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First Marijuana Commercial to Premier on Major Networks

Ace Nova

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Times sure have changed. I remember about 10 years ago the Bush administration spent 6 million bucks for an ad on the Super Bowl saying that US teens who bought pot, the money went to Bin Laden.

I vaguely remember that....absurd.

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The problem with marijuana is its a gateway drug to heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, and every other drug you can think of.

Also I have asthma and I smoked weed once and was put in the hospital for a month! Try paying those bills on just a teacher's salary (god, I need to become a lawyer again).

cupcake on

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Guest Len B'stard

Long story short, alcohol and prescription medications are "gateway drugs", marijuana is not....it's actually (almost) the opposite.

may be true, but you still don't promote marijuana use in any way shape or form. especially the government.

Don't promote drugs, have we lost our minds?

Oddly enough, despite being a massive advocate of getting shit-faced, you won't find another like me, I agree with Shades here, you don't promote it. Don't un-promote it either, tell the truth about it, it's effects etc etc but to ACTUALLY promote it, thats just fuckin' silly. I mean whatever else you say about this shit, whatever the benefits are, however much of a good time you have with it, it's not ACTUALLY good for you is it, i mean everyone knows that. Thats not to say it's deadly or even likely to kill you or whatever but just cuz it don't drop you on the spot that don't mean it's good for you, i don't kid myself into thinking that anything that entails taking great lungfuls of thick smoke in is good for your health so to promote it is a bit silly.

And like, I'll freely admit knowing next to nothing about medical weed and people that use it for medicinal purposes but...i dunno, the whole thing seems a bit funny to me, on face value, what the fuck can you get that smoking weeds gonna make better? :lol: I shouldn't laugh cuz i freely admit my ignorance here but...like i've heard arthiritis it helps, how the fuck can that be, how the fuck can smoking gear in any way effect the excruciating pain caused by your cartilidge wearing away and your bones grinding, i mean if it can help that kind of fuckin' hardcore pain then why does its painkilling qualities not like...show themselves in my day to day use of it? Other than that i heard it helps people with cattaracts or something? I dunno shit about that either to be fair.

I mean I'm sure it does help somehow medically, i'd be silly to sit here in my ignorance and make rock solid assertions about this shit...does seem kinda dubious to me in some aspects though.

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Oddly enough, despite being a massive advocate of getting shit-faced, you won't find another like me, I agree with Shades here, you don't promote it. Don't un-promote it either, tell the truth about it, it's effects etc etc but to ACTUALLY promote it, thats just fuckin' silly. I mean whatever else you say about this shit, whatever the benefits are, however much of a good time you have with it, it's not ACTUALLY good for you is it, i mean everyone knows that. Thats not to say it's deadly or even likely to kill you or whatever but just cuz it don't drop you on the spot that don't mean it's good for you, i don't kid myself into thinking that anything that entails taking great lungfuls of thick smoke in is good for your health so to promote it is a bit silly.

And like, I'll freely admit knowing next to nothing about medical weed and people that use it for medicinal purposes but...i dunno, the whole thing seems a bit funny to me, on face value, what the fuck can you get that smoking weeds gonna make better? :lol: I shouldn't laugh cuz i freely admit my ignorance here but...like i've heard arthiritis it helps, how the fuck can that be, how the fuck can smoking gear in any way effect the excruciating pain caused by your cartilidge wearing away and your bones grinding, i mean if it can help that kind of fuckin' hardcore pain then why does its painkilling qualities not like...show themselves in my day to day use of it? Other than that i heard it helps people with cattaracts or something? I dunno shit about that either to be fair.

I mean I'm sure it does help somehow medically, i'd be silly to sit here in my ignorance and make rock solid assertions about this shit...does seem kinda dubious to me in some aspects though.

You'd be surprised to see the difference it makes to some people. If you have 40 minutes to spare give this a watch. I do get your point though - I don't try to convince myself it's good for me because thankfully I don't require medical treatment. At the end of the day I'm still inhaling burning plant matter into my lungs.

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