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interesting quote from axl in '92


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Well, whatever he may or may not have said, they ain't together now and Slash hasn't spoke to Axl in 15 years. Maybe they don't hate each other but they aren't making music together at the moment. Who cares what Axl said 10 years ago. Who cares what he said yesterday? Fans just want some good music. They could have all hated each other when they made UYI, I still like those records.

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Hit Parader: Do you ever worry that the persona of Axl Rose will get bigger than Guns N’ Roses?

AXL: The bottom line is that nothing can come between Slash and I, and as long as we have that bond we have Guns N’ Roses. However big I get can only help the band because it attracts more attention to Guns N’ Roses. I’m not worried about being pulled in other directions. I need Guns N’ Roses in my life.

The irony of the comment is how he portrays Guns N' Roses as the Axl and Slash band..

By the way,.. a few of you mentioned the band working on an album, and Axl refusing to use any of the material.

Stradlin gives an interesting perspective on the issue..



cool interview thanks, izzy is the main man, he's the only sane fucker, i believe his side of the story over any of the other band members.

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And if he had changed his mind sooner, unfortunately no one would have seen him in the past decade.

I think the last decade of Gn'R would have been alot different if Slash & Duff had remained in the band - but that was not to be.


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Hit Parader: Do you ever worry that the persona of Axl Rose will get bigger than Guns N’ Roses?

AXL: The bottom line is that nothing can come between Slash and I, and as long as we have that bond we have Guns N’ Roses. However big I get can only help the band because it attracts more attention to Guns N’ Roses. I’m not worried about being pulled in other directions. I need Guns N’ Roses in my life.

The irony of the comment is how he portrays Guns N' Roses as the Axl and Slash band..

By the way,.. a few of you mentioned the band working on an album, and Axl refusing to use any of the material.

Stradlin gives an interesting perspective on the issue..



Damn, I had never seen that interview before. Sad, very sad.

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Hit Parader: Do you ever worry that the persona of Axl Rose will get bigger than Guns N’ Roses?

AXL: The bottom line is that nothing can come between Slash and I, and as long as we have that bond we have Guns N’ Roses. However big I get can only help the band because it attracts more attention to Guns N’ Roses. I’m not worried about being pulled in other directions. I need Guns N’ Roses in my life.

The irony of the comment is how he portrays Guns N' Roses as the Axl and Slash band..

By the way,.. a few of you mentioned the band working on an album, and Axl refusing to use any of the material.

Stradlin gives an interesting perspective on the issue..



I trust Izzy more than anyone else in that whole story... Izzy is just the man.

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