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When your holding your copy of cd


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oh big deal.

buying an album is buying an album. You go to a shop when you wanna buy one, buy it, open it and look at hte booklet on your way home and then play it when you get home. And I 'm not gonna stand in line for hours waiting for a shop to open so i can buy it, I will just go at a comfortable time when I can nicely walk in there with no rush and just buy it. i hate it when people here are obsessed with buying this thing. it 's not like you 're buying a chip that 's gonna save the world from being destroyed by aliens people.

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I'm going to sleep outside the mall until it opens then move to the cd store and wait there until they open and run inside, buy Chinese Democracy walk out, look at it. go home and open it very carefully (I mean... this will be the very first gnr album releashed since I became a fan) put it in the sterio's with the best volume and listen to it and then put it in my computer, put the album on iTunes and listen to it again while I'm doing something again and again

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Ill propably die into a heart attack :P

Nah I think Ill buy 2 copies of it and open the other one and the other Ill keep sealed. Listen to it properly, look at the cover art and hope that no one will bother me. ;)

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I'm gonna dl it off iTunes at midnight, put it on my iPod and press play :) I'll have just me and the album in the dead of the night, in silence to think over it all and contemplate what I make of it. Then I'll go and buy the CD the next day just for the sake of it.

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i doubt any gnr fan will go to school when its released

i can't wait, i can see myself draggin a friend into town and buying it first thing, then going to the park to smoke and listen to it :)

We shall have the last laugh :drevil:

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When I have the case in my hands I'll check is there actually a cd in to it (seriously).. Then I'll drive as fast as possible to home, rip it on computer and listen to it while surfing this and other GN'R-boards.

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when I buy it I probobly will act real odd. with weird 11 year old girl like screams. running up to people who never heard of GN'R and show them the album check out and right as I leave rip it open and put it in my car CD player and probobly end up in a car crash. rock3

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i will first pull down my pants and make love to the album in wal-mart without protection. then i will leave the album there because i don't buy music from wal-mart. besides the janitor people there need something to clean up to keep themselves busy.

then i will drive over to another music store and buy the album. i will caress it against my crotch on the way home as i drive, and make love to the asian man on the front cover (god, please let there be an asian man!).

when i get home i will gently unwrap it from its cover and make love to each page of credits separately, which means i will make love to it 100 times since the credits for the album will probably be about that long. then i will make love to a picture of axl rose in the album cover (please god let there be a picture of axl!) and, finally, after i am finished, i will put it on my stereo and blare it as loud as possible as i gently embrace the speakers and hump them senseless, feeling the vibrations of the twin-power subwoofers enhancing my sexual pleasure.

or, maybe i'll just buy the damn album and listen to it you weirdo. :rolleyes:

Sad thing is that I'm sure someone here is going to have a Chi Dem booklet with pages stuck to each other when it's all said and done.

Me I will order on Amazon along with probably a few other albums that I want. Do it all at once so I get free shipping. Probably take a day or two off work to listen to it. How much fun will it be to be on the forum at that time? Real cool to read all the opinions.

I'd also buy a copy on vinyl and an MFSL gold disc if they make one.

Oh yeah, me and my Axl Rose blow up doll are gonna have some fun that night! Who wants in? :blink:

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im gonna skip school and be the first one to buy it, then call my friends at lunch, tell em to skip the rest of the day and then well listen to it as we smoke chron at our spot with a ghetto blaster and it would be named after the album and be one of the most important sesions we'll ever have.

but we have a lot of most important sessions we'll ever have but it'll be up there.

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I'll buy it, RESIST THE URGE to listen in the car, then run home and throw it in my stereo and enjoy it

same thing here, actually. first listens in the car just ain't right for some reason. i like to be at home, left alone. lyrics in hand. press play and soak it in.

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oh big deal.

buying an album is buying an album. You go to a shop when you wanna buy one, buy it, open it and look at hte booklet on your way home and then play it when you get home. And I 'm not gonna stand in line for hours waiting for a shop to open so i can buy it, I will just go at a comfortable time when I can nicely walk in there with no rush and just buy it. i hate it when people here are obsessed with buying this thing. it 's not like you 're buying a chip that 's gonna save the world from being destroyed by aliens people.

your right....its much more important

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Skip school, go to the record store just before it opens; when it opens find the CD, wait in the queue, pay for it, go home or something and play it from start to finish; and then rip the tracks to my iPod ^_^

Oh yeah, then play it over and over again.

Edited by lcg
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I'll have three copies. One to open, one for my Dad n' one to keep sealed.

Keep one sealed???

Lord, some of you all need help.

what so its kept in mint condition. i think its a good idea

What? Like it's going to be a collector's item someday? :rofl-lol:

I'm not saying whether I think it will be a good cd or not. I just think keeping one sealed so it's in mint condition, or buying multiple copies so you can have one in your car and one in your house, is going overboard - WAY overboard, and laughable. I mean, you might as well buy 5 or 10 copies while you're at it, just to be safe. Also, you probably ought to put one in an air-tight, vacuum-sealed container...so it will keep its value. Better put one more in a fire proof safe, just in case of emergency.

Or, here's an idea: if you ever lose/damage the first one you buy, go and buy another one. Nah, that makes too much sense.

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