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motley crue's new album!


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i know this boards full of wanna-be music snobs, this albums goes alright...if you were ever a motley fan you gotta get this album, it's just a sleazy rock N roll album! yes....some weak tracks, but tracks like

just another psycho,

this ain't a love song

white trash circus

the animal in me

welcome to the machine

these songs are better then most of what VR could put together.

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I really like "Face Down In The Dirt". Badass song,imo. I'd have to say that this is definately the best album they've done since Dr. Feelgood. I'm hoping they'll do an arena tour after the Cruefest wraps up, and play a few more songs from SOLA.

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I really like "Face Down In The Dirt". Badass song,imo. I'd have to say that this is definately the best album they've done since Dr. Feelgood. I'm hoping they'll do an arena tour after the Cruefest wraps up, and play a few more songs from SOLA.
I hope they just tour this album and play more than an hour at some point. :rolleyes:

I do really enjoy the album, there's some awesome tracks and it's better than anything they've done for the last 20 years. Some of my favorite songs:

L.A.M.F. (The best intro song ever on a Motley album, even better than In The Beginning)

Face Down In The Dirt

Down At The Whiskey (Don't get why everyone hates it, I love it, it's sorta like a heavier On With The Show)

Saints Of Los Angeles

The Animal In Me

White Trash Circus

Goin' Out Swingin'

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I know I bitched about the live show, but this album KICKS ASS. Classic Crue. Some are saying this is their best since Dr. Feelgood. I disagree. This is their best since Shout at the Devil.

The title track is AMAZING.

My second favorite is Mutherfucker of the Year. And you know what, I do have to say, despite the show being not that great overall, this track was HUGE live. If you don't like this song on the album, you'll have a different opinion after seeing it done live. It was so badass.

I also love Down at the Whiskey, Animal in Me, and Face Down in the Dirt. I actually love most of them, but those are the stand-outs to me.

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The best since Shout At The Devil.... :lol:

Too Fast For Love and Shout are the only ones where you can listen to the whole thing, start to finish. This one comes darn close to one of those, and with a few more listens may be another. All the other Crue albums have at most 4 tracks worth listening to. Usually, when the Crue gets it right, they REALLY get it right, but otherwise, it's crap. So yes, best since Shout at the Devil.

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This is easily the best album they've made since Dr. Feelgood... It might be as good as Dr. Feelgood, but I haven't listen to the latest enough to judge. Some of the tracks are really good but the album isn't as good as Sixx:A.M.

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This is easily the best album they've made since Dr. Feelgood... It might be as good as Dr. Feelgood, but I haven't listen to the latest enough to judge. Some of the tracks are really good but the album isn't as good as Sixx:A.M.

Are you kidding? Sixx AM is really pretty much the generic rock of three years ago. Would never go out of my way to listen to it. Life is Beautiful? When they performed that live and everyone was singing along on the chorus I felt like I was at one of these big Christian rock concerts they show on TV with everyone acting all weird and touched.

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this album didn't grab me immediatley. but it just keeps getting better.

they jam harder on some of these songs than anything they've ever done in the past. the outros to "Welcome To THe Machine" and "Goin' Out Swingin'" are absolutely killer.

Mick and Tommy really rip it up on this album. Vince sounds good too because he's singing in his new, slightly lower, range.

the problem with Vince live is he's trying to sing stuff that he did as a 21 year old. he could scream those super-high notes back then (listen to the end of Come ON and Dance).

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This is easily the best album they've made since Dr. Feelgood... It might be as good as Dr. Feelgood, but I haven't listen to the latest enough to judge. Some of the tracks are really good but the album isn't as good as Sixx:A.M.

Are you kidding? Sixx AM is really pretty much the generic rock of three years ago. Would never go out of my way to listen to it. Life is Beautiful? When they performed that live and everyone was singing along on the chorus I felt like I was at one of these big Christian rock concerts they show on TV with everyone acting all weird and touched.

I didn't think I'd like that album at all before I heard it but it's actually (imo) a very good rock album and sure, at times it's pretty generic - but at times it's quite imaginative imo... and Saints of Los Angeles is very generic and there's basically nothing imaginative on the album - but that's alright. I don't want Mötley Crüe to start doing progressive rock or something, but the songs aren't always up to scratch either...some are, but some aren't. And I haven't listened to this album more than four or five times so it might grow on me...

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Dude, I wouldn't even attempt to rate this album on 4 or 5 listens....but now that I have listened to this thing about 100 times already, I can say this album REALLY grows on you.

I think the Whiskey song has that "Don't Go Away Mad, Just Go Away" ring to it, and the MF'r song gets your juices flowing, What's It Gonna Take kicks asses all over the damn place, I don't know what these guys have got to do to get noticed, maybe for Motley it might be just OK, but I bet there are a lot of bands out there that would give their right nut (or the one that's left) to be able to record music like the Crue.A totally underated group who are caught in a stupid "Hair Metal" curse given to them by K-Tel, not to mention the radio stations out there that are nothing but pure shit.

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