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So Madisons Censors People Here???


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Madison sent me this in my mailbox, I figured it would be best to reply publicly so everyone can see what this boards response will be....

"We don't appreciate the rude and insulting repetitive threads you've been starting. Merck has now confirmed - twice - that the "Mastering CD" rumor is false. If you choose to dispute this, that's your problem. But we will not allow you to post threads accusing Merck of lying and insulting mods on the forum.

If there was another angle that had not been debated, you could have sent us a pm explaining this - rather than posting a rude, insulting and disrespectful thread on the forum.

For this reason - your thread is again being deleted. Do not start another one on the same topic. "


Apparently on this forum you have to bow down and take everything Merck or you say for that matter as the absolute final truth? You also state that even if a thread's subject matter is relevant, you will still lock it if it has rude comments toward you, mods, or Merck. Well, did you ever take the time to think that maybe when you lock someone's thread for no valid reason they also take it as "rude" behavior towards them.



Now, please don't communicate with me in personal messages, this board deserves to know what you are going to reply to this and if you're going to outright abuse your power and either...

A)Ban Me

B)Delete This Thread

C)Move this thread so others can't view it.

You have a good forum, I like posting here, but you are wrong to lock any thread that anyone creates regarding the OLD MATERIAL that George is currently remastering. Stop taking your internet so seriously and stop censoring relevant threads. I could see if I kept making threads stating "C.D is being mastered right now", but I haven't made one of those. I believe I said mods can "fuck off" it's so easy style... take it with a grain of salt, this is a gnr board anyway... it needs a little intensity from time to time.

I'm done now.

Edited by jvitale2004
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Whoa man i respect ur right to free speech here but you are just digging a deeper hole for yourself, still i suppose that's what Rock n Roll is truly about, Fighting authority and standing up for yourself i mean. All i can say is Good luck, you're gonna need it!

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All I can say is I'm absolutely right.

I wonder what angle she or admin of this board is going to play. If I get banned it's only proof that ther are being lame. I should be allowed to create a thread and discuss the old material George is mastering, the older material that Merck has CONFIRMED is "being remastered for the digital age."

Edited by jvitale2004
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With all due respect dude, I think you're approaching this the wrong way.

Moderators ARE human and they just try to enforce the rules as they see fit to suit the MAJORITY. As a moderator you'll always piss one or two people off. It's life.

She suggested that you PM her to discuss it further and I that's what I would do.

Even though I agree with you that it seems premature to close the threads, I don't think you should be making her private messages public or holding some sort of kangaroo court.

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I would care if I owned a board, I would want my board members to be free to post about relevant topics and I wouldn't close them because I had a vandetta against one of them because he said something direspectful to me in the thread.

If I hurt anyone's feelings I'm sorry, this is the internet... I really didn't think saying "fuck off" it's so easy style would get anyone upset...

I'm making this issue public, soley because it is important and a censorship issue if she want's to lock threads that discuss relevant news.

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You have a good forum, I like posting here, but you are wrong to lock any thread that anyone creates regarding the OLD MATERIAL that George is currently remastering. Stop taking your internet so seriously and stop censoring relevant threads. I could see if I kept making threads stating "C.D is being mastered right now", but I haven't made one of those. I believe I said mods can "fuck off" it's so easy style... take it with a grain of salt, this is a gnr board anyway... it needs a little intensity from time to time.

I'm done now.

Eric is the owner of this board. Madison is just a moderator who keeps a eye on it so that everything is running fine.And like you said,this is the internet. So calm down,nobody has killed your fluffy bunny.

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One thing you're going to learn (and apparently, the hard way, would be my guess) is that message boards are not democratic societies. They are basically dictatorships with rules. Now, in this case, I think the mods here are pretty lenient with what they'll let slide and what they won't. Bottom line is, you've posted private communications between yourself and her - and that's not only a major violation of the rules, it also shows that you're a less than trustworthy person. Basically, you've done it to give your argument weight that, frankly, it doesn't have. Trust me when I tell you this, seriously, TRUST me when I say this - Jarmo would have done the same thing to your thread, if not done worse to you, directly.

Sometimes, its not what we say that bugs people, but how we say it. A bit of finesse and flair goes a long way into getting a thread that might otherwise be declared "uhh, no way we're letting this stay up" into not only being up, but being one of the most read. Keep that in mind next time you want to present a somewhat.. not popular opinion on something. Make it interesting and I think you'd be alot better off.

Madison: It appears he was venting his frustration here - obviously not in a good way, but I would say that, in reading his post, he just seems aggravated, and not directly angry at you. I'd ask that you take that into consideration when considering what actions, if any to take, in regards to him. This is why people should never allow their emotions to get the better of them. They're just chemical reactions in your brain, people - if you're going to let two chemicals mixing get the better of you, then I'm sorry, nothing I can do there.


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I agree completely.

This is why this board is turning into the worst GNR forum on the internet.

You are allowed an opinion, that of the Mods. Anything which doesn't tow the line is deleted immediately. You cannot even discuss anything.

If someone can point out in this thread why we cannot discuss what 'old masters' are being remastered for the digital age then fine, otherwise its just silly.

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I stand by my post, I am a very trustworthy person in fact my friend, don't make judgements so quick over the internet. The message was made public, because I intend to start another thread regarding the discussion about the "old material that is being remastered for the digital age" and for some reason I am being censored. Why can't I make a thread to discuss that topic which Merck has CONFIRMED? Will someone with authority provide me one reason why we shouldn't be allowed to discuss that issue.

That message was important to post because she blatantly said my thread was being deleted because I said something offensive toward mods/admin/merck.

If there was another angle that had not been debated, you could have sent us a pm explaining this - rather than posting a rude, insulting and disrespectful thread on the forum.

For this reason - your thread is again being deleted. Do not start another one on the same topic. "

Jarmo would not have sent me a pm because he was upset and said what she said above.. no way.

I've posted there before, he would have let the topic stay open and let us discuss why older tracks have been sent for remastering for the digital age.... I mean am I the only one who thinks their is an ulterior motive behind all the stuff going on?????

Edited by jvitale2004
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Lol, what are they gonna do "ban me." Like there isn't 4 other gnr boards that I can go post on......

It's sad to see kids with no heart these days man.... sometimes you gotta call people with authority out man.. free speech is an important thing.

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I agree completely.

This is why this board is turning into the worst GNR forum on the internet.

You are allowed an opinion, that of the Mods. Anything which doesn't tow the line is deleted immediately. You cannot even discuss anything.

If someone can point out in this thread why we cannot discuss what 'old masters' are being remastered for the digital age then fine, otherwise its just silly.

Don't like it? Fuck off then.

It's people like you that have destroyed this forum from a great place to go to, to full of idiotic threads that have been done over, and over, and over again. Ask anyone here from 2003, this place aint the same. People left because they got fed up with people like you.

If anyone leaves here who signed up in 2005, apart from a handful of people, I doubt the mods, supporters, newbies, admins, Merck, Axl, Robin, Slash, Duff, Izzy, or the whole forum will care.

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I admit, I am new to this board.

However, I been waiting for C.D just as long as anyone, I first found HTGTH back in about 1998 when I was in a Central Michigan University computer lab.

I've been waiting for C.D ever since.

I don't start the same topics over and over. I want to discuss why Merck or Axl sent old tracks to George to be "remastered for the digital age."

That's all I want to discuss dude, I tried to twice, my thread got locked.

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I agree with the thread starter 100%

I do like discussing the mastering topic, it's the first topic I've been interested in posting in for months!

Every time I do it ends up closed <_<

To those talking about "spamming" - it's not spamming there's only ever 1 thread about the topic at 1 time and there would be no need for new threads if the old ones weren't getting locked all the time!

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