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Tom Gabel of Against Me! comes out as a transgender


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But id bet you would love to watch her shitting in the bushes, probably as unnatural as it gets right there lol.

I hope chloe has a gay child. Might force her to open her mind a little.

It's very disrespectful and chilish to wish something on someone's kid.

Changing your gender is very unnatural.

Oh it's unnatural, you say... Well so is wearing glasses and shitting indoors. I don't see you squatting in the bushes.

Wearing glasses and taking a shit cannot be compared to a sex change.

You act like im wishing your child to be sick. Being sick and being gay are two completely different things. If I had a child who was both healthy and gay I would b a very happy and proud father.

Chloe, you said you were brought up with these views instilled on you. Would you consider your family racist? Being gay or transgender is something you can't help, just as much as being black, asian, or born into a particular religion.

You should really try being a little more open minded, or you could really miss out on alot. Meeting cool people. Or in.this case, if you decide that you don't like tom gabel, and not listen to against me because of it, you would b missing out on a hell of a good band for a completely irrelevant reason. So you see what im saying here?

Im a straight male, and couldn't imagine being anything but that. But I also respect everybody around me, and their right to do Watever it is that makes them comfortable, as long as it doesn't have an effect on me. And I.think I lead a happier life because of it. Lifes too short to get hung up on the small things hun.

It will be interesting to see how the hormones change his voice and affect his songwriting, and hope Floridians don't give him shit about it.

He has said he isn't going to have the surgery for a year. He is gunna dress and act like Laura for a year before he goes through with anything irreversible.

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But id bet you would love to watch her shitting in the bushes, probably as unnatural as it gets right there lol.

I hope chloe has a gay child. Might force her to open her mind a little.

It's very disrespectful and chilish to wish something on someone's kid.

Changing your gender is very unnatural.

Oh it's unnatural, you say... Well so is wearing glasses and shitting indoors. I don't see you squatting in the bushes.

Wearing glasses and taking a shit cannot be compared to a sex change.

You act like im wishing your child to be sick. Being sick and being gay are two completely different things. If I had a child who was both healthy and gay I would b a very happy and proud father.

Chloe, you said you were brought up with these views instilled on you. Would you consider your family racist? Being gay or transgender is something you can't help, just as much as being black, asian, or born into a particular religion.

You should really try being a little more open minded, or you could really miss out on alot. Meeting cool people. Or in.this case, if you decide that you don't like tom gabel, and not listen to against me because of it, you would b missing out on a hell of a good band for a completely irrelevant reason. So you see what im saying here?

Im a straight male, and couldn't imagine being anything but that. But I also respect everybody around me, and their right to do Watever it is that makes them comfortable, as long as it doesn't have an effect on me. And I.think I lead a happier life because of it. Lifes too short to get hung up on the small things hun.

Yes I would be perfectly fine with having a gay child. But don't wish it upon me. :rofl-lol: I would love my child regardless of how he or she was born. But that also doesn't mean I have to give my gay son my blessing when he wants go to go run off and marry his boyfriend. I would tell him to do whatever makes him happy, but he won't be getting my O.K.

I don't really think people are BORN gay. I think people are born to have more of a tendancy to be gay. Many strait males realize their gay late in their lives like at age 40 or even 50.

No, we are not racist. I don't hate gays. I love them! I have a gay aunt that I love very much but it doesn't mean I have to love what she does. :shrugs:

Edited by Chloe
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And about the music, I love plenty of gay artists. Elton John, Freddie Mercury, Adam Lambert. I just have never heard anything from Against Me. I don't judge people based on sexuality, just like I don't judge people on their color or ethnicity. I also don't vote against gay rights. I ignore that issue completely. I don't vote for it, but I wont vote against it cause it deals with human rights.

I just think gender changes are weird. Really weird. :shrugs:

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Sure it can. It's unnatural to cure cancer too. People do unnatural things to make their life better all the time. This person did the same.

How is it unnatural to cure cancer? People die from cancer everyday. People don't die from "the awful moment waking up and still realizing they have a penis" disease. That hardly makes sense.

It IS unnatural to cure cancer.

If we were living in the wild, and your vision was impaired, you would die and your genes wouldn't be passed on. People invented glasses so that people can survive even if they have impaired vision. Same with cancer. Chemotherapy is natural? Get real. Curing cancer is unnatural, it's something humanity invented, basically to stop (or slow down) nature's natural selection.

Basically, pretty much everything we do, this day and age, is unnatural.

So a sex change is also unnatural. But it helps someone feel better. It makes someone happier. It gives a person another chance at a life that he didn't want to live, at first.

How is that like curing cancer? It is quite similar.

You try to simplify it - oh you die from that but don't die from this. You also don't die from your parents hitting you, or from rape. Does that mean that we should just let it happen?

If a person is suffering, and we can do anything to help him/her - we should. Even if it's 'unnatural'.

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Sure it can. It's unnatural to cure cancer too. People do unnatural things to make their life better all the time. This person did the same.

How is it unnatural to cure cancer? People die from cancer everyday. People don't die from "the awful moment waking up and still realizing they have a penis" disease. That hardly makes sense.

It IS unnatural to cure cancer.

If we were living in the wild, and your vision was impaired, you would die and your genes wouldn't be passed on. People invented glasses so that people can survive even if they have impaired vision. Same with cancer. Chemotherapy is natural? Get real. Curing cancer is unnatural, it's something humanity invented, basically to stop (or slow down) nature's natural selection.

Basically, pretty much everything we do, this day and age, is unnatural.

So a sex change is also unnatural. But it helps someone feel better. It makes someone happier. It gives a person another chance at a life that he didn't want to live, at first.

How is that like curing cancer? It is quite similar.

You try to simplify it - oh you die from that but don't die from this. You also don't die from your parents hitting you, or from rape. Does that mean that we should just let it happen?

If a person is suffering, and we can do anything to help him/her - we should. Even if it's 'unnatural'.

You can argue at me all you want, it wont change anything. I still will think it's weird and not right.

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Awesome comeback.

I also think it's weird. I couldn't imagine being a woman. Couldn't imagine being attracted to males.

But I think that anyone that feels that way has every right to do so. If somebody doesn't feel good in his current situation and humanity has the solution (and it doesn't hurt anyone) then by all means - go for it.

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Chloe, I really wanted to see what you actually thought of his post. :(

Sorry hun, its pretty much pointless for me to argue about this stuff anyway. I'm not so good at explaining my thoughts and feelings. You've seen how these arguments go. It's me against 10 other people and I come out looking like the bad guy for it. It's worthless cause you guys will never understand why I think the way I do. I can't even hardly explain the way I think.

Awesome comeback.

I also think it's weird. I couldn't imagine being a woman. Couldn't imagine being attracted to males.

But I think that anyone that feels that way has every right to do so. If somebody doesn't feel good in his current situation and humanity has the solution (and it doesn't hurt anyone) then by all means - go for it.

You're right. They can do whatever they want. But that doesn't mean I have to like what they do or support it.

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Chloe, I really wanted to see what you actually thought of his post. :(

Sorry hun, its pretty much pointless for me to argue about this stuff anyway. I'm not so good at explaining my thoughts and feelings. You've seen how these arguments go. It's me against 10 other people and I come out looking like the bad guy for it. It's worthless cause you guys will never understand why I think the way I do. I can't even hardly explain the way I think.

Well, to be honest, a lot of us just don't understand the thought process, and I can't speak for everyone, but as someone who has a totally different thought process about this situation, I'd just really like to understand yours. I personally cannot see the other side to the argument at all, and I'd like to. I know some are just saying that to make digs at you, but I think a good number of people really are just curious, really. :shrugs:

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You think the way you do because you were brainwashed since early age. I understand that, because there are things that I have picked up that I can't explain to others, too. But people change. And maybe any one random sentence will get you thinking etc. So don't blame us for trying.

I wasn't brainwashed. I'm at an age where I can make my own decisions and decide everything for myself and I still don't support it.

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Chloe, I really wanted to see what you actually thought of his post. :(

Sorry hun, its pretty much pointless for me to argue about this stuff anyway. I'm not so good at explaining my thoughts and feelings. You've seen how these arguments go. It's me against 10 other people and I come out looking like the bad guy for it. It's worthless cause you guys will never understand why I think the way I do. I can't even hardly explain the way I think.

Well, to be honest, a lot of us just don't understand the thought process, and I can't speak for everyone, but as someone who has a totally different thought process about this situation, I'd just really like to understand yours. I personally cannot see the other side to the argument at all, and I'd like to. I know some are just saying that to make digs at you, but I think a good number of people really are just curious, really. :shrugs:

I don't even know the thought process. :lol: which is why I haven't come up with a good, solid argument as to why I think like this. I just... do. Something about it all just doesn't look, or seem right to me. :shrugs: I can't even explain it.

You think so. But things that we were brainwashed to think at young age affect us throughout our lives. It's sub-conscious.

Brainwashed or not, I don't think my opinion will ever change on this subject. We all think differently, and we all have different opinions.

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Chloe, I really wanted to see what you actually thought of his post. :(

Sorry hun, its pretty much pointless for me to argue about this stuff anyway. I'm not so good at explaining my thoughts and feelings. You've seen how these arguments go. It's me against 10 other people and I come out looking like the bad guy for it. It's worthless cause you guys will never understand why I think the way I do. I can't even hardly explain the way I think.

Well, to be honest, a lot of us just don't understand the thought process, and I can't speak for everyone, but as someone who has a totally different thought process about this situation, I'd just really like to understand yours. I personally cannot see the other side to the argument at all, and I'd like to. I know some are just saying that to make digs at you, but I think a good number of people really are just curious, really. :shrugs:

I don't even know the thought process. :lol: which is why I haven't come up with a good, solid argument as to why I think like this. I just... do. Something about it all just doesn't look, or seem right to me. :shrugs: I can't even explain it.

Is it, like, something you don't mull over a lot because just the idea grosses you out? I know I don't mull over how good of a person James Hetfield is, for instance, because I just will never like Metallica, and I won't waste my time thinking to myself, "I wonder if James Hetfield is a humanitarian in his spare time." You get what I'm asking? Is that what it is?

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Chloe, I really wanted to see what you actually thought of his post. :(

Sorry hun, its pretty much pointless for me to argue about this stuff anyway. I'm not so good at explaining my thoughts and feelings. You've seen how these arguments go. It's me against 10 other people and I come out looking like the bad guy for it. It's worthless cause you guys will never understand why I think the way I do. I can't even hardly explain the way I think.

Well, to be honest, a lot of us just don't understand the thought process, and I can't speak for everyone, but as someone who has a totally different thought process about this situation, I'd just really like to understand yours. I personally cannot see the other side to the argument at all, and I'd like to. I know some are just saying that to make digs at you, but I think a good number of people really are just curious, really. :shrugs:

I don't even know the thought process. :lol: which is why I haven't come up with a good, solid argument as to why I think like this. I just... do. Something about it all just doesn't look, or seem right to me. :shrugs: I can't even explain it.

Is it, like, something you don't mull over a lot because just the idea grosses you out? I know I don't mull over how good of a person James Hetfield is, for instance, because I just will never like Metallica, and I won't waste my time thinking to myself, "I wonder if James Hetfield is a humanitarian in his spare time." You get what I'm asking? Is that what it is?

Yeah! It's a little like that. I'm not huge on the issue and probably never will be. I don't know enough about it to even hardly argue. I don't really care for the subject. I just state my opinion and then everyone starts asking me all these questions and calling me close-minded, shallow, arrogant, when I don't even really know how to answer their questions. Specially Dazey's questions. :rofl-lol:

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Guest Len B'stard

I don't buy that "understand the thought process" stuff. Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, you understand the thought process, if you ever went to fuckin high school, you DEFINITELY understand the thought process.

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Chloe, do yourerlf a favor and give "as the eternal cowboy" a couple spins. I prefer "reinventing axl rose" and their earlier eps more but the one I suggested might b easier to get into. I love em. Sorry if I came off as a dick, I just feel strongly on these issues, and I know its something these people can't help, so it really sucks. That and im real passionate about the music I listen to. And toms a great dude. Sorry I attacked you a bit.

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I don't buy that "understand the thought process" stuff. Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, you understand the thought process, if you ever went to fuckin high school, you DEFINITELY understand the thought process.

No, I honestly don't. At my high school, people have never treated a homosexual differently, at least, not that I know of. In fact, it's almost become trendy to be homosexual, especially lesbians. In my area, there's really no judgment against transgender/homosexuals. Just my dad making fun of 'em and that's it. And, in real life, I've never met someone against their rights, nor anyone who thinks it's gross. It's really normal in my area.

Actually, there's more racism against people who aren't Asian in my area than homophobia. :lol:

I was reading Steven Adler's book and it gave me a tiny bit of insight about the other side of this issue, but not a very clear picture.

Edited by Kill Devil Hill
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The performance or my post?

I'm from southern California, so it really isn't much of a stretch. :lol: Only time I've experienced discrimination against homosexuals is from my cousins I visited once a few years back, and they never tried to tell me why they did it. They just ignored me. <_<

Edited by Kill Devil Hill
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No, I honestly don't. At my high school, people have never treated a homosexual differently, at least, not that I know of. In fact, it's almost become trendy to be homosexual, especially lesbians. In my area, there's really no judgment against transgender/homosexuals. Just my dad making fun of 'em and that's it. And, in real life, I've never met someone against their rights, nor anyone who thinks it's gross. It's really normal in my area.

Actually, there's more racism against people who aren't Asian in my area than homophobia. :lol:

I was reading Steven Adler's book and it gave me a tiny bit of insight about the other side of this issue, but not a very clear picture.

Wow, lucky. I got shit for being a dyke in my high school and I'm not even a lesbian! Stupid rumors... <_<

AND I also got shit for being an Asian (not the "cool" kind, the "terrorist" kind). Yup, high school was awesome. :thumbsup:

Edited by KiraMPD
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No, I honestly don't. At my high school, people have never treated a homosexual differently, at least, not that I know of. In fact, it's almost become trendy to be homosexual, especially lesbians. In my area, there's really no judgment against transgender/homosexuals. Just my dad making fun of 'em and that's it. And, in real life, I've never met someone against their rights, nor anyone who thinks it's gross. It's really normal in my area.

Actually, there's more racism against people who aren't Asian in my area than homophobia. :lol:

I was reading Steven Adler's book and it gave me a tiny bit of insight about the other side of this issue, but not a very clear picture.

Wow, lucky. I got shit for being a dyke in my high school and I'm not even a lesbian! Stupid rumors... <_<

AND I also go shit for being an Asian (not the "cool" kind, the "terrorist" kind). Yup, high school was awesome. :thumbsup:

Oh, I get shit for being "terrorist" Asian, too, especially since I'm only half. The really cool people are light-skinned Asians, not dark-skinned. :(

See, being a dyke is actually trendy at my school. If you're a dyke and (light-skinned) Asian, you've got it really easy. Which is really awesome for the pro-gay cause. We have a great GSA consequentially. :thumbsup:

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