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If you could ask any question to the band what would it be?


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to axel-what was with pic on the back of live era cd??

to slash-where did u get the hat and what brand of smokes did he smoke??

to izzy-where are u now and where did u get the hat and what brand of smokes did he smoke??

to steve-where are u now??

to duff-what type of bass do u use and show us you tatts??

(please limit to a max of 5 questions a band member)

Edited by fox555
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to axl-what was with pic on the back of live era cd??
notes: Axl says this is the best indoor crowd he's ever seen and that the fans at the previous show in Salt Lake City sucked. Axl holds up a 'Fuck the St. Louis Police Department' banner that the Tacoma Police Department gave the band! The show is stopped temporarily after 'Rocket Queen' because a fan threw something onstage. Axl stage dives after Paradise City, then takes his microphone and "thanks the hooray for tolerance! who tried to take his pants off"!
Kinda funny, actually :lol:
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that would be an insult to spell his name wrong,

to Axl..... tell me how and why each of the old band members left the band?

to Axl..... what was the highest and lowest point of your life up to now?

to Axl..... Is there anything you regret?

to Axl..... other then saying ' you'll see it soon', when is CD going to be released?

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Axl: WHen is the fucking CD coming out??

Axl: Why did all the guys from the band left??

Axl: Are you thinking in coming to any of the booked shows?? Probable answer: " Nah.... Gigs are for stupid fucking dudes... It is more funny to say you are going and then dont go to the show..."

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to axel-what was with pic on the back of live era cd??

to slash-where did u get the hat and what brand of smokes did he smoke??

to izzy-where are u now and where did u get the hat and what brand of smokes did he smoke??

to steve-where are u now??

to duff-what type of bass do u use and show us you tatts??

(please limit to a max of 5 questions a band member)

out of all the questions you could possibly ask to Axl you'd ask about a stupid pic that he probably had no part in choosing? I think I'd probably ask about something a tad more relevent.

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To Axl: why u are drowning (Dont cry) and try to be drowned(estranged) in water...why u love water so much?

I think I might know the awnser to that.

Becouse the ocean and water itself is very calming. If you look at axls face when he is sinking down with steph in the don't cry video you can see that he has found piece of mind. It is a very calming tough to think that your just sinking peacefully down to the deep

The estranged is more of a trying to keep his head above the water. Trying to keep himself from drowing in himself. And there comes the dolphins and saves him. I bet he loves dolphins and they represent the his inner motivation dragging him back on the shore.

Just my two cent. But I'm no Axl expert. Just what I think it means ;)

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