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Axl's faith

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Marc -

I sometimes think that Axl's belief in spiritualism has hindered him from moving past his demons. Past-life regression therapy, etc.

There are stories that Axl believed he was mean to Erin because they were both Indians in past lives, and she had killed their baby. Erin said in the court trials that Axl had asked for pictures of her dead dog so he could exorcise a demon or something.

1. Do you agree his beliefs are a little "out there"?

2. Do you think he could be better helped by traditional therapy and/or a psychologist instead of spiritual treatments?

3. There was a story years ago that Axl wouldn't play cities starting with a certain letter because they had bad karma - is that true? Do you remember what the letter was?

4. Does the "Beta sniffing for bad vibes before Axl enters a room" story that Chris Jericho originally told have any truth?

Edited by Freddie Mercury's Ghost
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He believes that Jesus as a cunt. That's right, a cunt, just like all the rest if you superstitious idiots!

Your contributions to this forum are all but meaningless. If you don't have anything nice to say, I advise you to pack up your toys and play elsewhere.

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Marc -

I sometimes think that Axl's belief in spiritualism has hindered him from moving past his demons. Past-life regression therapy, etc.

There are stories that Axl believed he was mean to Erin because they were both Indians in past lives, and she had killed their baby. Erin said in the court trials that Axl had asked for pictures of her dead dog so he could exorcise a demon or something.

1. Do you agree his beliefs are a little "out there"?

2. Do you think he could be better helped by traditional therapy and/or a psychologist instead of spiritual treatments?

3. There was a story years ago that Axl wouldn't play cities starting with a certain letter because they had bad karma - is that true? Do you remember what the letter was?

4. Does the "Beta sniffing for bad vibes before Axl enters a room" story that Chris Jericho originally told have any truth?

I don't know but one thing for sure traditional therapy is something that everyone could use to improve their life. Life is too short and when you die, your gone and if you spend all your time worrying what other people said or think about you, you will get nothing done and make yourself sick. There are so many things to enjoy in life that its a shame to not get some help to better your life. Its always a good idea to talk to someone and get shit off your mind. if you have that opportunity use it.

Edited by recklessroad
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Marc, you've said that Axl and Slash should enter therapy, which I agree would be the right way to go about reconciling, but would Slash be willing to do so?

I'm sure Slash would do it if it would patch up some things that would help them be able to get more good things done that come their way. They would have to go on their own for awhile so the middle man could hear both sides. The problem is that for Axl why would he try to work something out with a person that he believes to be evil? First someone would have to convince him that maybe Slash is not so evil. Maybe if he could somehow see where Slash is coming from.

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Marc, I've been wondering, did Scientology ever come up? Their modus operandi is to target people during difficult and vulnerable times. Given their prevalence within LA and Hollywood, I'm wondering if they ever set their sights on Axl. Especially as he was publicly going through bad times, they love recruiting celebs and his interest in spiritual health may have been seen as an opening for them.

Also, given that Izzy seems to be on good terms with both Axl and Slash, could he act as a mediator between them? Perhaps convince Axl that Slash isn't so evil. Would he care for that role? Would Axl listen to him?

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Marc, I've been wondering, did Scientology ever come up? Their modus operandi is to target people during difficult and vulnerable times. Given their prevalence within LA and Hollywood, I'm wondering if they ever set their sights on Axl. Especially as he was publicly going through bad times, they love recruiting celebs and his interest in spiritual health may have been seen as an opening for them.

Also, given that Izzy seems to be on good terms with both Axl and Slash, could he act as a mediator between them? Perhaps convince Axl that Slash isn't so evil. Would he care for that role? Would Axl listen to him?

I don't think Axl would listen to anyone at this point. He has his reasons and unless they change then no one is going to convince him other wise.

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