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Chinese Democracy - PLATINUM


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I think the fact that Appetite sold over 15 million in the time it took Chinese to sell a million, pretty much nails down the public opinion of both records. All the promotion in the world can't make it a better album than what it is. If people hear something and want to hear more, they will find it. You don't have to shove it down their throats. We will never know if the old line up could have produced an album that was any better, it might even have ended up worse for all we know.

For as much as I enjoy certain songs on Chinese, it can only be considered as a failure in comparison to the other studio albums. Its been the slowest selling, and will no doubt end up the lowest selling GNR studio record of all time. I don't buy all the 'downloading has killed it' crap. All you needed was a two deck tape recorder for the early albums!

Lets hope the next album can take GNR back up to where they should be. And for now, lets enjoy the tours.

oh please 15 million copies in a year? even if that were true, I BEG YOU to find an album released this side of 2000 that has sold 10 million copies in a year let alone 15 million( as you're claiming)

to compare the sales of appetite to chinese democracy in determining which album is 'better', is as absurd as your are stupid, and you're very fucking stupid.

Er, its on the Riaa (Recording Industry Association of America) official website. And Shania Twain also did it in 2003 with 'Up!' Now who is very fucking stupid?

15 million copies in the US since 1987, not from 1987-1988 jesus christ. oh grats you found one, guns n roses in the 21st century =/= shania twain's popularity and promotion. the fact that you no doubt scoured the internet for an album that sold 10 million since 2000 and managed to only find one, a country singer no less(country is one of the least effected by downloads), basically proves my point.
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Fucking pathetic that some people judge the success of an album by how many copies it sells, or by how many magazine interviews the band does.

The music is all you should care about.

Whilst the quality of the music is the cornerstone, the sale also have a huge effect on the future output of the music. If the sales are huge then the band is more likely to consider releasing new material. Conversely, if the sales suck (which, relatively speaking, is the case) then the band, or Axl if we are being honest, are more likely to go into hiding or take another 15 years.

That is true.

But in this case, Best Buy paid $14 million dollars for the album. So I doubt the band really cares about the number of copies it sells. Yes, everybody wants a hit. But you make it sound like their future financial success was based on the sales of this album

How many record labels - in 2010 and 2011 - are going to turn down a band that will sell a million copies in the U.S., 5 million copies world wide, and that will make a ncie profit on tour?????? That's not such a bad thing.

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