. Irish songs are always awesome too ^_^

    DKM and Flogging Molly; irish punk folk.



  4. Any fans here?

    What're you favourite tracks?

    Anyone ever seen 'em live? Never gotten around to it myself.

    My personal favourite songs are;

    Atheist Anthem

    Ya Can't Go Home

    So You Wanna Be A Cop?

    Corporate Trash

    Burn Them Prisons

    Fucking fantastic band, love 'em.

    They've just been turfed out of Canada. Actually, Canada wouldn't even let them in.

    ..check 'em out if your into punk =]

    Leftover Crack - MySpace


  5. You don't have to follow everything the music industry tells you to do, you know. I don't, and I'm a good guy. At least in most cases.

    But you use terms made by the music industry, and you can't change what these terms are really.

    Who says you can't change them? You need some punk spirit.

    Because it makes no sense.

    "this is not an internet forum, for me it's called pizza"

    Now we're moving into the philosophy of language.

    You say its Alternative Rock..? Personally I think its yellow.


    Words mean whatever you want 'em too; people just tend to go by what society pummels into you from an early age that they mean.

  6. Why do you obsessively label music JKKDARK?

    Secretly a music fascist?

    How in the name of God can you tarr Nirvana and Oasis with the same brush?

    Thank you, tell me when you make your own terms and don't take the terms made by the music industry.

    Britpop and Grunge are sub-genres of Alternative Rock. If you don't accept it, don't use the terms Grunge and Britpop and make your own terms.

    Why does music have to be labelled?

    Music is music, regardless of anything.


  7. Just been watching Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal, those films will never get old for me.

    The character of Hannibal Lectar is a goddamn literary work of genius and translates to the films fantastically.

    Anthony Hopkins pulls it off wonderfully.


  8. Arghh.. I'm so excited ^_^

    Where's frankwhite to piss on my parade with his Rancid sucks tirade ahah??


    now why would i wanna do a thing like that? :lol: go for what ya know :):)!!


    Satanisk_Slakt gave 'em a chance and decided actually they were alright.

    C'mon man, for all thats holy in the world of punk; give 'em another chance!


    EDIT: I'm so proud I spelt Satanisk_Slakt right first time around :lol:

  9. Wireless networking is a pain in the ass :anger:

    I almost threw both PC and laptop out of window attempting to sort it.

    I just bit the bullet and paid £40 call out for someone to fix it for me, saves getting really worked up about it ahah


  10. Taken from their myspace:

    In early Jan 2008 we started recording the 7th Rancid record with producer Brett Gurewitz (who has produced 4 previous Rancid records). It's coming along great and we're deep into it at this point still currently tracking. With an expected release in June 2008, we are working hard and very proud of what we've done so far.



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