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Attitude change


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After the cancellation of the 2002 tour of which I had tickets for three shows, I got a huge fuck you attitude towards Axl. His attitude, his gangster appearance it all pissed me off. I vowed never to buy another GnR product again.

Four years later, I'm thinking he has gotten his shit together and my attitude is changing. Yes, CD isn't out yet, but the successful european tour, a band that resembles a band and not a freakshow has gone a long way to change my attitude. Of course hearing the demo's helped a lot. I think Axl knows how much is riding on this. If he screws up now, the level of forgiveness with many people will drop and they'll be done. If they pull off a successful US tour, I'd say they can once again become the kings of rock. We've been waiting for years, but I really think now is the time. Everything fits. The drive, the band, the attitude, the dedication... I think 2006 is the year...

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Good thread. I think this is true for a lot of us.

After 2002, I thought the name Guns N' Roses had been dragged through the mud and I was furious at Axl. It was an absolute mess of a tour and was embarrassing to be a GNR fan.

This year, though, they've already pulled off an amazing tour. The band still ain't perfect, my main problem is with Finck, but I think that if Axl can nail the states and get the album out, we're in business.

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again:..2002 was a really hard private time for uncle axl..he really wanted to finish this fuckin' tour..

(..in 2002):::

..it was his mentaly worst break down..due to his private situation...to handle private and work responsibility is hard for someone who wasn't plannin' to show up in public again..

..but:...these die hards here...are the ONLY reason..he trys to do the best he can..

...(..just specualtions of course..)


Edited by sixtus
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Totally agree here.

I am 28 and have still yet to see them ever. I had tickets in 2002. For Philly. So...you know. <_<

I was just about ready to give up. And if you guys don't believe me, John M put my review of the aborted gig onto his infamous site, www.gnrontour.com. I still go back and reread it from time to time and remember how pissed I was.

But I am ready to at least believe. I don't know this will work, but after 2002, I didn't even know I cared to find out.


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