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smoking guns

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Posts posted by smoking guns

  1. I don't see anything wrong with what he says here... I think he gave up forever after the RNRHOF... He had that sliver of hope all those years but he knew it was so unlikely... Then the no show to the RNRHOF and Slash realized finally it was over...

    Myles was nowhere around. He showed up at the last minute and saved the day.

  2. If Axl wanted to reunite.... Slash would. I think his main point is he was being nice and he too had hoped Axl would show for the reunion, but didn't want to sell the guy short and say, "no way in hell will he show" and then have him show up. It does hurt Slash, weather he admits it or not, to see Axl piss away what he helped build and to see him get along with every ex member except him.... I feel bad for him in that aspect. Axl gets to hang with Duff, Izzy, etc, and still be in GNR, but he won't forgive, or move on with Slash. Izzy, Adler, Duff, Matt, Gilby, have all made up with Axl... Pretty sad for him, with that said he has busted his ass for his solo work, so I credit him for staying very relevant..

    Duff is the one that called Myles to come sing. That wasn't Slash and Myles was very apprehensive.... Myles did it to make Duff, Adler, Slash happy because he enabled them to perform in front of the fans... It was great. Myles is so humble and such a GOOD guy.

  3. Damn, those guys are so talented... With that instrumental you can really hear some bad ass shit Slash is playing... Slash, Todd, and Brent fucking ROCK!!!! So far on this Album Myles has hurt any songs and on 30 years to Life he shined as he also does on Bent to Fly... I am so ready for this album!!

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