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Axl's Ego?


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OK im totally new at this so here goes....I wasnt really old enough to remember when Guns N Roses was really big(its still big to me at least...but then again im just obsessed) Im only 16. But from what ive read about the band's break n all everyone pretty much blames everything on Axl Rose n even more on his ego. Im not one to judge because like i said i wasnt old enough to know what was going on with the band when they were at their peak and i dont personally know Axl(damn do i wish i did though! :P )and besides what band doesnt have a big ego?I love Axl like to death(told you im obsessed haha) so i wont ever go against him but i want to know what everyone else thinks on this subject....(at least until i meet him haha...thats like the top thing i want to do before i die :D )

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yes of course everyone blames Axl, but not anyone else :rolleyes:

Anyway there is more to the break up then Axls ego, like the different musically directions, Slash didn't like where Axl wanted to take Guns n Rose musically so he quit, and then the rest of them quit.

Also there were times when Slash and Duff were too high to go to the studio or work on songs and Axl got annoyed with that, which was also the cause of the break up.

There is more..

Edited by Axl-rocks
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It was not all about Axl's ego however Axl has come off worst today as everybody has been enlightened to Axl's true personality...a person who manipulates his band, makes empty promises, lives on something that is not there (Guns N' Roses), criticises others whilst he has not put in his input to back up what he says, cares only about himself, cancels tours by half, stops in the middle of songs like an asshole if there is somebody obstructing the show thus ruining it for everyone else, shows up to every show 2hrs late.

So it is pretty hard for outsiders to really like Axl when they see all this because this is almost the only thing he has given the world to see in him. He is a great musician but he has hidden everything good in him and exposed all the bad stuff.

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I have a Rolling Stone September 1992 edition which explains a lot about Axl's life if anybody wants to read up an interesting topic...i know that this is floating off the break-up subject but just wondering. I could scan it and post the page here.

By the way this is an interview with him, when you read it you really learn about him and gives more understanding.

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I would say Axl was mostly to blame. But since most people on this forum are up his ass all the time, it doesn't really matter what i say

No, everyone was at fault , you can't just put most of the blame on Axl.

Edited by Axl-rocks
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ANY OF US knows for sure what happened but the band members. We´ve heard one side of the story ($la$h and co. ) but we haven´t heard Axl´s.

Apparently Axl and $la$h didn´t agree in the musical direction they wanted to follow with the band. Axl wanted to evolve and try new things while $la$h wanted to remain in their old style. That, and also the bad relationship among the members of the band that was being brought from the UYI tour were apparently some of the reasons of the break up but we don´t know for sure. Any of us was there to know it.

And as usual, Axl is always the one to blame without having even heard his side of the story.

Edited by November_rain
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woah im learnin alot thanx guys keep postin!!!$$ to Son of a Gun yea plz post that interview of axl's id really like to read it.....i cant get my hands on alot of rock magazines or anything cuz my parents are kinda against rock so yea......(they have this fear that ill turn emo or punk on them so) but thats too bad rock2

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Axl let fame go to his head. He didn't hang out with the group anymore over 92/93. That is not cool, you have to hang with your band. Unless they're dicks... which they might have been. But anyway Axl has never defended himself over these accusations. That adds to the mystery of his character. Personally I don't care.

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I would say Axl was mostly to blame. But since most people on this forum are up his ass all the time, it doesn't really matter what i say

No, everyone was at fault , you can't just put most of the blame on Axl.

Wow tough shit. Already have

LOL :rofl-lol:

I wasn't expecting that one! I almost fell off my chair.

Well, what I think is that obviously everyone has an ego, not just rock stars. Both Axl and Slash have said that basically they had different ideas as to what musical direction the band should go in. Slash did say that after he heard OMG he knew he had made the right choice by leaving if that was where Axl wanted to go. I would agree with him on that one.

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well what about the band's addiction to drugs && alcohol?? dont u guys think that couldve been another reason (partially) for their break up? i mean from what i know && have heard axl had substance problems but then so did th rest of the band . didnt he try to like help his band members stop?(he got fed up with steve so thats why he fired him i know that but still)

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awesome please do....keep me posted with any interesting interviews or facts or anything!thanx!! :)

click here


thanx alot!!woah thats alot of interviews...ill get around to reading them all maybe this weekend!

I would say Axl was mostly to blame. But since most people on this forum are up his ass all the time, it doesn't really matter what i say

No, everyone was at fault , you can't just put most of the blame on Axl.

Wow tough shit. Already have

ok please dont let this turn into an arguement everyone has their opinions i love axl && i still think he has to take some of the blame but ok so u think he should take most of the blame right? what is it about him that u think is to blame the most?? :) (see guys keep this peaceful please?)

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well what about the band's addiction to drugs && alcohol?? dont u guys think that couldve been another reason (partially) for their break up? i mean from what i know && have heard axl had substance problems but then so did th rest of the band . didnt he try to like help his band members stop?(he got fed up with steve so thats why he fired him i know that but still)

Sure, they all had their addictions.

But as far as I know, Slash and Duff always showed up for gigs, no matter how fucked up they were. Steven was really the only one who couldn't function anymore. To the point where they had no other choice but to boot his ass out.

btw, alot of topics here turn into arguements. Get used to it. :)

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