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Lasik Eye Surgery


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I'm going to have it done April 6th. My vision now is 20/400 and I have a lot of astigmatism. I hear good stuff from people around me but I'm still scared (a little). I want to take the glasses off makes me keep wrecking on my bike.

Anybody had it done and know what it's like. Any comments?

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How old are you? You shouldn't get it if you're too young because your vision is still changing at a faster pace. If you get it, spend good oney on it. Don't go to one of those cheap places with the "get one eye done, get the second done free" places.

The only real issue is altitude. If you're planning to climb Mt. Everest someday, don't do it because for some reason in really really high altitudes, the cuts made on the eye from lasik surgery come undone and you're blinded. They might've fixed this, but I know that when the surgery was first being performed, a lot of climbers found this out the hard way.

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I cant see the point. I wear contacts so it's the same as geten the surgery. Once I put my contacts in. And there's no risks.


you never know what the following damages will be in let's say 20 years...

Anybody heard of the comedian/actress Kathy Griffin? She's had a few lasic surgeries done, and it actually damged her vision. That may be the exception, but I'd go with contacts or glasses until you are absolutely sure you want to do it. Besides, eyeglasses can look good on a chic. Example, Lisa Loeb, I dig her 50's era glasses. For some reason, it turns me on. Her great body helps too!! rock3

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I was considering just having the one eye done once because I'm too cheap for both and partly because I'd have an excuse to wear a monocle. I'd be interested in getting my eyes done eventually when I'm a little older and have a bit more money, by then the science should have progressed also. Just something you have to research thoroughly I guess.

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A monicle how funny. Reminds me of Hogans Heros. You'll be scrunching your face up alot to read. Welp, I'm old enough and I'm spending apx. $3400. The doctor doing it is a alumni from the college I'm attending (as well as a handful of other prestigious colleges.) He has been performing the operation for 15 years now and has a long track record of success stories. He is not an old fart either...nice steady hands...I like that ALOT. He said I was a perfect candidate. I'm sketchy but then again I'm definitely a dare devil type. Dizzy had it done huh, hmmmm that explains a few things maybe.

Well thanks for your input. The altitude thing bothers me though because I want to fly and I like to dive too. I'll have to ask the doctor about that.

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