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Fascinating Fact The Clash Rocker Joe Strummer played guitar on Chi Dem


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Haven't a clue how true this is, but here's the link to the article, i've copied and pasted it below too. Shame we won't get to hear it if this is true :-(


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Late THE CLASH rocker JOE STRUMMER contributed guitar for JANKY HOLOCAUST, a track recorded for the long-awaited GUNS N' ROSES album CHINESE DEMOCRACY, two weeks before his death. Frontman AXL ROSE has since ditched the tune from the finished album.

28/03/2006 09:25

LIZ :)

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Aww dude i hope that he Contibuted to ChiDem and if he did i hope Axl Didnt trash the song. I fuckin' love the Clash. I dont think Axl would Just Chuck a song like that though unless it realy fucking sucked. Also its problably just a Rumor.

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Janky Holocaust?

you must be kidding me.

anyway, Joe only played rhythm, Mick Jones of The Clash did all the lead playing, i doubt it'd be too exciting to have a special guest rhythm guitarist. it'd make more sense if Joe helped write the song, becuase from the sound of it, it'd be somewhat political, which is what The Clash was famous for. too bad the sound sound more fake than The Lemonade Song.

Edited by mynameisjonas
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