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CD will it be done before European tour? (or not?)


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I was looking the schedule for the upcoming european tour, they'll be bussy playing from may to july, if the album is to be out this year.. do you think it will be done by the time they start touring? will they work after that and release till the end of year? if its already done, will it be out during the eurpean tour? or do you think late this year axl will release the album and start touring the US to back it up? the last option sounds more logical to me, so I believe it will be late this year when we finally get Chi-dem, and not in the upcoming months.

your thougts please.

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They better release Chinese Democracy before RIR.

The most reasonable date should be middle may, with a single on april.

Based on tour dates, we should be very near to an announcement..., I mean.. like 2 more months and GNR will be touring.!!

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man, i've heard may 23rd, june 6th, and about a dozen other dates. who knows? me personally, i'm thinkin' between september and november. the tuesday before thanksgiving wouldn't be a bad idea. the day after thanksgiving is the biggest shopping day of the year, the best buys and circuit city's will be packed, so even the casual listeners will see the shelves stocked with cd and may just impulsively buy it just to give it a listen.

I wish it was coming out march 28th, the day before my birthday.

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I think it would be silly to go on tour without having a record to support(remember 2002???? -a nightmare).I'm hoping Axl has learned from his past mistakes.Also,wouldn't it be better if the fans had time to get to know the songs and be able to sing along or rock out to them instead of just hearing a new song being played live and going "Hmmm -this one must be new -i've never heard it...." It seems like some of the new songs that were played live in 2002 got lukewarm receptions from the audiences -i'm guessing because nobody knew what the hell it was that they were hearing.Do us a favor Axl,and release the album before going on tour this time -trust me it will be the best thing for all of us, including you....... <_<

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Seriously guys, time to learn from history.

GNR did tour before the release of the Illusion albums in '91. It's most likely this will be the case. If Chinese Democracy was to be released before the European tour, expect to hear the new single no later than the beginning of April. Albums are almost always released six to eight weeks after the first single drops. So if nothing new is heard over the airwaves in the next two weeks, don't expect Chinese Democracy anytime soon. What I expect is a tour very similar to the North American tour of 2002. Remember that Europe never got the Appetite for Destruction heavy tour that half of NA received four years ago. There was a couple of dates here and there, but I'm betting that Axl thinks his European fans still want to hear the kind of product that was put out four years ago in North America. But I've got to figure that you'll be hearing way more new material in this tour, while cutting out some of the fat (fewer covers, fewer AFD songs; Anything Goes, I Think About You, Rocket Queen)... Very similar to 1991, play a heavy rotation of known songs while mixing in some new stuff. Especially now that some songs have leaked, I wouldn't be surprised to hear Better, TWAT and CITR on top of the Blues and Madagascar. I'm betting that's it for new material; but then again, who knows until it happens.



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^^^I agree downzy. The album won't probably be out for the European Tour. GNR is still able to sell out concerts in Europe without an album out. That's not the case in the US.

That's why I predict an August/September release, just before touring in the US. :book:

Edited by Alan Niveen
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Seriously guys, time to learn from history.

GNR did tour before the release of the Illusion albums in '91. It's most likely this will be the case.

nonsense!!!...think about that:

'91 - was you chatting and sharing some GNR material on computers like you do today?...I don't think so!

If there is no album out before the tour...chi. dem. won't sell coz everybody will have the songs from the tour and share them on the net and Axl and Merck won't be satisfied with the total income

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man, i've heard may 23rd, june 6th, and about a dozen other dates. who knows? me personally, i'm thinkin' between september and november. the tuesday before thanksgiving wouldn't be a bad idea. the day after thanksgiving is the biggest shopping day of the year, the best buys and circuit city's will be packed, so even the casual listeners will see the shelves stocked with cd and may just impulsively buy it just to give it a listen.

I wish it was coming out march 28th, the day before my birthday.

That is the most reasonbale reply on this entire forum.

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Considering Axl said 26 of 32 tracks were "nearly finished" in Jan. RS article, it seems highly unlikely the album will be finished before Lisbon. I think the best we can hope for is a single, although with the Da Vinci Code movie possibly being delayed, that seems unlikely. Maybe the leakers will come off w/the rest of what's on CITR cd.

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Seriously guys, time to learn from history.

GNR did tour before the release of the Illusion albums in '91. It's most likely this will be the case.

nonsense!!!...think about that:

'91 - was you chatting and sharing some GNR material on computers like you do today?...I don't think so!

If there is no album out before the tour...chi. dem. won't sell coz everybody will have the songs from the tour and share them on the net and Axl and Merck won't be satisfied with the total income

Guess you weren't at any of the North American dates four years ago (I went to six). Most of what Axl ranted concerned either critics who were bashing the tour or his old bandmates. I remember in New York Axl told the audience a story about Izzy in '91. The guy seriously has a problem of letting stuff go. My point is that it seems Axl is still somewhat caught up with what happened 15 years ago. Internet, mp3s, album sales, while I'm sure they're not ignored, are not issues Axl himself is too concerned about.

Also remember that if you were a diehard GNR fan back in 1990/91, there were ways to get a lot of the new material. Axl often boasted back in the day that many people had bootlegged or demo verions of November Rain before it was officially released. Granted the rate of exchange and the transient nature of shared material has increased exponentially, yet a lot of GNR diehards (myself included) had access to a lot of the tunes that ended up on the Illusion Albums. Did that affect sales? Considering the albums broke several records at the time, doesn't seem like it.

Your argument that more leaked material will affect sales is debateable as well. Most if not all of my friends could care less about GNR, especially in its sans-Slash carnation. Yet having played some of the new songs to them, they're actually pretty excited now to hear the new album. In fact, I have one friend who is now attending the Paris France show with me who never was a huge GNR fan, but loves the song TWAT. Furthermore, its more than likely that the people who are actively searching for new GNR material made available through leaks and/or bootlegs are going to buy the album anyway. Joe Public who has forgot about Axl Rose and GNR since '93 is not actively scouting new material in the hopes of saving $12 when the album is actually released. So when you say, "everybody will have the new songs from the tour," I say you're everybody means no more than 10 to 20 thousand people; those Axl can count on their $12 album purchase regardless of leaks or bootlegs.



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