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Why is Metal Sludge Soo Anti-Axl?


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Why is Metal Sludge so Anti-Axl? They really have it out for him there.



Excerpt of one of there post:

We don't care if it's old footage or not. Axl is still a bitch. You tube rulz..you can even find interviews of him with his original green teeth.

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It's the "cool" thing to do in the media. Notice how when Axl starts doing shows there's all these friviouls(sp) news stories coming out? He could go on and do the best performance of his life and the next day, there will be some bullshit story on him

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It's the "cool" thing to do in the media. Notice how when Axl starts doing shows there's all these friviouls(sp) news stories coming out? He could go on and do the best performance of his life and the next day, there will be some bullshit story on him

Yeah ..it seems like everyone has just decided to hate Axl,no matter what he does. :angry:

I bet that if Axl saved 15 people from drowing or something,they would go"yeah thats's great,but where is Duff and Salsh in all this?"

They always find something to pick on..

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I have seen that bashing also in other mags. I bought Metal Hammer recently, it was the Golden Gods thing and it had GnR on the back cover(there was also Faith No More which made me wanna buy it more) so I wanted to see what's it about. Most of the things there was just Axl bashing and stupid jokes that Axl takes so much time to show up at gigs and so on. And they pretty much slammed the Download performance and they said: "The songs are there but the players are not". Fucking idiots.

There was funny note on the report from the Golden Gods awards where Sebastian Bach said: "If Axl Rose were here -which he isn't- but if he were here, we'd all be kissing his ass". :P

Edited by Epic
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its funny cus axl is so much a better singer than any metal band singer wel screamin cock sniff guns n roses were the biggest band in the world at one point i think that desearves more respect than some dik givin shit cus they arnt and never will be as good as guns n roses ah wel

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on one of them metalsludge says "axl insults slash in front of millions" or something, and axl says "he's in my ass, thats where slash is, fuckhead, go home" i dont see that as insulting slash atall. i see it as just a sarcastic comment towards the fan.

just had to get that out of my system. and i know its an old clip :)

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It's simple why these people and institutions bash Axl: he has yet to garner their respect.

More specifically, the "old GnR" was not successful in garnering the respect of these critics. Why do you think VR gets bashed by the same critics? Hint: it ain't Weiland.

(old) GnR is hated by many because it was able to gain a lot of success "financially" and a lot of these critics don't think it's because their music was "special". They believe GnR's success has more to do with timing and their reckless and bad attitude driven lifestyle. They believe that if you strip GnR down to just their music, place them in a different time, then GnR would have just been another band. And maybe rightfully so ....

How well would GnR have survived against the 90's alternative bands like Nirvana, PJ, Sound Garden, and Alice in Chains? The only other band GnR really had to go up against in the 80's was Metallica. Everybody else sucked. I mean, if your Axl Rose, and a guy like Kurt Cobain comes a long, and instantly he is heralded as musical genuis, how would you feel?

Axl has said numerous times how he thought (old) GnR sucked and that there were so many better bands out there (ie. Janes' Addiction, NIN, etc..) Hence, why Axl has spent so long working hard to ensure CD is a masterpiece. Because he wants to be remembered as a musical genuis. He knows by now that telling his critics to "fuck off" is not going to get them shut-up even after he is dead. The only way to shut them up is to prove them wrong. And he will when CD is finally released.

Axl was the only one in the old GnR that cared about his legacy and GnR's legacy. Everyone else didn't care as long as they were making lots of money and getting drunk and laid every night. "You were the one who would do anything" ~ Axl Rose, TWAT.

That's why Axl is the heart of GnR and will always have my respect.

Edited by knightrider
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I think the answer is pretty easy.

They bash Axl for the same reasons people around here bash Axl... because they're big fans of Guns N' Roses.

Not "Guns N' Roses" meaning the combination of the letters g u n s n r o s e s, but fans of the BAND. The Band that made AFD and Lies and a few good songs on UYI. You know, those guys who wrote most of the music.

That band is no more, and many people (myself included) think Axl is the person most responsible for that. As a result, they bash him.

It's nothing personal against Bumblefoot or Stinson or Chris "JESUS CHRIST" Pit(t)man. They're just don't respresent GnR to a lot of people.


Another reason is that they Bash Axl cuz he's the hot stuff right now... They don't wanna stay behind..

What else would they write about?

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I think the answer is pretty easy.

They bash Axl for the same reasons people around here bash Axl... because they're big fans of Guns N' Roses.

Not "Guns N' Roses" meaning the combination of the letters g u n s n r o s e s, but fans of the BAND. The Band that made AFD and Lies and a few good songs on UYI. You know, those guys who wrote most of the music.

That band is no more, and many people (myself included) think Axl is the person most responsible for that. As a result, they bash him.

It's nothing personal against Bumblefoot or Stinson or Chris "JESUS CHRIST" Pit(t)man. They're just don't respresent GnR to a lot of people.

If anything, they should actually love GnR more today because they actually have more in common with AFD then VR or Snakepit does.

But seriously. GnR's been bashed ever since the beginning of their existence. So, it ain't because they are fans of the 'old band'. Even though we might love their music, there's a lot of people who think it's garbage - even among fellow musicians a like.

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its funny cus axl is so much a better singer than any metal band singer wel screamin cock sniff guns n roses were the biggest band in the world at one point i think that desearves more respect than some dik givin shit cus they arnt and never will be as good as guns n roses ah wel

To the bolded part:

No. Just no.

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Axl has said numerous times how he thought (old) GnR sucked and that there were so many better bands out there (ie. Janes' Addiction, NIN, etc..) Hence, why Axl has spent so long working hard to ensure CD is a masterpiece.

The Beatles' entire career began and ended almost twice over in the time it's taken Axl to make his "masterpiece".

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Musically, I'd say VR's bad album has more in common with AFD than CD leaks. Short, blusey, riff heavy rock vs. ... shit, I'm not really sure. Post industrial, techo emo metal?

Your last two sentences sums it up exactly. When AFD came out, people were like WTF??? "What is this? Is it country? Blues? rock? hard-rock? metal? dance? Damn, it's like a mix of everything. This music is going to change everything!" People will be saying similar things about CD.

But with VR, it's like ... "Oh, same boring shit. Nothing special."

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Face it. People have a love/hate thing with Axl. They always did.

I bet that if Axl saved 15 people from drowing or something,they would go"yeah thats's great,but where is Duff and Salsh in all this?"

They always find something to pick on..

You nailed it right on the head!!!

And man, that is just too true.

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