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Posts posted by ericy210

  1. Thank you Downzy for helping to weed out rumors. I can't count how many times over the years I've logged on to find a new thread already up to double-digit pages only to find it contains loose speculation followed by the same tired debates of what's really GNR, who should be on it, what guitarist deserves to be on it, the likely state of Axl's voice (or weight or hair), if MSL is masterminding something, etc. thanks for doing some screening. I appreciate it.

    • Like 1
  2. Does anyone here have an ounce of expertise in this area or are you just looking at hair replacement websites and Axl pictures to speak with authority?

    It would be mildly interesting to hear from someone with a lace wig or someone who does hair replacement work.

    Otherwise it's as useless as debating plastic surgery or not with a hollywood stars.

    • Like 2
  3. Which bands who stayed together did not eventually get worse?

    Honest question.

    Agreed. I am growing sad as I grow older because my bands grow older too. Bands usually explode out of a particular time and culture and when that changes it's harder for the bands to be as unique, as dangerous, as counter-culture. They they find other distractions and lose the edge. I'm not sure what human activity people get better at with age...
  4. Who else in entertainment- music, film, comedy, has ever made a comeback from hiatus? I mean to big levels, not touring county fairs. I did searching and found hitflix.com in 2013 who said,

    This year, we've already see the commercial comebacks of artists like Justin Timberlake, David Bowie and Destiny's Child. Some acts never officially quit the game, while others bid adieu only to make a big splash upon their return.

    Below we outline some of the biggest musical comebacks of all time, including Mr. "SexyBack" himself, plus favorites like Jennifer Lopez, Eric Clapton, Green Day, Mariah Carey, Cher, Johnny Cash, Cee Lo Green, Train, Santana and more. Check out how they made their ways back into commercial success. Who's your favorite? Who else should make a big return to music-making?

    Read more at http://www.hitfix.com/news/15-biggest-musical-comebacks-justin-timberlake-mariah-carey-green-day#CrXFJzR3tHioRwd8.99

    So there is some precedent for it

  5. I saw it yesterday taking the kids to see Big Hero 6. If you didn't know the song, you'd say it fit well. It was spliced with other music and the characters talking. As a fan, I was shocked and saddened. This was not what the song was written for! That's sacred music! What's next, SCOM in a Pampers diaper ad? Nightrain for Amtrak? Perfect Crime for ADT? Estranged for a divorce lawyer? Coma for Ny-quill?

  6. As Robin was departing, he put some photos and artwork online. One was a photo of a full sized attacking bear statue with a KFC bucket on its head, a shot at Bucket. One of the last before he took it off was a collage with 8 figures in it, representing all 8 of them. I remember it was very detailed and ornate. Does anyone have it? I think it's on a hard drive of my old broken college computer. I've looked all over for it. Thanks

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