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Posts posted by Turn_It_Up

  1. While I don't believe this for a second, I would love to be proven wrong. That would be kick-ass as there are many parallels between those 2 and their splits with their former bandmates. Would make for a hell of read...

  2. You just know Slash and Duff are in cahoots with the Dealership somehow and this is all their fault. Those dirty, rotten SOB's are attacking from all angles now to distract from CD getting out in March. They can't fool me... :rofl-lol:

    You just know there's some sick bastard out there actually thinking that! :lol:

    Well, it just goes to show that Axl is quite capable of filing his own lawsuits when he feels he's been wronged as well.

    Oh yeah, I just wanted to feed their twisted fantasies. :tongue2:

    Axl doesn't need any help in piling on the lawsuits. He's a solo artist in that respect...

  3. I'd give Richard the benefit of the doubt and think that's not his response. He's always seemed pretty cool and fan-friendly before...and that reply sounds prickish.

    It actually sounds more like something Axl would write... ;)

  4. Chinese Democracy if you ask me will have little singing in it. I think it will be mostly piano based music and there wont even be a hint of the Appetite days. Axl by now surely realises the extent to which his voice has deteriorated. I think there wont be many long vocal tracks I think it will be a musicians album with singing here and there. I know the new songs would suggest otherwise but I just have a feeling. I listened to Pittsburg 02 last night and that is the worst live performance I've ever heard. The guy can't sing. In Chinese Democracy he sounds like he's crying.

    No worries, Chris Cornell sounds like shit(fried vocals) on many of his AS live performances, but when the album drops he sounds phenominal just like you'd expect. I think Axl will be much in the same boat. At this stage of their careers, more than ever, the studio is their friend...

  5. Because Axl hasn't said anything himself about the album in years, anyone around him who does mention it(after being asked a zillion times) gets their words over-scrutinized and end up with shit on them. His own band members, Merck, etc. The only difference with Slash is he can say what he hears without having to treat this like a top Pentagon secret and then walk away from it because he's not in the band.

    As we all should know by now, nothing means anything unless it's coming directly from Axl...

  6. I wonder if right now Slash is thinking "WHY did I say that?!"

    I doubt he's even paying attention to this. He passed on the info he was hearing and that's it. He's not responsible in any manner for whether or not the album actually gets released in March or anytime after. This is Axl's baby to worry about and his alone...

  7. The problem is, they no longer had that bond, professionally and probably on a personal level. As is the age old debate, you can say Slash was "pulled" in other directions--or he was "pushed" by Axl. I believe the latter is true, but whatever. Water well under the bridge here 10 years later...

  8. Nah, this wasn't any sort of challenge. He's just doing an interview with a Philadelphia radio station(not exactly Prime Time Live) and being asked about Nu-GNR. I think he provided the info he's heard through the grapevine, but who knows how reliable it is--and as we know in the world of Axl, things can change at anytime per Axl's whims. Hell, if Merck has been wrong in the past, there's no reason to think Slash's info is rock solid. I do think Merck's past statement that 2005 was to be the Year of GNR was an obvious and understandable challenge to Axl.

    No offense Madison as I know this is just a topic of discussion, but it just goes to further prove that no matter what Slash says some here are going to doubt his motives. He was nothing but cool to Axl and his band. He's matured, moved on and time heals. Pretty simple...

  9. Cool interview.

    Slash definitely showed class in that interview -- although he seemed reluctant to call Axl's new album a GNR one:

    "Axl's got a record coming out - Guns I guess you call it - I think in March ..."

    I thought it was interesting that VR is timing its album release around the same time.

    Oh - and Rick - did you buy the forum from Eric? I didn't realize you run the site these days. :rolleyes:

    Let's face it, if it was any of us who were in the original Guns, we'd have a hard time thinking of this as GNR, too. That's only natural. But he talked well not only of Axl, but of the new band. It was all good...

  10. Very cool interview. They had a falling out, but I think the bad blood angle gets way overblown, especially 10 years later. No matter what went down, that will always be such a special time in all their lives and careers and nothing can destroy that.

    Would be great to see both NU-GNR and VR rocking the scene, let's just hope he received good info on this...

  11. People can doubt the validity of this rumour, or any other rumour for that matter. But at some point one of them has got to come true.

    It's either that or this album is never coming out, and that I simply do not believe.

    Right, as they say, even a broken clock is right twice a day. And Merck definitely comes off as a broken clock at this point, although in his defense we don't even know if he actually said this...

  12. Hopefully CD will finally be released in 2006, but Merck should take his cue from Axl and just keep his mouth shut until/if the album is formally scheduled for release. He obviously has little to no control over the situation and this seems like just another broad promise he himself can't fulfill.

    Time to close your eyes, throw more pennies into the fountain and make the same wish again, Merck. Maybe, just maybe, Axl will throw you a bone sometime this year. Then again, maybe he'll just throw you into the water instead...

  13. I could have sworn that I found some links to this story on sites such as Blabbermouth, but now a google search is no longer bringing it up...


    But all that's saying is that it was a posting on a fan site--we already knew this and it doesn't verify anything. It's cool if the interview and reported transcript are correct, but all we have is the word of a fan on a message board and I think we all know how reliable that can be...

  14. The Spaghetti Incident

    Contraband sucks!..I bought it right away when it was released but haven`t listened to it more than 2 times..


    but you should listen to it more, give it another chance. i didn't really like it at frist too, but then i realized that it was pretty damn good.


    Yeah, there were some songs like STB, Slither, DIFTK and LTA that I loved on first listen...but there were some others like FTP, BM, YGNR, etc. that I actually disliked. After about 3 listens, something just massively turned on and they became amongst my very favorites not just on CB, but all recent albums. And it wasn't because I "wanted" to love the material--I still don't care for Illegal 1 after all this time.

    Especially if you are comparing the sound to GNR, you just need to give the album multiple listens before forming a final opinion...

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