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Powerage5 last won the day on January 9

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About Powerage5

  • Birthday January 23

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    Rochester, NY

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  1. Best team won, not just on the day but across the tournament. This Spanish side is something special, looking forward to seeing how they develop and grow by 2026.
  2. Historically they put 1,000 pairs on sale initially, but then potentially more if a show is selling poorly. I’m not sure they did the latter this year at all though.
  3. This tour I got Rambler in NJ and Miss You In Cleveland - in NJ, Keith was really running the show for the entire second half. He was a man possessed, and it's probably the strongest and most involved Keith performance I've ever seen, given that my first show was only in 2005. That said, I do think since Steve joined the touring band Mick has been more of the band leader on Rambler in general, I do recall that from the shows I saw in 2021. As for other songs, I agree with some of your comments, if not necessarily for the same reasons. Sympathy is beyond dull - especially with no pyro nowadays. I also agree that Honky Tonk Women is actually sounding really good right now, I enjoyed it much more at both shows this year than I have since...maybe 2005. Shame you didn't get GOOMC - it was a nice breath of fresh air in NJ. Unfortunately in Cleveland I got IORR and LSTNT The former of which is one I've seen more than enough times. I really love Steve Jordan honestly. No, he is not Charlie and I would always take Charlie first. But he has the songs down so well, he's managed to bring some of the tempos back up where they should be (Paint It Black was the worst offender towards the end with Charlie), and he is having so much fun when you watch him. And man...Miss You is fucking great with Steve. He's a much better groove drummer than Charlie, and he just brings a lot of life to that one, Cleveland was by far the best rendition I've seen in person. The interplay between him and Daryl during the bass solo was downright filthy. Glad you both enjoyed the show!
  4. Georgia! What a game, so happy for them.
  5. That Austria game today was fantastic, one of the highlights so far.
  6. Croatia v Albania was the most exciting match so far. Good fight from Albania and thoroughly deserved the draw. Breakneck pace, proper end to end football at times. That one was a blast to watch.
  7. I have to say, Love To Love isn’t the first UFO song that would come to mind for Axl to do but I’m quite excited to hear it. One of my favorite UFO tracks.
  8. That was a great show in general, and we got a few fun songs at that one.
  9. Second and final show of the tour for me last night in Cleveland. I had Lucky Dip for this one, and pulled Pit A First time in the pit since Toronto 2013, got on the barrier on the inside edge of the side extension. Quite a nice spot actually as I could lean my back against the barrier looking inwards towards the main stage and catwalk, and turn around when someone came out on the side extension. Good show, albeit not as good as MetLife night 2 a few weeks ago. Setlist was less exciting than MetLife also with Get Off Of My Cloud and Bitch getting dropped for It's Only Rock N Roll and Let's Spend The Night Together, and especially Sweet Sounds Of Heaven still being dropped in favor of Happy. That said, I was elated to finally get Monkey Man - one of my favorite Stones songs and I've missed it by one show numerous times over the last few years. Band was in fine form again, with Keith being the MVP of the core members again. But man, I am just loving Steve Jordan. I never thought I would say this, but Miss You might have been the best song last night and that's in no small part due to Steve. He's got the funk groove absolutely locked down in a way Charlie never did.
  10. Simple: I don’t watch that shit
  11. I'm fully neutral for the Euros since I'm American, but I never miss an opportunity to razzle the English a bit. Honestly I love the Euros, in some ways it's my favorite tournament to watch. Gonna be crazy trying to cram in every game from the Euros and Copa America - not much sleep over the next month for me.
  12. Forbidden certainly isn’t my least favorite, that would be Cross Purposes. Headless Cross is my favorite. Eternal Idol is tough to rank against the rest - it really doesn’t sound or feel like a Tony Martin album, since he came into the picture so late. But I would take Tyr and probably Eternal Idol ahead of Forbidden.
  13. I gave Forbidden a full listen today - I actually can't believe the difference. I know this is a cliche for remixes, but it's literally like hearing the album for the first time. The guitar tones are so full and cutting, the drums are crisp, the low end is well rounded. It does not sound like an album recorded 30 years ago. I'm really looking forward to getting to know this album again/better. Only listened to a couple tracks off of the others so far. It sounds like Headless Cross has benefitted the least from the remaster, but I've always been a fan of the sound despite the fact that it sounds relatively dated. Try is sounding a lot better - always found the sound a bit thin on that one. As for Cross Purposes...I've never especially been a fan of this one, I haven't really had a chance to compare it to the original yet.
  14. Makes me wonder is Mal was the one so insistent to “keep it in the family”, so to speak. Totally agree about Matt’s look though
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