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Posts posted by maynard

  1. 23 minutes ago, G-Money said:

    Beta's post doesn't really confirm anything. She didn't say they AREN'T going to be there. She just clarified that her post isn't confirmation that they WILL. If they are, the entire company (Beta included) is in a nondisclosure agreement. So even if they are going to be there, it only makes sense that she congratulate the album contributors but not reveal their involvement.

    I mean, if they ARE going to be there, they're not going to spill the beans with a Beta Facebook reply (or Instagram or whatever it was).

    Nothing has been confirmed nor denied. Heck, Izzy probably doesn't even know yet if he's going to go on stage. "Maybe I will. Or won't. Squirrel!"

    TB rarely communicates with fans so directly like she did. You still choose to bleieve there's a chance. I'm sorry but you will be very disappointed by the end of the night.

    • Like 4
  2. Sorry for the off-topic but I must say that me and Russ disagree in lots of stuff and I'm a pain in the ass to the mods team but we always got along very well. At least from my end. But I think Russ 'gets' me and what I'm on about. And although I will always prefer Slash for the lead guitar spot in GNR, Robin is my favorite guitar player ever so there's that :lol:

    Sorry for the OT.

    • Like 2
  3. 22 minutes ago, AncientEvil80 said:

    Have you seen him with "GNR" in the last 16 months? Yea, that bad. Mickey prevailing...

    This should be GNR, not some opera. I don't give a fuck about singing technique etc... the rasp was due to simple raw energy, puking your vocal cords out. Obviously he can't do it anymore.

    And that is fine with me. Nothing lasts forever.

    Yes, why are you disagreeing with me? :lol:

    I said he should hire the best vocal coach out there so he can sing well with GNR. It's not about singing technique. It's about being able to sound good with his own band. Vocal coaches can help him to do that. Or at least try.

  4. 2 hours ago, IndiannaRose said:

    While I agree with you, I would find it strange to celebrate the 30th anniversary of such an iconic album without all the players involved in attendance. Maybe Mike Clink will make a cameo...? Hah. 

    And GNR would find it strange to do things properly. We all know how this band works and they always choose the wrong way.

    • Like 1
  5. Remember when they had a big announcement some months ago and it ended up as being more tour dates? People expected AFD5, got disappointed.

    Now there's a big AFD 30th show and people are once again expecting AFD5. I wonder how happy they will be the day after.

    • Like 2
  6. There was this site simply called gnrforum.com. Does anyone remember?

    NewGNR.com used to upload videos from the 2002 tour. I would download them overnight on my dial-up connection.

    Brazilian "BestofGNR.cjb.net" had a nice forum, still remember the owner's name, a dude called Animalesko. I wonder what the hell happened to him...

    I used to visit GNRonline.com daily around 2000 and 2001. It was frustrasting.

    I remember those scrolling news on MyGNR.com and its news section. Every time I entered the site I expected new stuff but it was always the same :lol:

    Fun and very frustrating times...


    • Like 1
  7. On 14/07/2017 at 6:02 PM, Corben01 said:

    Axl weight, Axl weight, Axl weight...Stop with this please.. Leave people alone with Axl weight please. I like the 2017 Axl. If you want, you can go see Bono pics.

    Seen 3 shows in this reunion (Belgium, France and Holland) and his voice was great (especially at Nijmegen imo). Don't forget that He's running on the stage more than 3 hours. If people want perfection,  seat him on a wheelchair during the entire show (What, already done ? Did'nt know, my bad :P).

    Ps : sorry for my english.


    Axl is fat. Sorry, did this hurt you? I hope it didn't. Leave people alone to say whatever they want.

    He's not running anymore. The shows may be over 3 hours. But there's at least 1hr of jams and solos. Axl gets LOTS of resting.

    People don't want perfection. People want Axl being the beast he was with ACDC last year. That's fucking it.

    lol Axl fans.

  8. Visiting message boards of bands I like is something I deeply enjoy. It's been years I read MyGNR daily. Being a NIN fan, I visit Echoing The Sound every day as well. Other boards I usually pay a visit are U2 boards and some Reddit pages for less known bands.

    My experience in all these places is varied. NIN discussions are almost 100% free of drama. Trent rarely makes mistakes. Healthy discussions most of the time. If someone criticizes Trent, people usually mock the guy or if it's reasonable enough, even good discussion emerges from it.

    U2 fans in general are also calm and rarely unhappy. Discussions about Bono's voice/political bullshit happen and the most loyal fans get a little bothered but never seen things getting personal myself.

    Another place I rarely visit is a Bon Jovi forum. Usually because I like to compare the Jon Voice Discussion threads with the Axl ones we have here. Unless it's obivous trolling, discussing JBJ's voice is usually healthy and the general thought among the fans is that Jon is struggling and singing very badly. Fans are fine acknowledging this.

    The most sensitive fans I've seen on the internet are surely GNR/Axl fans. Just at another thread I read a guy who said U2 is a better experience than a GNR show today and a poster told him to "suck dick". I'm yet to see fans to get personally offended like GNR fans do.

    How about you guys? How is it with another bands? I'm not considering Facebook/Youtube comments cause it's full of retarded people. I'm talking about "closed" communities.

    • Like 1
  9. 15 minutes ago, Asia said:

    Actually it's not easy to ignore it when you have to scroll through dozens of pages of the same old shitty wining. Positive reviews or any reviews whatsoever from the people attending the shows are a diferent story because they come from individuals who dragged their asses to the show, who had actually been there, seen it and share their experiences and impressions, which is always interesting cause every review is slightly different with people focusing on different aspects. While your wining, my friend, is always exactly the same, as if your record got jammed and it's just boring. I, personally, cannot understand why you come here every second night to see something you don't like and wine about it instead of getting something more interesting to do. There are other bands in the world, other hobbies, other forms of entertainment, whatever. You hate how Axl sounds, listen to Adele or whoever the hell suits you. And please stop with this nonsense that criticising Axl bothers me or us or whatever, cause that's just pure idiocy. I have criticised Axl in my life far more than I've defended or praised him and it is still true. But criticism is one thing and repeating the same old boring "his voice is 100% Mickey" a million times is just a fucking pain the ass for those who need to scroll through it and change pages all the time to find one sensible post in between. We got your message, man. Axl's voice is Mickey for your ears. We got it, really. We know it now. Most of us are Alzheimer-free and below 99 years of age, we don't need to be reminded about this life-changing information every 10 seconds.

    I would respect your opinion if you didn't exaggerate so much.

    Last show thread I entered must be from last year. You must be confusing me with someone else.

    People quoted me and started discussing. So I guess talking about Axl's voice is still interesting to a lot of people even though they disagreed with me and attacked me instead of my points.

    If Axl starts singing well again then I'll stop having negative opinions about him. Til then, I'll share thouse thoughts with you guys in here from time to time. Sorry, bro.

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