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someone posted it on chinesedemocracy.com, so i'll post it here again so everyone sees it..

This may have been posted already, if so, sorry!

Headline in todays Kerrang:

"Gn'R: Whats going on? Axl's people speak!

Gn'R management company have broken their long silence and spoken exclusively to kerrang! about the bands gameplan for 2002"

(Then some stuff about RTB and Tom Zutaut getting fired)

A spokesman for their management said:

"I went to the studio 3 weeks ago and heard 41 songs...You're gonna ne nlown away when you hear them. All this stuff in the papers is rubbish. Axl'sgot himself together and he's making an incredible, important record."

The spokesman adds that the album may not be called Chinese Democracy.

Bryan May said of the tracks he worked on "it was fantastic. I was shocked that they didn't put it out straight away. Maybe its perfection on Axl's part - the desire to make THE album of all time. I playe don three tracks, but I don't know if they'll be used.....

The spokesperson said the Axl is "completely immersed in this record. The 41 songs I heard were from the 60 or 70 he's working on."

Brayn May adds "It has to be the best in Axls own mind, and an expression of his personal feelings. He's very passionate about it - every single word and note is very personal."

The album is now set for release in the second half of 2002. There are now no confirmed song titles.

"This album will have a big impact on people...People think they have all the answers, but the music will do the talking." The spokesman confirmed.

man i hoe this is true!!


It's a shame, we still know nothing more than what we knew 12-18 months ago.  :(

All of these "Articles" re-hash the same little pieces of information over and over.


c'mon, its kerrang! u cant belive a word, a "spokesperson"??? who??? Axls people???? its bullsh|t ike anything in kerrang, otherwise theyd be more specific. kerrangs a fuccking circus guys.


sssshhhhhhh...we're being OPTIMISTIC  :)


You're gonna ne nlown away when you hear them. All this stuff in the papers is rubbish. Axl'sgot himself together and he's making an incredible, important record

it was fantastic. I was shocked that they didn't put it out straight away. Maybe its perfection on Axl's part - the desire to make THE album of all time

It has to be the best in Axls own mind, and an expression of his personal feelings. He's very passionate about it - every single word and note is very personal.

This album will have a big impact on people...People think they have all the answers, but the music will do the talking.


Oh.. Man! I am looking forward to this one.. I think this will put rock back on the track again...

Another 1/2 year for a Amazing piece of work that will give us all tousands of hours with fun is a little prize to pay in my opinion..

Quality before Quantity.. :D


They did say it was a spokesperson for the management company, I don't suppose they'd lie about that, it'd kinda leave them open to lawsuits. We know this is gonna be a masterpiece anyway, people like Brian May have been telling us that for the last 3 years ;D


yeah ya gotta trust a guy like brian may, the most down to earth, NON-rockstar world class guitarist in world :) i wouldnt say axl cuz we all know the ego at work there :)


remember way back when....when it was rumored that shaq was supposed to guest on the album.....god,  i hope not...i mean, i listen to some rap and everything...but he can't even to that well...i know all of you hate rap,  but coming from someone who likes it, he is one of the worst


I like some rap too, and I have not heard shaq, but I can just imagine what he sounds like! Many athletes and actors try to sing, and few pull it off; and vise-versa. the only one that comes to mind that did is Jennifer Lopez.


Bryan really like Axl...isn't he. He keep on saying that this becoming new album is great.

and have anyone notice in Freddie's tribute (we wil rock you), he look at Axl with the face that showed a proud teacher or father who think that his son is so talented and gifted.

>>>>> or was it just my imagination? it's so real for me.


It's gonna be this year! probably just before Christmas, but it's gonna be this year. Hell Yeah!

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