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Axl Rose is shooting for the stars


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"People will hear music this year"

Amazing! Quite possibly the truest most reliable quote out of the G n'R camp(in any form) in the history of the band. Of course people will hear music this year Axl! And good for you for telling the flat out truth. See the thing is Axl never said we'd hear Chinese Democracy this year but with the aformentioned quote he implies we will. Though by not having said it we can only be angry with ourselves when it doesn't come out. We're the ones who have jumped to the conclusion that Axl said Chinese Democracy will be out this year. He's basically promised the album without actually promising us anything. Good move on his part. This allows the fans to remain faithful while at the same time keeping non fans intrigued, at least a little bit. It also shows that he does intend to release an album at some point, when though is anyones guess. The problem is, at least as far as I can see is that Axl is likely shooting for the stars with this album. And not stars in our galaxy even. This is the be all end all for him as far as Guns N' Roses and more importantly his music career goes. I honestly believe that there is no way in hell Axl intends to release a great album. He doesn't want to release the best album of the year or even the best album of the last few years. He wants to trump everything ever. Especially everything Guns N' Roses. The problem is great albums just happen, they aren't made. Though this album may be the exception. It wouldn't surprise me if this album has been heard and will be heard by hundreds of people well before it's ever released. Obviously Axl has a thing with confidentiality contracts so there isn't a problem there with people talking about what they've heard. What I think is happening is that Axl and Co. probably intend to release at least 75% of the songs on the album as singles if not every song. Therefore every song is probably being written with the intention of it being a top ten, top five or even a number one single. Whether that's the right way to go about writing songs is up for debate. Hundreds of people are probably listening to these songs and not untill the songs get say at least a 90% approval rateing will they be considerd final cuts fit for release. The other problem is I doubt Axl wants to release an album that can be associated with a certain time in history. He doesn't want this album to become dated. So now you have the task of writing 8 songs at the very least that will remain timeless while at the same time going to number one. Now those are some lofty goals. Of course this is only my theory. I haven't spoken to Axl in a while, well ever to be honest so who's to say what the real agenda/goal for this album is. Though an epic all time classic will no doubt be worth the wait, my fear is that the songs may implode on themselves and nothing good comes from it. I hope not. If nothing else the fact that Axl is out and about and speaking of Chinese Democracy can only be a good thing. Here's hopeing 2006 is finally the year.

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woah nice first post....yeah i agree if this album sucks not only will his career be over but he will be the laughing stock of the music industry and the butt of jokes for years..taking 10 years to make a pile of steaming crap.

Heres hoping for a kickass record. rock3

Edited by FunkyMonk
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If Chinese Democracy bombs in any sense I really hope Axl has some good friends around who won't leave him alone for any length of time.

Because to be perfectly honest I think he's got everything riding on this album, and I think he knows that.

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These threads seem to be made every week by different people.

I'm not worried if CD will be a flop or not. This is Axl we're talking about, so I'm confident the result will be spectacular. Even if the songs don't apply to non-GN'R fans, I'm almost positive GN'R fans will be pleased with the result.

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Nice first post. Some intelligent thinking there. However, Axl said way back in 2002 that the album would be out by that summer. Close to 4 years have passed. So take even what Axl Rose says with a grain of salt.

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I don't think that way.To what else would he reffer by ''music'' besides Chinese Democracy?O.K. have it your way.Music doesn't automatically mean the album but in the interview he made it clear,he told to the reporter that the band was working on 31 songs from which 26 had been almost completed.Isn't that enough to believe he's talking about the album?

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I feel sorry for Axl....i mean the pressure, imagine, just imagine that Chinese Democracy is absolutely shit with even diehad fans being unable to admit it is any good...Id rather hear nothing then shit, i hope i really hope that he releases an atleast decent album. for his sake and ours

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I feel sorry for Axl....i mean the pressure, imagine, just imagine that Chinese Democracy is absolutely shit with even diehad fans being unable to admit it is any good...Id rather hear nothing then shit, i hope i really hope that he releases an atleast decent album. for his sake and ours

That won't happen.

If Axl put out an album of 2 hours of people shifting chairs around a room there would be people falling over themselves to tell everyone how incredible it is.

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Yeah that was a good first post, but that line of thinking was relevant a few years ago. With Axl's recent statements regarding CD about people "liking at least a few" proves he isnt trying to appease the GNR fanbase, and that he is no longer making a fruitless attempt to make the greatest album ever. He's taking a step in the right direction with this new line of thinking regarding CD.

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CD will be a huge success Fact because of the length of time it will of taken to be released. Some people will say they don't like it and that it's no where near as good as GN'R's old material but they would of bought the cd anyway which only adds to sales. I for one am very opptimistic that i will love the new cd and await its release with great anticipation :D

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I can't believe those worried about it being a bomb or a pile of crap. The new songs we have heard are phenomenal. Remember those snippets of IRS we heard, were those not great too?

The odds are this will be a breakout album. All we have to worry about is the touring, cause that is where the ice gets a bit thin with Axl, it never seems to go well (cancellations, riots etc).

If Axl and Co can keep it together and tour, they will take over Rock. :)

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Releasing 75% - 100% of the songs on the albums as singles? :blink:

And what time frame would that be, over several months or several years. Talk about saturation.

Writing every song with the intention of it being in the top 10, top 5 or number 1?

I didn't know there was any other way to write a song. Does anyone write an intentional flop?

At the end of the day we are still just talking about an album, right? :huh:

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Yes, their's a ton of pressure on Axl and the quality of the album. But their's no way in hell that Axl would release something that's total shit and I don't think he never has. The songs we heard in 2002 and the leaks...I bet my money on it that they have all changed in some way or another, and for the better. They've probably been remastered, parts added, some lyrics changed....and who knows what else. But I'm pretty confident that this album is going to kick some ass IMO.


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I feel sorry for Axl....i mean the pressure, imagine, just imagine that Chinese Democracy is absolutely shit with even diehad fans being unable to admit it is any good...Id rather hear nothing then shit, i hope i really hope that he releases an atleast decent album. for his sake and ours

That won't happen.

If Axl put out an album of 2 hours of people shifting chairs around a room there would be people falling over themselves to tell everyone how incredible it is.

I never thought about that... :unsure:

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Writing every song with the intention of it being in the top 10, top 5 or number 1?

I didn't know there was any other way to write a song. Does anyone write an intentional flop?

Theres a lot of other ways to write songs.

Such as doing a concept album, where all the songs fit together and the album as a whole sounds incredible but individual songs might not be strong enough, or catchy enough, to work as singles.

Or writing a song like Coma. Its an incredible song but it would never work as a top 10 hit because its not accesible enough for most people. You have to listen to it and follow it to really get into it, plus its too long for many radio stations to agree to play it.

Or people can simply write great songs that aren't whats 'in' at that time. I'm sure you can think of your own examples for this one, songs which are excellent within their own genre but not the kind of thing thats really selling at the time.

Or writing a song just for a particular person, or group of people. Like Get In The Ring, GNR fans love it and I'm sure it got the point across to some of the media as well but again its not something that would work as a single because its not something people who don't follow the band would really appreciate.

And I'm sure theres a lot of other examples I've missed as well. Essentially theres not one set of rules for what makes a song great, but generally only one set at a time for top 10 singles.

(Oh and its not unheard of for a band to write an intentional flop either. But thats usually for a special reason, like trying to get kicked off a label to get out of a bad contract.)

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Writing every song with the intention of it being in the top 10, top 5 or number 1? I didn't know there was any other way to write a song. Does anyone write an intentional flop?

You think all artists write songs with the intention of them getting into the charts?


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Writing every song with the intention of it being in the top 10, top 5 or number 1? I didn't know there was any other way to write a song. Does anyone write an intentional flop?

You think all artists write songs with the intention of them getting into the charts?


What's shit to one person may sound like a masterpiece to someone else. There's no better example of that than right here on this message board, when people talk about some of the "new" material.

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Writing every song with the intention of it being in the top 10, top 5 or number 1? I didn't know there was any other way to write a song. Does anyone write an intentional flop?

You think all artists write songs with the intention of them getting into the charts?


What's shit to one person may sound like a masterpiece to someone else. There's no better example of that than right here on this message board, when people talk about some of the "new" material.

You didn't answer my question.


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