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GNR's reception at festivals

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Axl Rose has become a legend over the last 10 years. Guns music has lived on to an extent that no other band from the 80s or 90s has. But he is a legend because of his reclusivity. Most people have to die young to be considered a legend, and Axl Rose died young, in that he's hardly been seen since the early 90s.

But now, or when he gets back on the road, he's just another musician plying his trade.

How do you think festival fans, made up predominantly of those who can't even remember GNR's heyday, will respond to the new band, which is, truth-be-told, a 44 year-old man and a motley group of younger musicians?

Even though the material that we've hear so far (and espeically the classic stuff) is in another league compared to System of a Down, Green Day, etc, does this matter to modern fans? Will they see it as a 44 year-old man who, at the last outing, appeared to have, rather embarrassingly, lost his live voice?

Might this be anti-climatic?

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Axl Rose has become a legend over the last 10 years. Guns music has lived on to an extent that no other band from the 80s or 90s has. But he is a legend because of his reclusivity. Most people have to die young to be considered a legend, and Axl Rose died young, in that he's hardly been seen since the early 90s.

But now, or when he gets back on the road, he's just another musician plying his trade.

How do you think festival fans, made up predominantly of those who can't even remember GNR's heyday, will respond to the new band, which is, truth-be-told, a 44 year-old man and a motley group of younger musicians?

Even though the material that we've hear so far (and espeically the classic stuff) is in another league compared to System of a Down, Green Day, etc, does this matter to modern fans? Will they see it as a 44 year-old man who, at the last outing, appeared to have, rather embarrassingly, lost his live voice?

Might this be anti-climatic?

youve made a good point. but i really think axl has put his heart and soul into this record. i dont think he has just been sitting away in hiding for 13years. i think hes really tried to keep in shape and his voice on the new songs seems pretty top notch. i know what you mean by saying that the old gnr fans arent interested anymore. my dad is the perfect example. but because it is probably the most anticipated album of all time, it probably wont matter anyway. good post though. :P

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Axl Rose has become a legend over the last 10 years. Guns music has lived on to an extent that no other band from the 80s or 90s has. But he is a legend because of his reclusivity. Most people have to die young to be considered a legend, and Axl Rose died young, in that he's hardly been seen since the early 90s.

But now, or when he gets back on the road, he's just another musician plying his trade.

How do you think festival fans, made up predominantly of those who can't even remember GNR's heyday, will respond to the new band, which is, truth-be-told, a 44 year-old man and a motley group of younger musicians?

Even though the material that we've hear so far (and espeically the classic stuff) is in another league compared to System of a Down, Green Day, etc, does this matter to modern fans? Will they see it as a 44 year-old man who, at the last outing, appeared to have, rather embarrassingly, lost his live voice?

Might this be anti-climatic?

Doesn't matter. Booking a lot of festivals is a VERY smart move imo. Guns n' Roses might not be fresh enough in the mainstream to book stadiums, arena's whatever. Festivals are a perfect form of exposure to attract new crouds and let people know you're out there. The legend of the band combined with being at the festival anyway and being curious is enough to draw crouds. They might not be able to do that on a stadium tour or whatever.

So imo this is very smart. Expose yourself to new crouds and let them know you're out there.

It's also a great chance for the band to "warm up" and experiment a little in front of a decent crowd. Shake out the cobwebs.

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The concern about his voice is a valid one.

The most exposure most people have had to the new band was that godawful performance at the 2002 VMAs.

Even my friends, when I said I had a bunch of new bootlegs, wanted to hear them. Truth be told, I didn't want to play them for them because Axl sounded so empty on some of the older stuff. GREAT on the new stuff, but weak on the stuff they would actually know.

Hopefully, that is corrected.

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At my high school:

65%: Love GN'R, own AFD, UYI albums or have at least 10 GN'R songs on their iPods.

15%: Emo kids who hate GN'R and think they're assholes and love Green crap Day.

15%: Satanist freaks who think GN'R are pussies because they don't sing about killing people.

5%: People who don't know much about GN'R but like the legendary songs like WTTJ, PC, or SCOM.

So, that's 70% of high people who'd like to see GN'R live. Most college-level twenty somethings who will be a huge percentage of the crowd at festivals really like Guns N' Roses and grew up with the music videos like SCOM, WTTJ, and November Rain being played on TV.

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Booking a lot of festivals is a VERY smart move imo. Guns n' Roses might not be fresh enough in the mainstream to book stadiums, arena's whatever. So imo this is very smart. Expose yourself to new crouds and let them know you're out there.

I agree with you username. And they chose European festivals... It's no wonder.

Playing the festivals will be the easiest part of Axl's come-back... What is going to be difficult is when the band will start touring on its own. Remember 2002 ? I really hope they won't do the same mistakes.

Don't want to be pessimistic, but if the line-up hasn't been modified, then...

Edited by Alan Niveen
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GnR pulled record crowds to their shows in 2002 across the european festivals. Its fairly common to see big acts of yester year pop up and headline european festivals.

They definalty will get a storming response across europe and the far east as long as they are showing up. Also they will be able to book a headlining tour across europe and sell it out, a la 2001

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At my high school:

65%: Love GN'R, own AFD, UYI albums or have at least 10 GN'R songs on their iPods.

15%: Emo kids who hate GN'R and think they're assholes and love Green crap Day.

15%: Satanist freaks who think GN'R are pussies because they don't sing about killing people.

5%: People who don't know much about GN'R but like the legendary songs like WTTJ, PC, or SCOM.

Completely the opposite to me.

About 2% love GN'R (that I know of). I'm sure there are many closet GNR fans.

I think some used to like them but are sick of the overkill of some songs such as November Rain but I think once they hear some new material about 30% will appreciate them (not necessarily like).

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IMO the smartest thing the band could do is to play festivals and then move on to arena gigs and gigs in general. This way people will know GNR are back in business and attend more gigs :)

And as for axls voice we have seen an equal amount of good and bad if it during this new GNR era etc.

Good- Osaka Japan 2002 summersonic festival

Bad - MTV VMA'S 2002


Edited by Axel1304
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I suppose that my main concern is the voice and the weight. Hopefully, the weight won't be a problem and won't affect his performance as it did in 2002. But unfortunately, the voice can't be healed with a few tough workouts. Axl was seriously struggling to even stay in tune during the 2002 dates, particularly with songs like Rocket Queen, Paradise City, SCOM and My Michelle. I think he has to look honestly at himself and say: "hey, maybe I can't hit those notes like I used to; perhaps it's time we drop some of the AFD stuff and concentrate on our new material." Personally, I'd love nothing more than to hear to six great from Appetite (WTTJ, It's so Easy, Nightrain, Paradise City, SCOM, Rcoket Queen), but not if he can't sing them as they're supposed to be sung.

It's strange that his voice was so off during 2002, because it was fine at Rio and he sounded just like the old Axl at the House of Blues gigs. I sometimes wonder if his failing voice is the reason he pulled the plug on the 2002 tour...

Anyway, don't get me wrong, I'm so pleased that they're touring again, I just hope he doesn't neglect these facts. I don't think anything's for sure about his voice: we'll just have to wait and see what happens after the first "DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE FUCK YOU ARE?!" But you're right about one thing: there aren't many people who'll turn over the channel!

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Will they see it as a 44 year-old man who, at the last outing, appeared to have, rather embarrassingly, lost his live voice?

It would have hurt him to sing the older songs like he used to, that style of singing requires a younger more raw voice box. Just listen to Vince Neil of Crue, he can't do his older songs anywhere near how he used to.

Axl's voice will, and does sound incredible on his new songs as they are more suited to where he, and his voice are at this point in his life.

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Will they see it as a 44 year-old man who, at the last outing, appeared to have, rather embarrassingly, lost his live voice?

It would have hurt him to sing the older songs like he used to, that style of singing requires a younger more raw voice box. Just listen to Vince Neil of Crue, he can't do his older songs anywhere near how he used to.

Yes, surprising that Neil doesn't sing as well anymore - I'm sure that NASA technology has improved since his voice was synthetically re-mastered for those 80s songs! :rolleyes: And miming techniques are getting better all the time! :rolleyes:

No seriously, I'm sure his voice was just going through a bad patch in 02.

And cafcnickdugay, yes RIO 3 was shown on TV in the UK - Channel 4, or E4.

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I suppose that my main concern is the voice and the weight. Hopefully, the weight won't be a problem and won't affect his performance as it did in 2002. But unfortunately, the voice can't be healed with a few tough workouts. Axl was seriously struggling to even stay in tune during the 2002 dates, particularly with songs like Rocket Queen, Paradise City, SCOM and My Michelle. I think he has to look honestly at himself and say: "hey, maybe I can't hit those notes like I used to; perhaps it's time we drop some of the AFD stuff and concentrate on our new material." Personally, I'd love nothing more than to hear to six great from Appetite (WTTJ, It's so Easy, Nightrain, Paradise City, SCOM, Rcoket Queen), but not if he can't sing them as they're supposed to be sung.

It's strange that his voice was so off during 2002, because it was fine at Rio and he sounded just like the old Axl at the House of Blues gigs. I sometimes wonder if his failing voice is the reason he pulled the plug on the 2002 tour...

Anyway, don't get me wrong, I'm so pleased that they're touring again, I just hope he doesn't neglect these facts. I don't think anything's for sure about his voice: we'll just have to wait and see what happens after the first "DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE FUCK YOU ARE?!" But you're right about one thing: there aren't many people who'll turn over the channel!

Sorry to break it to you, but Axl hit higher notes in IRS and TWAT than any other GN'R song ever. So I dont think hitting the notes is the problem.

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