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On the new album


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"What I can say is if you don't like this, then you probably won't like that. Same people, lots more approaches, bit meaner in places and darker in some. Robin does a really great Stevie Ray Vaughan-type solo on one track."

Hope that's what it will be like.

that's what i want

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As of Thursday 29th April 2010;

Over the last few days/weeks there have been several threads regarding the release of a new Gn'R album with release dates, titles, singles & tracklistings.

May I take this oppurtunity to remind you that;

NOTHING has been announced by Guns n' Roses / Axl

NOTHING has been announced by representitives of the band

NOTHING has been announced by the record label.

All comments regarding the new album in this section are currently PURE SPECULATION.

Thank you



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it's been said already in this thread but i'd like to see a much simpler straight up rock album from these guys, lose the synths and ambient noises, if a song sounds bitchin with some piano parts in it then all means add the piano, but if the song doesnt call for piano dont add it in for the sake of it. keep it simple, keep it rockin and I think it will get a better reception than chinese.

also i think a good idea for an opener would be an instrumental track like megadeth did on their last album, a simple rythm riff with the 3 guitars playing some mad solos, that could lead straight into the first proper song, and then it would be a good excuse to play that on stage so that axl can have a toke on the oxygen machine

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I wanna hear Checkmate. That leak is really like the best 13 seconds of any song ever.

Same here. I'm really curious is the leak a chorus or what, and is there a brilliant Bucket/BBF shred solo on it at some point during the song?

It does sound like a strong track. I wonder why Axl left a strong, finished track off the album?

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