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Posts posted by Ferrari

  1. Please don't forget that this guy wrote Silkworms...

    Hey I actually like Silkworms man.

    I respect your choice.

    Nevertheless, if many songs on CD are similar to Silkworms, there could be some dark days ahead, you know.

  2. That would be cool actually. Anything rather than Finck...

    I was wondering, Ferrari, could you give a detailed description as to why you don't like Mr Finck?

    Also, did he ever send you a thankyou note for the lovely cake you baked for his birthday?

    The guy didn't even thank me, but the cake wasn't baked, remember ?, just raw.

    I don't like his hair-cut.

  3. 1. Chinese Democracy

    2. The Blues

    3. Madagascar

    4. IRS

    5. TWAT (There was a time)

    6. Catcher in the Rye

    7. This i love

    8. Prostitute

    9. Better

    10. Oklahoma

    11. General

    12. Ides of March

    13. Zodiac

    What are your thoughts ?


    You even got it in the right order.

    you missed out "The Gift of New Pants"

    What are your thoughts ?

    I love Ferrari. And your list is complete shit.. You think CD won't have even one "unknown" track?

    I love Wando. I love Hanoi Rocks. I love Mr. Fukaji. I love Axl. I love Slash. I love Jalp. I love Charles Manson. I love Moreblack. Tonight I love everybody. fetes-anniversaire-lfdpn-000.gif

  4. Sorry Jalp, but I don't think the journalist twisted anything.

    Axl had no reason to say these words about Slash unless he wanted to try a reconciliation. :)


    i see where you are coming from. But in all honesty, I believe Axl said those words about Slash because Slash said the same thing about Axl just a week before in that radio interview.

    So, Axl obviously heard the Slash interview or read what he said online, so he just played the Public relations game as well.

    Axl needs a lead guitar. rock4

  5. I doubt it will be sounding like Queen or NIN...When I hear The Blues,Madagascar and even Oh My God,I don't hear NIN.

    Arrangements people...Not the sound.

    Sure there will be some synth,piano etc,but it won't sound purely like that NIN shit.

    Then Axl shouldn't mention the name of those bands in the interviews.

  6. Are we still talking about a rock record or about something that should be called different ?

    If a band takes more than 10 years to do a record, is it still a rock'n'roll record ?

    I thought great records in rock history had been done with a great amount of spontaneity and urgency.

    Good question. Some of Creedence Clearwater Revival's best material was done in a matter of days. Led Zeppelin also created their albums at a pretty quick pace, and considering some of the timeless epics they had later in their career( No Quarter,Kashmir, Ten Years Gone,etc.), that is astonishing. What Axl has done is truly unprecedented. You cant compare CD to Brian Wilson's album Smile, because Wilson abandoned the project for decades. CD could/will/probably be great, but its obvious that it took great effort, reworking, and a considerable amount of time to make it that way. The answer to your last question would have to be no. Its not a rock n roll record. Its a journey through one man's mind as he stands over an abyss. Its going to be quite interesting, and promises to be one hell of a ride.

    I would tend towards agreeing with you on that. Your answer is way more realistic than those who pretend the new band is still Guns N'Roses.

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