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Posts posted by gnfnr2k

  1. 3 hours ago, nathanhall said:

    He's been in the band for 3 shows.  Anything between the years of '94 to 2015 is null and void and nothing to do with Guns N' Roses.


    That is an asinine thing to claim. If that were even remotely true they wouldnt be playing chinese democracy songs. And if you want to use that logic, then i guess you can't count the band shows been the end of 91-93 since Izzy and Steven were not playing live. 

  2. 1 hour ago, UcudBmine said:

    I like Frank, he's a better fit than Brain. Sorum is just really meh and Adler plays the AFD tunes better than the rest, but I'm glad they kept Frank around.

    EDIT: And lol for calling Frank mediocre. If any of them would be mediocre it would be Sorum before anyone else (except for YCBM which is kinda cool)
    Oh and, totally irrelevant to this thread but I've been out of the loop for some time, I really like what they did with the intro of Better. And it's interesting to see Axl's voice slowly getting better each show, he sounds a lot better when he's not running around all out of breath. I don't like the throne he's sitting on tho, but I know that's pretty much his only option right now. 

    He's not a better fit than brain lol  Brain is way better than Frank and Brains drumming in GNR is miles better than Frank.  Frank has been horrid from day one as GNRs drummer.  

  3. Axl would sound even better if he would take the songs a few steps down like Plant does with Zeppelin and Tyler does with Aerosmith.  Tons of singers that used to have a high range in their primes have stepped down some of their songs to make it easier to sing, Axl should do the same.  It would save his voice for one and he would also sound much better. He shouldn't try to sing like he did in his 20s and early 30s.  

    Axl aways songs really good when he sings in his normal voice or lower register its when he tries to hit those high octaves he starts to have his voice get all thing and Mickey like. would have to hear him try for a couple shows to see if it works out.


    Not sure what everyone else thinks. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, cherrymoon said:

    For everyone who's ragging on Axl's voice, he was sitting down. It's hard to sing sitting down - especially GnR songs 'cause they're hard to fucking sing! Made even hard by sitting down and compressing the diaphragm. Give the guy a break FFS.


    don't blame him sitting down, that is how he has sounded for the past 10 years. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Whupa said:

    Agree.. look at the URL 


      it doesn't actually point to You Tube  but  Youtu Be    I'd stay off that site.

    that is just he shortened version of youtube.com

    its a shorter way to imbed a youtube link. 


    Just go to youtube.com and type in zZqTA3HlDG4 in search.  

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