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Emo to be made illegal in Russia?


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A new Russian law could make being an emo kid illegal in the eastern European country.

Legislation is currenting being formulated in Russia to heavily regulate emo websites and ban emo and goth dress style in schools and government buildings.

The new laws are apparently being driven by fears that these "dangerous teen trends" encourage depression and suicide.

The legislation was presented last month at a hearing held by the State Durma, where critics claimed that the "negative" emo culture encourages anti-social behaviour and glorifies suicide.

Emo kids were described as teenagers who wear black, have facial piercings and black hair with fringes that "cover half the face", reports The Guardian

The weekend saw mass protests by Russian emo kids.

In Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, where laws are already being implemented, protestors in a march held signs saying "A Totalitarian State Encourages Stupidity".

Dmitry Gilevich of Russian emo band MAIO stepped in backing the protests, saying: "Expressing psychological emotions is not forbidden by law."

However, emo critics remain unconvinced.

Alexander Grishunin, an adviser to bill sponsor Yevgeny Yuryev, described a ban as necessary, stating: "This is the first step in the public discourse."

The moves in Russia follow criticism of the genre in the UK earlier this year, which saw My Chemical Romance fans protesting at the offices of British newspaper The Daily Mail over their coverage which linked emo with suicide.



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At face value its sort of amusing.

Underneath it though, it's a pretty nasty piece of legislation. It shouldn't just be "emos" protesting that, but anyone with a concern for freedom of expression. It makes Tipper Gore and her merry band of tupperware tyrants look pretty sweet right now.

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Republicans have been trying to ban dangerous teen trends for decades. :tongue2:

Don't for a second think the American religious right wouldn't do this if they could.

And before anyone waves the stars and stripes in my face...yeah yeah...the Canadian religious right would do this if they could too.

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Fuck 'em - emos are just middle class white kids crying over meaningless crap. Maybe now they'll have to take a look at themselves and see what douchebags they are.

I swear, if one more person tells me "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT EMO REALLY IS GAH" I'll single-handedly reinstate National "Punch An Emo in The Face" day.

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First they came for the emos...

Then they took away my Def Leppard albums! OMG!

No big loss for either really


Just kiddin' ya! Well not about the emos.

The term 'emo' always reminds me of this picture, I believe someone here posted it.


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Fuck 'em - emos are just middle class white kids crying over meaningless crap. Maybe now they'll have to take a look at themselves and see what douchebags they are.

I swear, if one more person tells me "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT EMO REALLY IS GAH" I'll single-handedly reinstate National "Punch An Emo in The Face" day.

Funny stuff!!...

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